Better Than

Adventures In Ankh Morpork TRPG (will launch in October on Kickstarter

Adventures in Ankh Morpork TRPG coming in October to Kickstarter


Discworld: Adventures in Ankh-Morpork TRPG book by MODIPHIUS launches on Kickstarter on the 15th October 2024.

From Modiphius latest newsletter..

"Dear Fellow Discworld Enthusiast,

Tired of traipsing around dingy underground prisons? Feeling burned out fighting flying reptiles with highly combustible reflux? Has yet another eldritch abomination overslept and not returned your calls?

Well, hold onto your wizzard's hat and polish those boots because something magical this way comes!

On the 15th October 2024, we will be launching the Kickstarter campaign for - drum roll - Discworld: Adventures in Ankh-Morpork tabletop roleplaying game!

This is your chance to be near the front of the line*, so make sure you sign up to be notified when the Kickstarter launches!

Ahead of the Kickstarter launch in October, we will be releasing a Quickstart to give you a taste of the fantastical mayhem that's in store for you and your friends. If you're one of the lovely folks who signed up to the Modiphius Discworld mailing list, you will get an exclusive preview of the Quickstart rules 24 hours earlier than everyone else! Bask in your fleeting moment of privilege!

So, whether you're a wizard, a witch, a watchman, or just an everyday fellow with a fondness for sentient luggage, make sure you sign up now and help us bring Sir Terry's*** magical creations to your table like never before!

Sign up for Kickstarter updates

Sign up for the Quickstart preview

*Statistically speaking, you're not going to be AT the front of the queue, of course, but you could be quite near it. In a way, isn't that just as exciting?**

**No, but sometimes you just have to make do. We can't all be at the front of the queue otherwise it becomes more of a mob or even a swarm.

***GNU Terry Pratchett

Published: 17 Sep 2024 19:39
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