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Discworld Monthly - Issue 110: June 2006

Table of Contents:

1. Editorial
2. News
3. Readers' Letters
4. DiscTrivia
5. Wincanton Spring Fete 2006
6. Competitions
7. Review: The Colour of Magic - Mobile Phone Game
8. The End

1. Editorial

Welcome to issue 110. My apologies if you have already received issue 110 today. A misunderstanding at our new mailing list provider caused the mailing list to be stopped part way through. We are now confident that the problem as been resolved and should not happen again.

On the morning of Friday 5th May 2006 Terry's father David Pratchett passed away peacefully. Terry has since then been spending time with his mother. I am sure you will all want to join me by passing on your best wishes and condolences to Terry and his family at this difficult and painful time.

In an update to this news Terry recently sent an email to various people that had passed on condolences. This is the text as seen on the HarperCollins forum.


Thank you all for your good wishes during the illness and death of my father, David Pratchett.

He was 84 so the word "tragedy" does not really apply. We had also had the better part of a year to come to terms with the inevitable. I have to admit that the last couple of weeks and then the organisation of the funeral and all the paperwork that has to be generated at time like this were something of a trial. Mum is staying with us for a week and then we'll be into a new situation as we see how well she can cope on her own.

But, although the various files concerning my dad's estate are littering the office floor, I am back at work and things are back to something approaching normal. In fact normal is just what we are trying to achieve right now so I *can* deal with fan mail and other queries. Life goes on.

All the best.

Terry Pratchett

HarperCollins, Terry's US publishers, recently sent me a Advanced Readers Edition of Wintersmith (the third Tiffany Aching novel) to review and I very pleased to say that is it an excellent read. We will be sure to include a full review of Wintersmith nearer its release date.

Locus online have just announced that Wintersmith is number 67 in its top sellers list due to the number of pre-orders reported by Amazon.

You can pre-order Wintersmith now (via Discworld Monthly's Affiliate account) from:

Welcome to the first issue of Discworld Monthly sent out via our new mailing list host. Sonnet UK ( have very kindly offered to host Discworld Monthly for free. One of the benefits that Sonnet UK provide is personalised emails. At the bottom of this and all future mailings you will see details of exactly which email address you are subscribed under - and how to unsubscribe (if you so wish) from the list. Please bear with us over the next couple of issues as I work my way round the various mailing list options.

Last month we had a request about getting the Discworld computer games to run under Windows XP. LSpace have a page dedicated to the Discworld games and how to get them working at

Jason Anthony (Editor)
William Barnett (Deputy Editor)
Richard Massey (Cake Master)

2. News

If you live in Germany and are planning to visit Wadfest 2006 you might want to consider car-sharing. For more information visit:

LOCUS have recently interviewed Terry in their February 2006 issue. Locus have given us the link below which will allow you to purchase the February Issue of Locus with free delivery (saving 2 USD).

Rob Wilkins (Terry's PA) has just released details of the full cast of the upcoming Hogfather adaptation. The site also includes some pictures from the UU set.

Update: I have also heard that Tony Robinson will play the role Vernon Crumley.

The Science of Discworld III: Darwin's Watch will be released in paperback by Ebury Press on 3rd August 2006 with a RRP of 6.99GBP. According to the press release the paperback edition includes a brand new short story from Terry.

To pre-order Darwin's Watch visit:

The MSN group 'Addicted to Discworld' has moved address to

What do Terry's Nomes and a one-day cricket series have in common? Not a lot normally but Deepak Narayanan thinks differently in his article "A moment of truth" in the sports section of Friday 26th May's edition The Mumbai Mirror.

Deepak likens The West Indies team (who have apparently fallen to number eight in the ICC ODI rankings since being crowned champions two years ago) to the exiled Nomes from Terry's Bromeliad series. Down on their luck facing an unpredictable future.

Grimma's "We've got two options," speech from Diggers is used to describe West India's hope of winning against an almost unstoppable Indian team. They had two options: run or hide. So they choose to fight.

The article can be found at:

The above URL needs to be entered on a single line in your browser.

Rob Neave, a.k.a. Wonko the Sane wrote in to tell us that BBC7 (a British digital radio station) have cleared the rights to broadcast the 90 minute full-cast adaptation of The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents (first broadcast on Radio 4 nearly three years ago).

The Amazing Maurice will be on BBC7 on Saturday 10th June at 1pm and repeated at 1am. Please check the website nearer the time as programmes this far ahead may be subject to change.

For more information or to listen on-line visit:

Discworld Dates...

This section will contain events that you need to keep in your diary. Entries will remain until they go out of date. New entries will include the word [New] next to them. If this section gets too large we will start pruning entries.

[UK] The Broken Drummers is a group of Discworld of fans who meet once a month in London, usually on a Monday. Membership is free. New members are welcome and encouraged as are any Discworld fans just visiting London. Next meeting is on 5th June at The Hoop and Grapes, Aldgate (across the road from the station): 7.00pm

For information see or contact

[UK] The Stockport Garrick Theatre will be performing Lords and Ladies from the 10th-17th June. Tickets cost 7.50 GBP (6 GBP for concessions).

More information can be found at

[UK] Liverpool Network Theatre Group presents: Terry Pratchett's Lords and Ladies - adapted for the stage by Irana Brown.

Thursday to Saturday, 22nd - 24th June at 7.30pm

At The Gladstone Theatre, Port Sunlight (adjacent to Port Sunlight train station, 16 minutes by Merseyrail, from Liverpool city centre.

Tickets 6 GBP / 4 GBP (concs).

Box Office 0151 709 4988 (Unity Theatre, Liverpool) and available from usual Gladstone Theatre outlets.

[AU] Unseen Theatre Company will be performing Jingo from June 28 to July 15. More details can be found at

[UK] Behind The Mask - Discworld Convention 2006 (18th to 21st August 2006). A glorious four-day weekend where fans of Terry Pratchett can get together, relax, enjoy each other's company, meet Terry and the other guests, attend some (or many) of the scores of programme events, and generally Have A Good Time...

Location: Hinckley Island Hotel, Hinckley, Leicestershire, UK

Guest of Honour: Terry Pratchett

Other Guests: Stephen Briggs, Bernard Pearson, Trevor Truran, Colin Smythe, Ian Stewart, Jack Cohen, Diane Duane, Peter Morwood, David Langford, Lionel Fanthorpe

Membership: Full attending 50GBP Concessions: 35GBP Supporting: 20GBP Child: Free

Contact: Discworld Convention 2006, P.O. Box 102, Royston, Herts, SG8 7ZJ, UK

Accommodation: Hinckley Island Hotel, Hinckley, Leicestershire, UK


[UK] Wadfest 2006 will take place over the weekend of the 1st-3rd September. This years theme is XXXX and the event will take place again at Trentfield Farm which proved to be very suitable last year. More details at

[AU] Nullus Anxietas: The Australian Discworld Convention, Melbourne 2007 - For the latest information on the con, please check out the new version of our website -

[DE] The first German Discworld Convention "Scheibenwelt-Fest 2007" will take place at a real castle near Siegen in Germany from February the 23rd till the 25th.

The organisers claim they will try to entertain you with a broad range of different workshops, shows, guests of honour and other events at this Uberwald-themed festival.

Tickets cost only 47.50 GBP for both days including accommodation in the castle, breakfast and dinner.

You can find the registration and further information at:

Small Ads...

Please note, DWM has no way of checking the veracity or validity of any of the items in our small ads section. As always, exercise caution when giving out your details over the Internet. We *strongly* recommend parental supervision for younger readers who
follow up any of these contacts.

David J. Glover writes: I was just wondering how I can get in touch with anyone interested in mounting Discworld plays in Baltimore MD. Especially Towson. Anyone interested contact me.

Wulfhure Daelman writes: I would like to let people know about new Discworld Meetup based in Brisbane Australia. This is a brand new group and the only Terry Pratchett Meetup world wide. It is called "Brisbane, the Discworld & Beyond" on

The address is

3. Readers' Letters

If you have any letters or comments, please email them to

We assume any correspondence is eligible for use in the newsletter unless otherwise stated, including the sender's email address. We may also edit your letters in accordance with some bizarre and intricate rituals.

It is vitally important that you don't pass off other people's work as your own. If you use information from other resources please let us know so we can give proper credit.

The best letter of the month will receive a Kiss the Cook print supplied by Bonsai Trading. Bonsai Trading is the Discworld store that brings you Clarecraft figurines, diaries & calendars, Thud and much more.

* From: "Matthia Lariviere"
It appears that a certain Doctor of Mathematics--Dr. Florin Diacu from the University of Victoria in BC, Canada-- is a Terry Pratchett fan. Or at least that's my theory. He recently published a book titled "The Lost Millennium." It talks about a potential time lapse in history and that it's actually year 945 or something like that. Quite frankly, I think he just read "Thief of Time" one too many times! (For more information on the book you can go to Under "Featured" on the home page click on "homepage archives". The article is from Jan 10th, 2006.)

* From: "Hera"
Regards your reader's letters in Issue 109: This looks like it's going to get me into a lot of trouble but Rincewind isn't a fabulous character. The books he's been in I haven't enjoyed as much as the others. I love the trunk, and the tourist from Colour of Magic but I can happily live without more Rincewind novels. The witches and the Night watch are the better characters.

* From: "Michael Edwards"
With reference to the discussions about our learned friend Rincewind, he had made it widely known that all he wishes for is a quiet life free from danger and excitement, he has a nice quiet little job in the university along with the keeping of Roundworld on a shelf. Yes it would be nice to see him sally forth into another adventure but lets let sleeping dogs lie eh?

* "Lindsay Palmer"
In response to Grumpy from Kirkcaldy (and others concerning the Wizzard): I must say that I agree with most points in last month's letter (except for the ugly duckling bit --I don't think anyone thinks of him as an ugly duckling. Ducks can't run). Rincewind has, regrettably, not been seen for a while in a real, full-scale novel. We all miss him terribly, I know. But let me bring some hope to all Wizzard fans! At one of his book signings, I went up to Terry Pratchett himself (BEST MOMENT OF MY LIFE) and asked the one question that was on my mind--Would Rincewind be coming back? The answer was in fact yes-- probably in the next adult novel!!! I was too busy fainting to really comprehend what he was saying, but it seemed certain that Rincewind would run away again. This was before I heard that the next one would be another Moist von Lipwig story... But I'm still hoping that he'll show up in the one after that, maybe. Who knows?

* From: "Simon Price"
In his letter to issue 109, Peter Smith suggests that Rincewind should be allowed to grow and develop as a character.

Personally, I think he has.

He may still have the ability to be a hundred yards away and accelerating before the B in Boo is fully formed, but that has not prevented him from being in just the right place at the right time to save the world. Quite regularly, in fact.

His rise within UU, from (unpaid) Assistant Librarian to Egregious Professor of Cruel and Unusual Geography (among others) has brought with it extra responsibilities, not to mention the buckets of coal. This rise in status has brought a maturity and acceptance of his place in the multiverse. In The Last Hero, he even volunteered to risk his life on the maiden voyage of The Kite. He didn't like it, or even really want to, but he accepted his fate and did it. This is not the Rincewind of TCOM.

Maybe his sojourns to Roundworld, whose upkeep is his responsibility (now isn't that a scary thought, "our" world in his hands), has helped him in ways we cannot fathom.

I like Rincewind as he is now, he is no longer the gibbering blur shedding sequins across the Discworld, but leaner (all that running), tougher (living with the Luggage must rub off) and altogether better. If he has got one or two more stories, then I for one look forward to reading them.

Simon Price Hooked on Discworld since Mort.

DWM replies: Simon gets this month's Letter of the Month.

* From: "IJopson"
Trawling for a video of the Saga of Noggin the Nog to present to my nephew's son I came across the website for the Dragons Friendly Society. No mention of her Ladyship, but I'm sure Lady Sybil will have a toe in the door there somewhere.

* From: "oliver tully"
I know you guys have probably been asked this a million times, but please answer this question: Who is Carl Untermond?

Terry Pratchett's Strata opens with the following quotation, attributed to Dr Carl Untermond's The Overcrowded Eden:

"I met a mine foreman who has a piece of coal with a 1909 gold sovereign embedded in it. I saw an ammonite, apparently squashed in the fossil footprint of a sandal.

There is a room in the basement of the Natural History Museum which they keep locked. Among other oddities in there are the tyrannosaurus with a wristwatch and the Neanderthal skull with three gold fillings.

What are you going to do about it?"

It's a lovely quotation, and wonderfully phrased. But -- ironically enough, given its implications -- I wonder about its provenance. The only extant references to Untermond or his book appear to be Pratchett and people quoting Pratchett. Does anyone have independent confirmation of Untermond's existence or better bibliographic details?

* From: "Robert Williams"
Does anyone know the name of Death's kitten? I just purchased (for my wife) the t-shirt done by Paul Kidby with the kitten sitting on Death's lap. She asked me if I remembered the kitten's name, and neither of us could dredge it up, nor could we remember the book in which the kitten appears. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

I would like to thank Grant at the Blind Begger pub in Edinburgh for pointing me in the direction of this website / newsletter.

As someone who is now blind, thanks for having a website that I can navigate and newsletter that is readable.

My main reason for writing though was to inform everyone who doesn't know it about two websites.

The first is who sell Terry Pratchett novels and abridged audio books and have free p+p. Many of there titles are discounted, there is no minimum purchase to get free p+p and, at the moment, they have a sale on Terry Pratchett audio books.

The second is (which also have other country specific websites (like in the USA and Canada)) where you can buy unabridged Terry Pratchett for download. You can subscribe to a service for 15 GBP/ month where you get two book choices to download per month - and they have a lot of Terry Pratchett novels (as well as other fantasy and sci-fi).

If it wasn't for audio books I would never again have been able to access Discworld novels and just wanted to let everyone know of a cheap way to do it. The cheapest way of course is at your local library who won't charge a bean (but will ask for it back).

* From: "Kristina Dombroski"
My friends and I had a Discworld party once where we made several dishes from Nanny Ogg's Cookbook. The Strawberry Wobbler was quite humorous (we also made a "female" version using wine glasses for the guys present), although no one really cared for the flavour. We also made Sergeant Angua's Vegetable Stew, which was pretty good (but the Dumplings kept dissolving in it; we couldn't figure out how to make it work); Brodequin Roti Facon Ombres, which we found quite tasty; and Nanny Ogg's Special Nibbles with the Genuan Spice Mix, which were a hit. I also made Chocolate Delight with Special Secret Sauce at another time, and that was okay, but I've had better.

* From: Camille Fabre
I just want to answer to SMYTHR354 : I don't know how many people tried the recipes from Nanny Ogg's cookbook, but I know that two crazy French girls tried a few of them, hem, myself and a friend, in fact.

Alas, it is a bit difficult to do those recipes, because a lot of the ingredients are not available in France (at last not in the south) but we manage: we put other things instead, the results are very strange sometimes.

My favourite recipe is (between the few I have tried) the rat on a stick. A bit hard to make, but very funny (My friend and me have done them for my friend's mother, who plays a dwarf in a role play game).

I have tried the bananana soup too (because I managed to find ALL the ingredients), and it was delicious!

* From: "Sophie Ann"
Stop me if you've heard this before...

I'm doing the Russian Revolution in school and guess what I noticed?

The last Tsar Nicholas II was nick-named the Little Father, much like the Duchess from Monstrous Regiment, except she was called Little Mother. Also, there was in WW1 a Women's Death Battalion, which was headed by Maria Bochakareva. There's more information here: including about how many girls passed themselves off as men and succeeded as the medical was rarely done at that point. There are also some pictures of some rather fierce looking ladies on horseback.

I dunno whether it's been pointed out before if it was obvious to every one but me, but there you go.

4. DiscTrivia

This month I have decided to ask questions about Mort.

What line of work does Lezek think Mort is getting into?
What type of food did Death and Mort have on Mort's first night of employment?
What is Albert's real name?
How much scumble did Mort drink?
a) a Thimble.
b) a Glass.
c) a Pint.
d) a Gallon.
What titles were Mort and Ysabell given?

The results, as always, appear at the end of this issue.

5. Wincanton Spring Fete 2006

The Wincanton April Fete took place over the weekend of 29th & 30th April 2006. A couple of hundred Discworld fans poured into Wincanton for the festivities. Although the Fete officially started on the Saturday I understand some eager fans arrived on the Thursday.

I arrived in Wincanton on the Friday afternoon and made my way to the self catering accommodation that I was renting with five others. After settling in we headed back to Wincanton to take part in the time honoured tradition of drinking lots and meeting up with old friends.

On Saturday after a late start we headed back into town. Having previously purchased some Wizard robes in anticipation of the Hogfather film I decided to wear them for the event. Activities were split between the Bear and Dolphin pubs. The Bear had the Merchants Hall and the Dolphin was home to Trevor Truran and his Discworld Games.

Unfortunately, due to the serious illness of his father Terry was unable to attend the event on the Saturday as planned. Terry did manage to spend a couple of hours in Wincanton on the Sunday however.

One of the main activities planned for the weekend was a cricket match between Unseen University and the Flatalists guild. Originally it was planned to have two bowlers, one bowling from each end. This worked fine for a couple of overs (apparently that is a suitable cricket term) until I unfortunately hit Catrine (one of the bowlers) round the head with my cricket bat. It was then decided to change to a more traditional version with a single bowler. One advantage of being bowled out was that I was able to partake of the free cider that the cricket club provided.

After the cricket match a maskerade took place in the Bear and later the excellent sausage supper took place at the Bear and Dolphin pubs. The meal consisted of locally produced sausages made by Andrew Barclay the local butcher.

The final event of the day was the charity auction that took place at the Town Hall. Unfortunately due to the number of people in the hall I was unable to get into the room to see the auction. However, the auction did manage to raise 2000 GBP. As I wasn't able to witness the auction I spent some time in the Bear talking to a very nice young lady called Lauren whose decision to visit England from Australia was based on coming to the event to meet Terry. Once again the tradition of drinking lots in the hall of shame continued at the Dolphin until late.

On Sunday I spent quite a lot of time in the back room of the Dolphin play-testing Trevor Truran's excellent new Hogfather game. The play-testing seemed to go very well, with Trevor making copious notes about changes and improvements that could be made to the game. The game is played in two parts. The first part involves collecting as many teeth as possible in the 30 minute time limit. The 2nd part of the game is played in the House of Bones, where you use the collected teeth to move around. The idea of the 2nd part is to rescue the Hogfather and get him out of the house.

At the moment the game looks great with the two game boards designed by John Pagan of Bonsai Trading fame. The playing piece designs are still up for, well, redesign. I already miss playing the game and hope that it eventually makes it into production.

As mentioned before, Terry turned up for a couple of hours on the Sunday. He revealed a few snippets of information about the new Hogfather film and the next Discworld novel, Making Money. Without going into any of the details the next Moist Von Lipwig novel sounds great.

With all the events finished. All that was left to do was make our farewells before we headed back home. I had a wonderful weekend and am already looking forward to my next Wincanton adventure in December.

For lots of pictures of the Fete take a look at the Balls of Steel, Discworld Monthly and Fete galleries at the Silver Horde website

For more information about Cunning Artificer events visit

6. Competitions

The Stanley Howler Stamp Journal

In the beginning was the word. In this case, the words of Going Postal. And soon after, there was the Stanley Howler Stamp Journal.

Dedicated to Discworld stamps, the Journal is jam-packed with information, articles, news of forthcoming stamps and events, gossip, competitions and fun, affording many minutes of innocent amusement. For a mere 14.00 GBP (UK price), subscribers receive several pages of paper cunningly artificed to A5 booklet form and delivered to their door four times a year. For the lucky prizewinner, all this will happen for free.

And it gets better. Every issue will contain at least one free Discworld stamp that is only available with the journal. Every issue contains a special offer exclusive to journal subscribers. And your prize subscription will entitle you to reserve Discworld stamp items which are only otherwise available at special events, most of which become instant collectibles.

What you've already missed:

Issue 1 described the story behind the first group of stamps, and gave away the very rare Patrician red stamp. Issue 2 detailed the new Merchants' Guild range and included a mint 50p Cabbage Field stamp. Issue 3 introduced the Cabbage Green Trading Scheme, offered the Zombie proof sheet and gave away the one penny 'cabbage' Patrician stamp. Issue 4 outlined new releases and gave advice on trading and included the rare ten penny red 'Morporkia' stamp. The special offer was a letter from Sto-Lat as collected by Moist von Lipwig on his historic ride, complete with the stamps he specified. Issue 5 described the plans for stamps in 2006, gave away not one but 8 free stamps - the Widow's Mite booklet - and offered a perforated proof sheet of Sto-Lat stamps. Issue 6 was published in mid-April, and offered advice on valuing and insuring your Discworld stamp collection. The free stamp featured the Big Wahoonie and its discoverer, General Sir Roderick Purdeigh, and the special offer is a Big Wahoonie First Day Cover.

Still to Come:

Issue 7 will be published in mid-July and the contents have yet to be decided, but the free stamp will feature one of Ankh-Morpork's heraldic beasts, and the special offer will feature a letter from the College of Heralds to one of its clients, complete with an exclusive new stamp.

As a prizewinner, you can decide whether to begin your subscription with the next Journal, issue 7, or you can start with an earlier issue. But if you are particularly interested in one of the free stamps or special offers, please check with The Cunning Artificer that they are still available - the free stamp for issue 1 is now gone, and the stock of Widows' Mite booklet with issue 5 is very limited.

In order to Win this prize you need to email the answer to the following question to by 23rd June 2006.

On the Discworld Stamps web site, which is the only FDC not to have sold out yet?

The randomly selected winner will be announced next month. For more information about the Journal and Discworld stamps visit

7. Review: The Colour of Magic - Mobile Phone Game

Reviewed by Chris James (Managing Director - Pocket Gamer)

The Colour of Magic (released by Blue Sphere Games) is the first Discworld game to make it to the portable clacks box that is your mobile phone and all things considered it makes a fair stab of bringing to life the action of the first book, or at least the first chapter of it.

The in-game visuals, though some way short of Josh Kirby's artwork, are detailed enough for you to recognise familiar locales and infamous locals of Ankh Morpork, such as CMOT Dibbler peddling his dodgy wares outside the Broken Drum or Death patrolling the Shades.

Not that you have time to simply admire the city though. Cast in the role of Rincewind you must guide Twoflower towards the more salubrious sights (like the Unseen University or Temple of Small Gods) and away from the less auspicious ones (like the sharp end of a dwarf axe, the bottom of a stage coach or an explosive swamp dragon). You do this by physically nudging the tourist in the direction you want him to go, all the while keeping an eye out for potential threats.

Whilst you obviously can't call on magical help, you can use gold coins or the pictograph to temporarily distract Ankh Morporkians or, as a one-off last resort, call upon the Luggage (which does pretty much what you'd expect, clearing the screen of all threats).

Though the indirect control system can seem initially frustrating, after a little practice it's as natural as having zombies in the Watch and you'll come to enjoy the challenge of bouncing Twoflower around different parts of the city whilst you fend off impending danger.

In fact the only problem really is that there's only one proper level (albeit a big one) and unless you're slower on the uptake than Sergeant Colon you'll have completed the game within a couple of hours. Then again, 5 GBP is considerably less than most visitors would expect to spend for a few hours in Ankh Morpork - and you get to walk out alive!

Read the full review of The Colour of Magic along with all the latest mobile games news and reviews at (oh and we're also giving away a mobile game called Skipping Stone, for free - and that's cutting our own throat)

8. The End

* Contact Information *

We prefer information to be sent via email, but can accept information via fax or post at the following addresses:

Post: J Anthony-Rowlands (DWM), 20 Cambrian Place, Pontarddulais, Swansea, SA4 8RG

* Latest Book Information *

Discworld paperback: Going Postal 0552149438/87

Discworld hardback: Thud! 0385608675/87

Discworld hardback Companion: Where's My Cow? 038560937X/87

Discworld Young Adult paperback: A Hat Full of Sky 0552551449/87

Pre-Order: Wintersmith NOW 0385609841/87

* Subscription Information *

To subscribe to 'Discworld Monthly' simply enter your email address in the form on the 'Discworld Monthly' web page. Our web site contains all back issues and links to other Pratchett sites.

Current circulation approximately 29500

To unsubscribe simply send an empty email from the account you subscribed under to

If you have any problems un-subscribing visit our removal help page.

* Disc Trivia Results *

What line of work does Lezek think Mort is getting into?

What type of food did Death and Mort have on Mort's first night of employment?

What is Albert's real name?
Alberto Malick.

How much scumble did Mort drink?
c) Pint.

What titles were Mort and Ysabell given?
The Duke and Duchess of Sto Helit.

* Obtaining Terry's Books *

If you are looking for Terry books or videos over the net, simply visit our web page at and follow the 'Purchasing' link on the left panel of the page.

* Supporting DWM *

Discworld Monthly was created as a totally free newsletter and will continue to remain so for as long as it continues. However, the costs of maintaining the web site, postage, travel etc adds up. If you feel you would like to make a small contribution towards these costs please consider doing so via either or

My account for each of these is


* Small Print *

We make no effort whatsoever to ensure the information in this newsletter is accurate or even legal. Remember to always exercise caution when passing your credit card details over the Net (or over the phone for that matter). All trademarks are recognized as the property of their respective owners, whoever they may be.

* Thanks *

Thanks for reading this issue of 'Discworld Monthly'. We hope you enjoyed it. If you have any comments or suggestions for the future of this newsletter please email:
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