Last week Jason (our editor) was called into his day job office for a meeting with one of his bosses (Jason normally works from home). Unbeknownst to Jason it was a ruse to get him into the office for a surprise.
His company, Schauenburg Analytics, was having a "Town Hall" meeting about the current state of the company etc. During the meeting staff that had achieved long term employment with Markes were recognised for their service to the company.
After the long term service awards the company awarded staff for various achievements. There was five categories and Jason won the personal achievement award for his life outside of work.
Many employees spend their free time pursuing hobbies and passions purely for personal enjoyment.
This person however has channelled their passion into remarkable cause organizing numerous events for like minded fans to come together and share their passion whilst also raising money for a local charity.
Anyone who has ever planned a party or an event know the immense effort and dedication involved. It is certain that the Wales Ape and Monkey Sanctuary deeply value the thousands of pounds contributed to their funds by fans of Terry Pratchett and Discworld.
So personal achievement award goes to Senior Software Engineer Jason Anthony-Rowlands.
Jason was very surprised and happy to get the recognition from his company but was particularly proud that it was in recognition of his activities with Better Than a Poke in the Eye and Llamedos Holiday Camp that won him the award.
As you can see in the photo the award was a Welsh Slate plaque with the wording laser etched into it. Jason has brought the plaque home and it currently sits next to our Terry bust.
We never go out of our way to collect awards or accolades but it is very nice when they come our way.