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Discworld Monthly - Issue 125: September 2007

Table of Contents:

1. Editorial
2. News
3. Readers' Letters
4. DiscTrivia
5. Review: Discworld Jamboree
6. Competitions
7. Review: Men at Arms live in Sydney, Australia
8. Article: Guards! Guards! Production Diary - Part 2
9. The End

1. Editorial

Welcome to issue 125. Well, last month's issue might have been technologically great - having sent it from a campsite in the north of Devon - but unfortunately there were a couple of mistakes that got through.

Firstly I forgot to announce the winners of the competition, so now to correct that. The winner of the Belt Buckle is Robin Felton and the winner of the first day cover is Emma Powdrill!

Hopefully, once the Cunning Artificer has recovered from the Jamboree he will get your prizes out to you.

Secondly I forgot to mention that Sam Vimes also appears in The Truth and Where's My Cow? Thanks to everyone that pointed out my mistake.

The beginning of August proved to be a very busy time for me. After spending two days as an extra on The Colour of Magic I spent the next three days at the Discworld Jamboree.

I'll let you know about my experiences of being an extra next month. I've just heard that The Mob have decided to invite a number of the original extras back to do some more extra work at the end of September. I've put my name down so hopefully I'll be able to tell you more later.

On Wednesday 15th August I got invited to Pinewood Studios to watch some of the edge of the world scenes be filmed for The Colour of Magic and to meet some of the cast. I had an opportunity to talk to James Cosmo (Galder Weatherwax), Liz May Brice (Herrena) and Karen David (Liessa). All three seem very enthusiastic about their characters.

I was able to see a few rough edits of footage that were carefully being put together and they looked brilliant. Having seen them really makes me feel confident that this will be a great production.

I've also received some more cast news from Colin Smythe. Nigel Planer is the Arch-Astronomer, Marnix Van Den Broeke again appears as Death, Nicholas Tennant (who played Corporal Nobbs in Hogfather) is the Librarian (prior to transformation), and Terry will again appear in a cameo role.

Don't forget, if you visit a play or a talk and would like to let the world know about it, please feel free to email your review to and we will consider it for publication.

Jason Anthony (Editor)
William Barnett (Deputy Editor)
Richard Massey (Games Wizard)

2. News

The Prime Minister has replied to the e-petition signed by over 2,300 fans in an attempt to get Terry a Knighthood that was set up on the 10 Downing Street website, see for his response.

ISIS publishing have now cleared the rights for Wintersmith (previously only available from HarpeCollins in the US) and should release it in February. They will also be releasing Making Money in December.

For more information:

Dave Hodges is willing, for a small donation, to make dry boats for the Wadfest Dry Boat Races. Any profits will be donated to charity.

Dave also has a range of tent pegs, bar-b-ques (that meet the site requirements of being 18" above the ground) and lamp holders available.

Hurry though as there are only a few days before Wadfest starts.

A musician called Andras Szabo has written a song named Pratchett Gets Me Through. The song is described as a simple little acoustic song about the funny nature of time (and Terry Pratchett). Whilst it's not what I would chose to listen to myself you might want to give it an audition at:

A member of the web forum took a week's holiday in Bulgaria at the end of July and discovered a bar that was covered in the complete words of Terry's short story Theatre of Cruelty.

See for details and pictures.

We have received confirmation of Terry's US signing tour dates for Making Money from HarperCollins as:

Monday, September 24
07:00 PM
3700 Torrance Blvd Torrance, CA 90503

Tuesday, September 25
07:30 PM
STE 200 1010 El Camino Menlo Park, CA 94025

Wednesday, September 26
07:00 PM
3415 SW Cedar Hills Blvd Beaverton, OR 97005

Thursday, September 27
07:30 PM
1628 16th St. Denver, CO 80202

Saturday September 29
Time TK
Terry Pratchett will be on the Mall in Washington DC Appearing at the National Book Festival Sponsored by the Library of Congress
Details TK

Sunday, September 30
01:00 PM
Terry Pratchett
975 Paoli Pike West Chester, PA 19380

Monday, October 01
07:00 PM
BARNES & NOBLE/Union Square
33 E 17th ST New York, NY 10003

Also this month we can confirm Terry's UK signing tour dates for Making Money:

Saturday 6th October
The Cheltenham Festival

Monday 8th October
Plymouth : 12.30-1.30
73-75 New George Street

Tuesday 9th October
Bath : Evening
Topping & Co
The Paragon

Thursday 11th October
Nottingham : 5.30pm-6.30pm
1-5 Bridlesmith Gate

Friday 12th October
Cambridge : 1pm
12-13 Market Street

Saturday 13th October
London : 1pm
Forbidden Planet
Shaftesbury Avenue

Discworld Dates...

This section will contain events that you need to keep in your diary. Entries will remain until they go out of date. New entries will include the word [New] next to them. If this section gets too large we will start pruning entries.

[UK] The Art of Josh Kirby - Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, 16 June to 30 September 2007

The first retrospective exhibition of science fiction artist Josh Kirby. Born in Liverpool in 1928 and trained at Liverpool School of Art he began his career producing film posters, moving to book and cover art for magazines. Some of his more famous work includes the first cover of Ian Fleming's Moonraker and the poster for Monty Python's Life of Brian and he is best known for his cover illustrations of Terry Pratchett's Discworld series.

[UK] Wadfest 2007 (hosted by the Beggars Guild) will take place from 31st August to 2nd September 2007 at Trentfield Farm, Church Laneham Retford.

Wadfest is a family event and has always proved to be a lot of fun. For more information visit

[UK, Updated] The Broken Drummers is a London Discworld Group that meets once a month on a Monday evening. Membership is free - just come along. New members and visitors to London are both welcome and encouraged.

August's meeting is on Monday 17th September from 7.00pm onwards at the Essex Serpent, 6 King St, Covent Garden, London, WC2E 8HN in the cellar room.

For more information go to or e-mail

[UK, New] St. John's Players will be performing Wyrd Sisters at St. John's Hall, Canal St., Long Eaton, Nottingham, at 7.30 on October 11th, 12th and 13th, 2007. Tickets will soon be on sale at 5.00 GBP, Concessions 4.00 GBP.

[UK] Following on from their successful production of "Mort", Thalian Theatre Company are proud to announce their next production of "Guards! Guards!" to be performed at the Towngate Theatre in Basildon, Essex, from 21st to 24th November. Tickets are 7.50 GBP (6.50 GBP for concessions), all enquiries to

[UK, New] Maskerade will be performed at the Spa Pavilion in Felixstowe, Suffolk from Thursday 29th November to Saturday 1st December 2007.

Small Ads...

Please note, DWM has no way of checking the veracity or validity of any of the items in our small ads section. As always, exercise caution when giving out your details over the Internet. We *strongly* recommend parental supervision for younger readers who
follow up any of these contacts.

Andy Coulthard writes: I am currently searching for a copy of Discworld for the Playstation. This seems to be a very rare item. Is anybody out there willing to sell their copy?

Christopher_Boote writes: DWCon ZA '09? Are there enough South African readers to run a DiscworldCon in South Africa in 2009? I'd suggest the Protea in PE.

If anyone else thinks this could work, or has any other ideas, location suggestions etc., please contact me.

Eve Smith writes: I am currently working towards a PhD on Discworld at Liverpool John Moores University. You can help me with my research by filling out a questionnaire at

Rather than a straightforward literary analysis of Discworld my PhD falls within the discipline of cultural studies and is looking specifically at how comedy interacts with society. As part of this I am very interested in finding out about Discworld fans. I have selected subscribers of Discworld Monthly as a target group because you represent a diverse level of fandom, from a reader who may at one time have tried to discover a reading order for the books and then thought it might be interesting to hear about developments in the Discworld, through to the most avid fan who goes to every book signing and convention and has a vast collection of Discworld artefacts.

Much of the questionnaire gives options that you are asked to select. However, there are a number of questions asking why you like certain characters or books and although I would be grateful for even a simple a response I will read and consider all responses even if they are verging on essay length. I anticipate that with short answers to the why type questions that the questionnaire should take 15-20 minutes to complete. Obviously if you give longer answers this will take more or your time, but it will also make my research a lot more interesting.

Finally the ethics committee have asked me to exclude under 16's from this research. I think this is a shame particularly because I am focussing on the Tiffany books in another part of my research, but I have to follow the rules. So please if you are under 16 do not attempt to complete the questionnaire. If you are over 16 the questionnaire can be found at

3. Readers' Letters

If you have any letters or comments, please email them to

We assume any correspondence is eligible for use in the newsletter unless otherwise stated, including the sender's email address. We may also edit your letters and use them to pad William's bra.

It is vitally important that you don't pass off other people's work as your own. If you use information from other resources please let us know so we can give proper credit.

The best letter of the month will receive a Kiss the Cook print supplied by Bonsai Trading. Sadly Bonsai Trading is no longer trading but John Pagan has kindly offered to continue supplying the monthly prize until his stock runs out. I will be collecting the remaining stock from John at Wadfest and will then back issue the prizes.

* From: "Denis Kavanagh"
As a fan of the now sadly defunct Cheerycomic, I caught a site recently while looking for more examples of web comics; and I was pleased to find another Pterry fan. The site is a tribute to the Cthlulu mythology of HP Lovecraft, and as I'm not an expert a good few of the in-jokes go over my head, but this one hit the right spot; Vault #32. A bit of back story to Rincewind's trip through the Dungeon Dimensions, perhaps?

DWM replies: If you like web comics and have ever roleplayed you might want to check out Shamus Young's excellent DM of the Rings

* From: "Amy Dohnt"
I thought you and your readers may be as amused as I was to find spammers have sent me a message with the, I assume, random title of: "There was Grandfather Lezek, of course, on his little farm so poor that even the sparrows had to kneel down to eat."

Ah, you've Made It, Terry! Who needs movies of your books when the scammers are bulk mailing your words to the masses for free! (Funnily enough, that quote is from my favourite of Discworld stories, Soul Music. Maybe I should help them with their 'money transfer' this time lest I draw the ire of Susan, who appears to be writing for them these days? )

DWM replies: Amy get this month's Letter of the Month.

* From: "Elaine Blackman"
I would like to broach the subject of brooches with Jason Anthony! Brooches are what you pin on your clothes, a broach is a roasting spit or a church tower; it is also a verb, often used in reference to a cask of wine or a barrel of ale - which I'm sure had nothing to do with the mistake!

JA replies: Stupid English language. Why have two words with very different meanings spelt differently but sounding the same! Who cam up with that idea? And why didn't the proof readers pick up on it? [probably 'cos I was too busy being incensed by the belt buckle review - WB]

* From: "Sam Young"
Thanks so much for your excellent newsletter. It is always a splendid read, keeping even far-flung Antipodean Pratchett fans up to date with all the Discworld goss. However, one small point (don't you just love it when a Pratchett fan says that? You can be sure that there will be a nit-picking, infinitesimally small and unimportant-in-the-scheme-of-things item to create debate over). In the Cunning Artificer's new website launch answers, question one's answer was given as "Cockeral or Rooster (for our overseas readers)". In my experience, a 'cock' or 'rooster' is a grown male chicken, and a cockerel - note spelling! - is a young male chicken (see Wikipedia at Yours in nit-pickery!

JA replies: Should I start getting paranoid now?! Almost every letter this month is "nit-picking"! Oh well, at least I am getting an education whilst being dragged over the hot coals.

* From: "James Hanlon"
G'day all,

I just wanted to thank everyone once more who put in so much to make the Discworld Jamboree such a great event. A most sincere Thanks to Bernard & Isobel and all the Troop at the Discworld Emporium. I would also like to thank everyone who took the time to talk to us during the course of the weekend and especially those who offered us assistance along the way. We really were blown away by how kind and generous everyone was, Hew and I are eternally grateful.

I have said to a number of people already and I will no doubt say again, the weekend really captured the spirit of Scouting. And as my friend and I have been genuine Scouts all our lives, and are now Scout Leaders (Down Under), I can be positive when I say that. Who knows perhaps B.P.(or his Discworld counterpart) was looking down over us all.

Many people we met may also like to know that while we brought the fine weather with us to the Jamboree, we also brought the weather home to Brisbane with us and the heavens opened up with blessed rain and hasn't stopped for a week now. (Though an aweful lot more is needed to get us out of drought).

James Hanlon, Ecksian Contingent Discworld Jamboree 2007.

4. DiscTrivia

This month I will be asking questions about Hogfather.

What was the name of the locksmith that Teatime employed?
What was Mr Teatime's first name?
a) William
b) Jonathan
c) Dave
d) Banjo
Who owned the bluebird of happiness?
How much money did the Auditors offer The Guild of Assassins to delete the Hogfather?
What did Death try to stick on Susan's Hogswatch Card?

The results, as always, appear at the end of this issue.

5. Review: The Discworld Jamboree 2007

Review by Jason Anthony.

I had a few issues with traffic on the way down to Wincanton so unfortunately missed the Opening Ceremony of the first Discworld Jamboree based in Wincanton on the weekend of the 3rd - 5th August 2007.

I had been asked by Bernard (The Cunning Artificer) to produce regular electronic updates of activities over the weekend via my blog ( so I located the Tech centre where I would be able to set up my laptop. It was while connecting up to make my opening post that I realised the tech guys were in a bit of a panic. The stage lights were causing a few issues - so naturally I offered to help. I was handed the manual and asked to find out what was wrong and tell them in the morning.

For the first time in a while I managed to catch all of Rob Lupine's excellent magic show. Rob is this year's close-up magician of the year and his skill and confidence has improved dramatically over the last few years. Rob kept us entertained for over an hour with his speciality mind reading tricks. It was a thoroughly enjoyable hour.

After the magic show I headed off to find food and got an excellent steak and chips from "sorry no burgers", the on-site caterers. After my food I headed to the beer tent for a drink or two. We finally got asked to leave the beer tent at around 2am so the bar staff could get some rest. We decided to raid our drink supplies and played drinking games until 5am. This seemed like a good idea at the time until I realised I had promised to help with the lights at 9am. So after a solid 3-and-a-bit hours sleep I got up, performed my daily ablutions and headed off to the tech area. After checking the manual and making a couple of trips up a ladder (for head tech Tony) we discovered the problems with the lights and were back in business. I spent most of Saturday helping the tech guys get all the mikes wired and working while the gang show and Maskerade organisers fitted in their rehearsals.

The next event was the Maskerade and the quality of the costumes was brilliant. It never ceases to amaze me how inventive some of the costumes and acts are. In the end Pam Gower won first prize for her ghoul and as Terry decided this was an official Discworld Maskerade she was to become the temporary owner of the silver Great A'Tuin.

After a brief delay, we got everyone seated for the highlight of the event, the Gang Show. It was incredible that PTim and Dave Trace managed to organise such an amazing couple of hours of entertainment in such a short period of time. As part of the tech team we spent most of the show ensuring correct sound effects happened and that the lights were right. I managed to get off a few entries in the blog before, during and after the show. Once the show was completed we dismantled as many of the mikes as possible, stowed them all away and went looking for food. Unfortunately the caterers had just shut up shop but a quick word with them meant we could have another bacon and egg roll so I was happy. We then headed back to the bear tent until we were asked to leave at 2am. [The bear's were knackered - WB] This time however I needed to be up at 8am so I decided to call it a night.

Sunday was quite a relaxed affair for the tech crew. We only had to be ready for the charity auction, so we took advantage of the weather and relaxed in the sun for most of the morning - whilst activities such as the witch trials took place.

At around noon we headed over to the Okeydokey Corral for a massive water pistol fight. It was actually very refreshing getting hit by gallons of cold water on such a hot day. After drying off we made sure the stage was set up for the auction.

The auction went on for longer than expected - as auctions tend to do - so I was unable to see it through to the end as I had a family engagement I had to attend. This meant that I also missed the closing ceremony as well.

I am afraid that working in Tech, I failed to get to see many of the events such as the Mothers Institutes Synchronised Swimming, the Witch Trials, the re-enactment team, the morris dancers or the Wessex Bird of Prey Rescue team.

Even so, I had an excellent time and it appears so did everyone else. There are already rumours of a 2009 Discworld Jamboree. It just goes to show how insane the organisers really are. There is a section on the Jamboree website that includes links to the thousands of photos that were taken at the event. For more information visit

6. Competitions

This month I have my spare copy of the US proof of Making Money to give away (unsigned this time).

I have decided that we should do another raffle and give the profits to Cancer Research UK Ltd.

So in order to win the book all you need to do is purchase tickets at 2 GBP each from my PayPal account

Please ensure that in the notes section of your purchase you mention that the money is for the raffle and the number of tickets you require.

The closing date will be the 20th September. Please don't try to purchase raffle tickets after this point as they will not get entered into the raffle draw.

Please note that you will not receive confirmation from me. You will however get a Paypal receipt to say that your payment has been sent. If you have any concerns please email me and I will check the transaction for you.

The randomly selected winner and the total amount raised will be announced next month.

Last month we gave you an opportunity to win a signed US proof copy of Making Money provided by Sandy Kidby and Rob Wilkins.

All you had to do was answer the following simple questions:

At what famous studio is The Colour of Magic being filmed?
Pinewood Studios
In which country did Terry tour for the first time in June?

The randomly selected winner was Rachael Cunliffe. Your prize will be sent to you some time after the 5th September when pjsmprints return from a well earned holiday.

Remember to keep an eye on the excellent website for exclusive news about Terry Pratchett.

7. Review: Men at Arms live in Sydney, Australia

Review by Sashi

The Archchancellors Men, in association with NUTS, performed "Men at Arms" at the Seymour Centre, Sydney, Australia from June 28 to July 14. It was advertised as "a Discworld detective story about a gun, monarchy, racial tension and class struggle in a thrilling blend of comedy, fantasy and social commentary."

I attended the June 6 show with five friends who had never read Discworld before. "Men at Arms" was my first Discworld novel and holds a very special place in my heart, so we each wondered whether we would enjoy ourselves. We all had an absolutely fantastic time, though, and I'd like to say thank you and congratulations to everyone involved in this production.

Before I move on to the cast (who were brilliant), the sound and lighting crew really deserve a special mention (the gonne's sickly green light and the final song selection were particular highlights). The stage, props and costumes were in some places a little rough (Angua's Watch uniform was really just a tunic, stockings and boots) but they suited the characters and setting pretty well, overall.

I hadn't realised so much of the action in "Men at Arms" was centred on Carrot (who was perfectly cast). To my mind, Vimes was always the hero of the book and I really enjoyed his performance, although my friends were a bit confused by his frequent and sudden changes in mood from anger to despair and back again. Of course, I told them to go read the books and discover the backstory for themselves, whch some of my friends have since done. Nevertheless, whilst we may have disagreed on the Vimes character, all the girls agreed he was quite cute.

I really enjoyed my friends' dissections of the various characters - they thought Sybil was "a bit bossy", Nobby was "the dodgy Watchman" and Vetinari was the one with "the deadly voice and the fantastic Matrix coat". The first appearance of Death - seven feet tall, hooded and cloaked with glowing blue eye sockets - caused a minor amount of freaking out, which quickly turned to laughter as Death attempted Humour with disastrous results...

The rest of the cast was great. Detritus really did look like as though he was a troll, the costume and make up would have taken ages but were worth it. Angua appeared to be channelling Kirsten Dunst and made for a very believable PLT werewolf, although the pelt she used as a wolfskin didn't really look like fur. Cuddy was played very sympathetically, and Edward, the Lords, the clowns and all the others filled their roles well. One friend thought the best actor was the one who played Sgt Colon, but to my mind, nothing could beat Gaspode the dog. He was played by a small scruffy grey dog, operated by a man with a ponytail dressed in black. They would come out on stage, and the man would throw himself wholly and totally into the character of the little dog, giving him the perfect voice and characteristics.

My friends and I had such a great time. We can't wait for the next one...

8. Article: Guards! Guards! Production Diary - Part 2

By Jax (

Considering there haven't been any rehearsals as the group is having their summer break, this month has been one of ups and downs. There was me thinking that this entry in the diary would be quite short (along the lines of "had summer break, wrote rehearsal schedule, didn't do much else"), which would have been great as nothing very dramatic (excuse the pun) would have happened, but that just wasn't to be.

So what is the bad news? Well, two-fold really; it turns out that there is another theatre group performing a Discworld play during the same week as ours, which means that some of our audience will want to see that other play too (although as long as they come along to mine, I don't mind! :D ), and that I won't be able to go and see this other play! A cast member did suggest that we try moving our play a week forward, but that would have meant losing out on a couple of cast members as they had plans for that week that couldn't be changed.

More importantly than that though, I have lost a cast member! Now this is drastic, as I've now got to jig around the casting and try and ask people to take on more characters than before, although we are trying to lure someone else in to help us out.

On the plus side, lots of flyers were handed out during the Jamboree and posters were stuck up (many thanks to Domino Falling and her friends!), and we've got a good start on the costumes for the watchmen. And yet that headache that I mentioned last month is getting worse...

9. The End

Discworld Monthly would like to thank Sonnet UK for hosting our mailing list for us free of charge. For more information about Sonnet UK visit their website at

No bears were harmed in making of this newsletter.

* Contact Information *

We prefer information to be sent via email, but can accept information via fax or post at the following addresses:

Post: J Anthony-Rowlands (DWM), 20 Cambrian Place, Pontarddulais, Swansea, SA4 8RG

* Latest Book Information *

Discworld hardback: Wintersmith 0385609841/87

Discworld paperback: Thud 0552152676/87

Discworld hardback Companion: Where's My Cow? 038560937X/87

Discworld Young Adult paperback: A Hat Full of Sky 0552551449/87

* Subscription Information *

To subscribe to 'Discworld Monthly' simply enter your email address in the form on the 'Discworld Monthly' web page. Our web site contains all back issues and links to other Pratchett sites.

Current circulation approximately 19200

To un-subscribe please follow the instructions at the end of this email.

If you have any problems un-subscribing visit our removal help page.

* Disc Trivia Results *

What was the name of the locksmith that Teatime employed?
Mr Brown
What was Mr Teatime's first name?
b) Jonathan
Who owned the bluebird of happiness?
The cheerful fairy
How much money did the Auditors offer The Guild of Assassins to delete the Hogfather?
3 million dollars
What did Death try to stick on Susan's Hogswatch Card?
A robin but it wasn't getting into the Hogswatch spirit

* Obtaining Terry's Books *

If you are looking for Terry books or videos over the net, simply visit our web page at and follow the 'Purchasing' link on the left panel of the page.

* Supporting DWM *

Discworld Monthly was created as a totally free newsletter and will continue to remain so for as long as it continues. However, the costs of maintaining the web site, postage, travel etc. adds up. If you feel you would like to make a small contribution towards these costs please consider doing so via either or

My account for each of these is


* Small Print *

We make no effort whatsoever to ensure the information in this newsletter is accurate or even legal. Remember to always exercise caution when passing your credit card details over the Net (or over the phone for that matter). All trademarks are recognized as the property of their respective owners, whoever they may be.

* Thanks *

Thanks for reading this issue of 'Discworld Monthly'. We hope you enjoyed it. If you have any comments or suggestions for the future of this newsletter please email:

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