Jason Anthony (as he was back then) started Discworld Monthly back in 1997, the first issue was created on Terry Pratchett's birthday that year.
We got invites to launch parties, birthday parties, book proofs used to drop in the door, and the phone would occasionally ring and it would be Terry wanting to know something.
In emails Terry used to inform us and berate us in equal measure BUT he always appreciated that we didn't expect anything of him and thus Discworld Monthly was always treated kindly by him.
When Terry died, we managed the outpouring of grief from the fandom, spoke his name and gave our time to the mass of journalists who wanted someone to talk about Terry. We did this to keep those same journalists from Rob Wilkin's and Rhianna Pratchett's doors. Circling the wagons as one might say to allow them time to grieve. Protect them we did and protect them we still do. However, we always wondered how much longer we could keep producing a monthly newsletter. Would there be enough news for us to carry on?
We managed to continue for 7+1 years. It hasn't been easy.
As it turned out, whilst there is news, sharing the news has become problematic. The internet, whilst wonderful, is also a myriad of trip hazards. We've had our wrists slapped more than once because we posted information that was under embargo, which we wouldn't have published if we had known it was! Our sources have always been from the publishing industry websites - if they don't state information is under embargo, how does anyone know?
We also came under fire from the fandom itself because someone decided they didn't like us. In our opinion Trolls should not stay under bridges, but they should at least be fought when they try to take your head off.
We've had good times though. The memories of the good stuff will always outweigh the bad. The friendships created in 26 years will endure.
Terry Pratchett once said "Discworld Monthly, Better than a poke in the eye with a blunt stick"
Which is true although sometimes we think being poked in the eye with a blunt stick would have hurt us less.
It is time for a change. A big change.
Discworld Monthly is no more. 26 years of newsletters is a huge achievement and as a fan run entity, self funded and self written, we can hold our heads high and proud.
THANK YOU for all your support over the last 26 years. To all those who wrote articles, readers letters, every email, every comment meant the world to us. We hope you continue to support us.
So what is next?
We decided to broaden our horizons, and do what we did for Terry, but for more authors. We will remain a fan-run entity, but we will use our 26 years of experience to get news out about our other favourite authors alongside the news about Terry's works.
It will always be about fantasy books and it will be a little more ... wild shall we say?
We are sure you have already guessed the name of our new news site.
But just in case..
Drum roll please....
May we present..
BETTER THAN A POKE IN THE EYE, a fan-run news site about your favourite bunch of comic fantasy authors.What does this mean? It means we will continue to produce the news about our favourite authors' works but we are not constrained to JUST Terry Pratchett. We can share our love and passion for Jasper Fforde, Ben Aaronovitch, Robert Rankin and more.. We can shout out how much we love TANK GIRL and other comic fantasy literature.
It means we can do MORE...
The rebranding will take a few weeks. We will archive the Discworld Monthly issues but it means you will still be able to read back issues. Our social channels will all be converted to our new name and we will still be at events shouting not just Terry's name but others too.
Excited? You bet we are!