[Disc-tober is coming]
We've run a yearly Disc-tober art challenge for the last 4 years and this year our prompts are all places on Discworld!
For those who are not familiar with our art challenge, we encourage fans of Terry Pratchett's works to create a piece of art based on our daily prompts.
We publish a list of prompts for every day of October.
It's a way to pass the time and have a go at producing something possibly a little out of your comfort zone.
We don't judge the artwork, we just enjoy seeing it!
The rules are simple.
- Read the prompt of the day
- Produce a piece of artwork inspired by that prompt
- Enjoy the process - it doesn't have to be a Rembrandt!
- No AI
- Share your artwork publicly using the #Disctober2024
That's it.
Here is the full list in text form:
- Bad Ass
- NoThingfjord
- Skund
- Leshp
- Hunghung
- Bonk
- Sto Lat
- Zlobenia
- Djelibeybi
- Copperhead
- Dunmanifestin
- Mad Stoat
- Llamedos
- Sto Helit
- The Wyrmberg
- Pseudopolis
- Tsort
- Worralorrasurfa
- Fairyland
- Death's Domain
- Munz
- Genua
- Slice
- Bad Blintz
- Ephebe
- Klatch
- Koom Valley
- The Chalk
- Ohulan Cutash
- Holy Wood
- Ankh-Morpork
Don't forget to use the #Disctober2024 when sharing your work.
Disc-tober is an art challenge created by the team at Better Than A Poke in the Eye (formally Discworld Monthly). We are the original creators of Disc-tober!