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Discworld Monthly - Issue 77: September 2003

Table of Contents:

1. Editorial
2. News
3. Readers' Letters
4. DiscTrivia
5. Review: Clarecraft Discworld Event 2003
6. Competitions
7. Review: Monstrous Regiment
8. Librarian's Corner - With Bookworm Baz.
9. The End

1. Editorial

Welcome to issue 77. Due to time limitations we were unable to bring you our review of the new Discworld Beer this month. The review and competition will appear next month.

We have received a number of emails pointing us to a web site that has the Discworld games available for download. I have looked into the legal situation and have discovered that even though the game manufacturers have gone out of business the games are still under copyright. We will not therefore be giving out the address, so please don't ask.

Jason Anthony (Editor)
William Barnett (Deputy Editor)
Richard Massey (Englishman on Holiday)

2. News

News From Colin Smythe:

Terry's second Tiffany Aching novel is to be called A HAT FULL OF SKY. Granny Weatherwax features much more in this book than she did in WEE FREE MEN. It will be published simultaneously in Britain and the US at the end of April or beginning of May 2004.

Terry is guest of honour at Worldcom in 2004. A collection of his short stories and other short writings will be published to mark the event

On the rights front:

- Marjan Tisak are buying Croatian rights in Sourcery, Wyrd Sisters, Pyramids and Guard! Guards!

- Vuzev are acquiring Bulgarian rights in The Last Hero.

- Proszynski (Poland) are publishing the Thieves Guild Diary for 2004.

- Kinneret-Zmora-Dvir are acquiring Hebrew rights in Soul Music and Interesting Times.

- Psychogios are taking a licence for the Greek rights in Sourcery and Wyrd Sisters.

- Temas & Dabates are planning to published Portuguese editions of Sourcery, Wyrd Sisters, Pyramids and Guards! Guards!

- The Unadulterated Cat will be published in French by City Editions of Montesson.

- Netopejr are going to publish a Czech edition of Guards! Guards! The Big Comic.

- Noesis will be publishing a Romanian edition of Mort.

- Talpress will be publishing a collection of Terry's short stories in Czech.

A new set of Discworld Leagues has been created for the BBC's Celebdaq game. If you are a player you can apply to join the leagues at For more information about Celebdaq visit

Out of the Hat now have an new exclusive wooden jigsaw featuring a stunning Paul Kidby picture of The Librarian. This 250 piece jigsaw is laser-cut and features 'whimsies' - pieces cut into entertaining shapes, including the Librarian and the Death of Rats.

The jigsaw costs 39.00 GBP including VAT and is available from

The idea for the jigsaw was originally suggested by a Discworld Monthly reader called Natascha W, who lived in Groningen at that time. Out of the Hat would love to get back in contact with Natascha (unfortunately her old email address is no longer working) so they can arrange to supply her with a complimentary copy. If you are still reading Natascha please contact to confirm your address. [I feel a bit like Cilla Black - Ed]

The organisers of September's Wadfest event have asked me to put in a couple of bits of information. For more information about Wadfest visit

There will be a communal campfire on the Friday and Saturday nights which needs fuel (the campsite is in a preservation area so no local trees are to be damaged) so if you have some spare room in your car please feel free to bring some wood with you.

There will also be a communal barbeque so don't forget to bring any food you want to cook.

Dave Hodges is working on an audio book version of his infamous book The Arts of Falconrie and Hawking. Each section of the book will be read by a different personality. So far Terry Pratchett, Bernard Pearson, Joe Patterson and Mark Ayling have read sections. Amazingly for such a compact book there are still about 19 sections to go. It will be interesting to see who Dave selects to read those. Dave will only be selling one copy of this book each year. Currently the highest bid stands at 70 GBP.

Dave will also be auctioning a couple of the translated versions of the book at the Wadfest Event charity auction.

Troll Bridge as filmed by Snowgum Films (producing the world's first Discworld movie) is steaming along rather nicely. With two days worth of shooting behind us, we've updated the website with a swag of photos and writings to keep even the most jaded Pratchett devotee entertained for at least a good solid half hour. Don't mind us - we're just proud to have almost reached the halfway point in filming!

Check out the website at:, and feel free to say hello in the forums. Remember - this film is being made for you guys (the fan-base), so your input is always appreciated (if not sometimes secretly cursed).

Terry Pratchett's "The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents" was Radio 4's Saturday Play on 23 August.

"When Maurice the cat meets the stupid-looking kid with the pipe, the possibilities of his relationship with the educated rats suddenly make up for the fact that he can no longer think of them as lunch, after all, everyone knows the stories of rats and pipers."

For a limited time you should be able to listen to the play via the web site at

News from Harper Collins' website suggests some provisional dates for Terry's US tour. Bear in mind that the details are likely to change as details are fleshed out. We will include a more definitive list when the details are sorted.

Wednesday, October 01, 2003 07:30 PM

- BORDERS, 612 East Liberty Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Thursday, October 09, 2003 08:00 PM

- MYSTERIOUS GALAXY BOOKS, 7051 Clairemont Mesa Boulevard Suite 302, San Diego, CA 92111 Tel: 858-268-4747

Saturday, October 11, 2003 07:30 PM

- BARNES & NOBLE, 3600 Stevens Creek Blvd., San Jose, CA 95117 Tel: 408-984-3495

Tuesday, October 14, 2003 07:00 PM

- BARNES & NOBLE, 33 E. 17th St., New York, NY 10003

Carpe Jugulum will be performed by Boston Playgoers from Wednesday 5 November to Saturday 8 November 2003 at Blackfriars Arts Centre (220), Spain Lane, Boston, PE21 6HP.

Tickets cost 6 GBP (concessions 5 GBP) and will be available from September on either 01205 363108 or 01205 363075 or via

Maskerade (the play) takes place from 15 - 18 October 2003 7:45pm, at the Electric Theatre, Guildford. Box Office: 01483 444789.

Small Ads....

Please note, DWM has no way of checking the veracity or validity of any of the items in our small ads section. As always, exercise caution when giving out your details over the Internet. We *strongly* recommend parental supervision for younger readers who
follow up any of these contacts.

Pat Allan writes: After throwing the idea past a few friends, I've decided there might be enough interest around for an Australian Discworld Convention. However, I'm not saying anything's concrete. What I really want at this point is indications of people who think they would really consider going. I'd be thinking of holding it in Melbourne, because that's where I am, and organising a Con is hard enough being in the same city, never mind being in another state (say, if it was to happen in Sydney). As for time of the year, mebbe sometime around the southern hemisphere's summer, as not to conflict with the UK DW Con and Clarecraft Events. And we're talking long term here, so mebbe end of 2004 at the earliest... if anything goes ahead at all - All this is at the moment is just seeing if it's worth doing, if enough people will come, etc. And even then, I make no promises. But if you've got any comments, or you think there's a good chance you'd come to such an event, please, send an email my way.

Tanya Suthers writes: I live in Perth, Australia. Does anyone know whether one can buy the Clarecraft figurines from a supplier or outlet in Australia?

dwayne dibley writes: If any one is interested. For any fans in Hobart Tasmania, Kingston Newsagency is selling copies of The Last Hero for the ridiculously low price of 10-00 (AUD).

Gill Gibbs writes: I had a video copy of Terry visiting the Orang Utans in Borneo taped from TV, lovely stuff. Unfortunately I lent it out and they lent it out ... Is it possible that someone out there has a spare copy? I would willingly pay expenses.

Marion Telford writes: I love the newsletter, thanks for sending it so regularly. I've set up a kind of roleplay forum set in Discworld. It's only new and has hardly any members yet but I thought you might want to take a look.

Timatus writes: I'd love for all of the Discworld Monthly subscribers to learn about Discopia. It's a fairly new fan group (at MSN) for those who are eager and creative. Currently there are forums, member interviews, an on-going story, monthly short story challenges, quizzes, games, brilliant artwork, and soon to come, a murder mystery. So if this intrigues any of you, why don't you stop by at Discopia!

David Sutton writes: I am new to the Discworld Monthly, but OLD to Terry Pratchett's books! I'm in the USA, and have a surplus copy of A Tourist Guide to Lancre, in used but very good condition. I would like to trade it for a copy of Death's Domain. Please include the word Discworld in the subject line of your email... thanks!

3. Readers' Letters

If you have any letters or comments, please email them to

We assume any correspondence is eligible for use in the newsletter unless otherwise stated, including the sender's email address. We may also edit your letters and use them in bizarre and questionable experiments.

It is vitally important that you don't pass off other people's work as your own. If you use information from other resources please let us know so we can give proper credit.

The best letter of the month will receive a Kiss the Cook print supplied by Bonsai Trading. Bonsai Trading, is the Discworld store that brings you Clarecraft figurines, diaries & calendars, Thud and much more.

* From: "Terry Pratchett" <address witheld>
Last month "Kamilla Sigriour" wrote:

>PS. Does anyone know why The Wee Free Men becomes The Brave Free
>Men in the States? If it has something to do with urine I'll
>scream with frustration at the stupid, misdirected squeamishness of

Huh? I've got the US edition here. It's The Wee Free Men. I signed a lot in the US back in May, and just to be sure I went online and checked just now in case I'd gone mad. Nope, still The Wee Free Men. I think The Brave Free Men was a book published by Jack Vance in the early 70s.

Also "Leigh Johnson" wrote:

> "George's grandmother's usual medicine was brown and she would
> smell a rat if her new one wasn't, so George added some shoe
> polish from a tin marked 'Darktan' " >
> >Could it be that PTerry has read some of the works of Roald Dahl, >or has my son spotted a huge coincidence?

Er...there really was, and I'm pretty certain there still is 'Dark Tan' as a shade of shoe polish. Since I wanted the rats to have names made up from the names of products on a tip, I chose Darktan because it had a kind of resonance with D'Artagnan, ie, sounded heroic.

* From: "Ridgway David"
Long time reader, first time writer. I was examining my Luggage book-end the other day and saw something strange which I will now relate. On one of the bottom edges left or right depending on how you view it is the Clarecraft mark, all well and good so far. Next to the mark is a name written in what appears to be silver ink! The name is Ali. As this piece was bought new I was curious as to what it meant and who put it there? If anyone can help me please do, does it mean I win a prize or what? While I'm on the subject and have the courage I will add that I think the American Discworld covers are simply disgusting! Why could they not use the original Josh Kirby covers?

* From: "Perry Warner"
I have just finished Tom Holt's 'Only Human'and noticed this bit. In a nutshell, it involves a man who tells one of the main characters he is in hell because he was always reading when he was alive and used to meet the authors and tell them that their latest book wasn't a patch on their earlier work. He dismisses them by saying "I've just got to the bit where the tourist meets the wizard". I immediately thought of Twoflower and Rincewind. Although he did say that by the seventy five millionth time it is starting to lose it's sparkle. I was surprised to find such a reference in a book of similar genre. BTW are there and Discworld theatre groups in Melbourne Aust?

* From: "Mlle Lisa Rabey"
Hopefully you and your readers will like this: Yesterday I finished getting DEATH and DEATH OF RATS tattooed on my arm. The images can be found here:

It was taken from this image:

It took about five hours to complete and was done in two sessions at The Laughing Gremlin here in Western Michigan. A very good friend of mine is printing copies of the images to get TPerry's and Paul Kidby's scribble on at the Clarecraft Discworld event this weekend. Hopefully ;)

* From: "Daniel vanvliet"
I would just like to congratulate Terry for his recent victory on the BBC's 'Battle of the Books' between 'The Colour of Magic' and 'The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy'. During the battle, the Hitch-Hikers Guide came across as a totally shallow novel with childish humour, where the best jokes that could be found were some of the characters' names, whereas Terry's masterpiece was given all the recognition it deserved, with its emphasis on realism. The jury came from Ottakars bookstore and the result was 6 out of 8 in favour of the original Discworld that caught our hearts.

DWM replies: We still think The Hitch-Hikers Guide is a great book ...

* From: "Liz Deuchars"
In The Wee Free Men (beginning of Ch 7), Tiffany is thinking that there should be a word meaning "a word that sounds like the noise a thing would make if that thing made a noise even though, actually, it doesn't, but would if it did." This subjct has appeared at least once before that I'm aware of - in Equal Rites, Cutangle thinks the same thing. I'm guessing that this is something that has been bugging Mr Pratchett for some time (15 years?). Anyway, I've been thinking about this and would like to suggest 'LIMNOPOEIC' as a collective term for words like 'glint', 'gleam' and 'coruscate'. Onomatopoeic is made up from the Greek 'onomat' = name and 'poiein' = to make and 'limn' is an archaic Middle English word meaning to describe, so put together with poiein then it would mean to make a description. Well, I'll sleep better tonight now that I've found a solution!

DWM replies: Liz wins this month's Letter of the Month.

4. DiscTrivia

For the next few months we thought we would concentrate each trivia section on a certain subject. This month we have decided to ask questions about Wizards. If the answers are wrong this month you will have to blame Jason .

1. Which wizard was buried at a crossroads in Reaper Man?

2. In which book did the Librarian of Unseen University become an orangutan?

3. What colour did the Dean want to paint his room (Soul Music)?

a) Red
b) Green
c) Black
d) Silver
4. Whose ancestor was Lavaeolus? (Eric)

5. Who became Royal Recogniser for princess Keli (Mort)?

The results, as always, appear at the end of this issue.

5. Review: Clarecraft Discworld Event 2003

by Jason Anthony

The Clarecraft Discworld Event 2003 took place over the weekend of the 1st-3rd August 2003 just outside Woolpit in Suffolk.

Having got stuck in traffic on the M25 I was glad to finally pull into the field and quickly locate some of my friends. As the weather was very overcast I quickly pitched my tent and set off to the Traders barn.

I just had enough time to have a quick glance around the Traders barn before it was shut up for the night. So I went to the bar instead and had a pint or two before meeting up with friends. The rest of the evening was spent enjoying good food, drink and great company.

On Saturday (which boasted a beautiful clear sky) I was able to spend a bit more time in the Traders barn where old favourites such as Clarecraft, Bernard Pearson, Stephen Dean, Dave Hodges and GOFAD sat side by side with new traders such as David Wyatt, Wadfest and the Orangutan Foundation. The range of items for sale went from the sublime BS Johnson Organ by Bernard Pearson to the ridiculously funny Dyslexic of Borg badges of Dave Hodges. Bursar Vixen seemed to be doing a roaring trade with their new range of Discworld beers and the 2004 Convention committee were busy signing up members.

Clarecraft had been busy creating a whole new range of pieces for the event including a Teppic & Ptraci Plaque (riding You Bastard the Camel), Teppic Enthroned, Ptraci, Dios and Hat the Vulture - Headed God. The new pieces looked great and are up to Clarecraft's normal high standards. We look forward to the opportunity of reviewing some of these pieces in the near future.

The upper barn contained, as well as the bar, the paint your own section. I have noticed that this is becoming more and more popular every year. Having seen some of the finished results there are a fair few fans that could give the professionals a run for their money. I must take the time to try it one day.

At various times during the weekend Terry was available to sign books. I joined the already long queue to get my UK proof copy of Monstrous Regiment signed, so that I could place it in Sunday's charity auction.

On Saturday afternoon there was a popular question and answer session with Terry and Stephen, although I think it was almost exclusively Terry. This session gave the fans a chance to ask any question they wanted of Terry. It was a lively and entertaining session with Terry giving away some details of future projects.

The Maskerade took place after the Q&A session. Having been to many of the Maskerades in the past I have to say that some of the costumes were amazing. The judges had a really tough time selecting winners. The winning prize was awarded to The Unconsidered Trifle, presumably as much for originality as anything else.

We then headed up to the communal barbeque that Dave Hodges had built for this event and Wadfest and cooked enough food to feed a small army. Once everyone had their fill the serious business of partying took place until the early hours of the morning. Some of the more die-hard fans were still going when the rest of us woke up.

Sunday tends to be a more relaxed day while many people struggle with their hangovers. The main events of the day are the re-run of the Maskerade and then the charity auction. The auction gives the chance for fans to pick up some wonderful items and raise some serious money for a good cause, in this case the Orangutan Foundation.

Before the auction started a surprise and very welcome announcement was made by Bernard Pearson. Two of my friends Pete Chapman and Sue Gill announced that they will be getting married at Wadfest. We understand this will be the first ever marriage to take place at a Discworld event. Bernard Pearson will be there to perform the blessing after the newlyweds get married in the local registry office. If you ever needed an excuse to go to Wadfest this has to be it. Visit to book now!

Some of the highlights of the charity auction included a very limited edition Clarecraft Cheery Littlebottom (one of only twenty ever made) selling for 850 GBP. Terry also offered the opportunity to appear in a future book. The competition was fierce and Terry allowed three people to get places at a cost of 1001 GBP each. My UK proof of Monstrous Regiment managed to raise 150 GBP which was great. In the end the auction raised over 6500 GBP.

After the auction, the only thing left to do was make our goodbyes and set off in our separate directions. After such a wonderful weekend it was quite hard walking back to the car. At least I only have to wait another six weeks until Wadfest.

For more information about Clarecraft visit and for some more pictures of the event visit

6. Competitions

Last month in our competition with Bonsai Trading we asked the following question.

Q1. What is Eric's surname?

The answer was of course Thursley

The randomly selected winner was Gail Powers of Thatcham, Berkshire.

Your Luggage figurine will be despatched as soon as we have your postal address.

Bonsai Trading (, is the Discworld store that brings you Clarecraft figurines, diaries & calendars, Thud and much more.

* Clarecraft Competition *

Last month Clarecraft gave me a Death pewter letter knife to give away. In order to win the knife you need to answer the following question:

Q1. How much did Cheery Littlebottom sell for at the Clarecraft Weekend charity auction?

Send your answers along with your town and county to to arrive by 25th September 2003. Please include Clarecraft in the email subject line. The winner will be announced next issue.

* Bonsai Trading Competition *

Bonsai Trading are offering up the new Greebo and Nac Mac Feegle piece this month to the randomly selected name that is drawn from the hat for correctly answering the following question:

Q1.How much does a 'Pyramids Set' cost at Bonsai Trading?

Fore more information visit Bonsai Trading at

Send your answers along with your town and county to to arrive by 25th September 2003. Please include Bonsai in the email subject line. The winner will be announced next issue.

7. Review: Monstrous Regiment

by Jason Anthony

The country of Borogravia is at war... in fact it is always at war. So many of its sons have gone to fight that there are virtually no men left except the old and injured, and nobody to tend the fields. One day Polly cuts off her hair, dresses in her brother's clothes and steps out into the world as Oliver. Polly then sets off to join the army and get her brother back, although it emerges that she is motivated by more than just sentiment.

Monstrous Regiment has a lot of similarities to The Truth: it can be read on its own, most of the characters are new and the old characters are often seen from unfamiliar perspectives.

One of the best new characters is Sergeant Jackrum, a mountainous individual who takes Polly and her fellow recruits under his expansive wing. Jackrum has many years of military experience and knows all the dirty tricks. Jackrum has the 'been there, done that' attitude of someone who has spent too long doing their job but doesn't know what else to do. In a lot of ways Jackrum is like Vimes: both look after their colleagues, both know how to use people to get things done and both command respect by reputation alone.

Terry has often written about the animosity between sergeants and officers. Monstrous Regiment develops this point further with the contempt Sergeant Jackrum feels for the inexperienced Lieutenant Blouse (who one day wants a piece of clothing to be named after him) almost becoming physical. Jackrum knows just how far to push without actually disobeying orders and Blouse seems almost not to notice.

Cameo roles include William De Worde and Otto Chriek who both appear quite different as minor characters. William for example appears to be much more confident in himself than we were previously led to believe.

The UK edition features an excellent Paul Kidby cover based on the famous statue sculpted by Felix DeWeldon of the raising of the flag at Iwo Jima in 1945.

The US proof (I am yet to see the final cover) has a picture of a soldier with a rather feminine pair of legs. This plays on the idea that Polly is dressing up as a man to join the army. On that level it is probably a more appropriate cover but I really do prefer the UK Paul Kidby cover.

As always, Monstrous Regiment is a great read. One sometimes forgets how well written the books are - perhaps because there have been so many and we've got used to his style. It's good, though, to see him developing new characters as well as keeping us supplied with stories about the old favourites. Some things in Monstrous Regiment are a little too familiar - Jackrum / Vimes, Terry's take on gender politics - but this is precious little repetition over the course of 30 odd novels.

Monstrous Regiment is due for release in October 2003 with a recommended price of 17.99 GBP.

In the UK you can pre-order Monstrous Regiment from on 0385603401/87 and in the US you can pre-order from

8. Librarian's Corner - With Bookworm Baz.

London, capital of capitals, Londinium, the "Great Wen" or, more accurately, the "Great What?" as we still don't really know what the word "London" means. Almost all of us have visited there, some of us actually live there. Perhaps it's not the biggest city in the world, or the tallest, it's certainly not the prettiest, but it is one of the deepest and a rich, fascinating history lurks beneath its surface. This is one of the primary models for Ankh-Morpork, and these are the books I've used to take a walk through the story of ye Olde London Towne...

1. London, the Biography, Peter Ackroyd, pub. Chatto and Windus 2000. ISBN 1856197166.

One of my favourite books, written by a Londoner with a real passion for his subject. This is a fantastical medley of myth, legend, archaeology, history and really spooky coincidence as it meanders from the earliest beginnings of the city right the way up to the present day. This is a story, not a textbook and Ackroyd makes no apology for straying off the straight and narrow path to drag us into the shadows now and then. It's also as thick as a brick, with very few pictures, and can keep one occupied for at least a week or two and, in a pinch, be used to beat the odd intruder unconscious. All of Ackroyd's books are worth reading, most feature London in some form or another, but this is one of his best.

2. The Times Historical Atlas of London, ed. Hugh Clout, pub. Ted Smart 1997. ISBN 0583337511.

This is where you can get your pictures. Fascinating in its own right, the Atlas also forms a useful companion to Ackroyd's work (I certainly found myself shuttling between the two). Starting with the landscape and geology, we see how the city has grown with beautifully detailed "I can see your house from here" aerial perspective drawings. It's fascinating to watch the various districts appear as communities in their own right before being swallowed up by the relentlessly growing city. With more detailed sections woven into the historical background, this is armchair time travel at its best.

3. The Illustrated Mayhew's London, ed. John Canning, pub. Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1986. ISBN 0297789570.

If you want to know Olde London, you really have to listen to someone who was there, and Henry Mayhew was there all right. His writings portray a snapshot of city life at the middle of the 19th Century, and not the high society, but the real, everyday people. This is the London of Dickens, the often dark, often sordid but always uniquely human city. Mayhew's talent lay in acting as a conduit for these people; it's his book, but their words you will be reading here, ordinary folk living in a London that is both startlingly familiar and shockingly different. This edition supplements those words with wonderful contemporary pictures.

4. London Under London, Richard Trench and Ellis Hillman, pub. John Murray 1988. ISBN 0719546176.

As I said, London runs deep. This book lets you know just how deep and frankly it's a wonder the whole city doesn't just collapse the amount of tunnels there are beneath it. This was my first real book on London and it's an eye opener as the authors take us down into a whole new world that lurks below the streets of the city. Buried rivers, abandoned underground stations, electrical subways, military bases and, of course the sewage system. This marvel of Victorian engineering would make any citizen of Ankh-Morpork... well, shrug and say "Why bother?" one supposes. Nice architecture though, our citadels of sewage, or palaces of poo if you prefer.

5. The Aquarian Guide to Legendary London, ed. John Matthews and Chelsea Potter, pub, The Aquarian Press, 1990. ISBN 085030881X.

If in the previous book we got down, here we get funky, with the New Ager's A-Z of the city. A whole series of alternative points of view are presented, from the spirituality of William Blake's London to the ancient customs and traditions of the city, from the London of Arthur and Merlin to the witchcraft of the 16th Century, all by a range of authors. There's even a gazetteer of sites to lead one around the strange and sacred locations found within the various city districts. Even if you don't agree with everything you read in this book, it's still a fascinating look at a "different" London, and an excellent collection of the lore and legends of the city.

9. The End

* Contact Information *

We prefer information to be sent via email, but can accept information via fax or post at the following addresses:

Post: J Anthony-Rowlands (DWM), 20 Cambrian Place, Pontarddulais, Swansea, SA4 8RG

* Next Book Information

Discworld hardback: Monstrous Regiment 0385603401/87

* Latest Book Information *

Discworld paperback: The Thief of Time 0552148407/87

Discworld hardback: The Wee Free Men 0385605331/87

Collaboration: The New Discworld Companion 0575074671/87

* DiscTrivia Answers *

Q1. Which wizard was buried at a crossroads in Reaper Man?
A1. Windle Poons.

Q2. In which book did the librarian of Unseen University become an orangutan?
A2. The Light Fantastic.

Q3. What colour did the Dean want to paint his room (Soul Music)?
A3. Black.

Q4. Whose ancestor was Lavaeolus? (Eric)
A4. Rincewind.

Q5. Who became Royal Recogniser for princess Keli (Mort)?
A5. Igneous Cutwell

* Subscription Information *

To subscribe to 'Discworld Monthly' simply enter your email address in the form on the 'Discworld Monthly' web page. Our web site contains all back issues and links to other Pratchett sites.

Current circulation approximately 20300

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* Obtaining Terry's Books *

If you are looking for Terry books or videos over the net, simply visit our web page at and follow the 'Purchasing' link on the left panel of the page.

Discworld Monthly is sponsored by User Friendly Business Solutions Ltd -

We make no effort whatsoever to ensure the information in this newsletter is accurate or even legal. Remember to always exercise caution when passing your credit card details over the Net (or over the phone for that matter). All trademarks are recognized as the property of their respective owners, whoever they may be.

Thanks for reading this issue of 'Discworld Monthly'. We hope you enjoyed it. If you have any comments or suggestions for the future of this newsletter please email:

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