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Discworld Monthly Extra - June 2011

Table of Contents:

1. Editorial - News of documentary Terry Pratchett: Choosing to Die
2. Troll Bridge Update
3. The End

1. Editorial

Just a day after we sent out June's issue we got the following information from Rob Wilkins (Terry's PA) which we thought you would like to know.

"Terry Pratchett : Choosing to Die" will be broadcast on Monday June 13th at 9pm on BBC2. Rob and Terry will also be taking it to the North American Discworld Convention where the attendees will get a chance to watch it with them.

Rob also mentioned that they (PJSM Prints) now have UU scarves back in stock.

2. Troll Bridge Update

We mentioned in the June issue that the funding for Troll Bridge was going really well but forgot to mention that Daniel Knight has created a new pledge level that allows you to get all three metal badges (Mica, Cohen and The Horse). To get a set of "Jason Anthony Discworld Monthly" badges. You simply need to pledge 10 USD more. So if you have already pledged 30 USD to be able to download the DVD adding 10 USD more will get you a set of badges. If you've already pledged 500 USD or more you will automatically get the badges.

In the latest update it appears that post-production team Inspiration Studios have offered their assistance on Troll Bridge. This means that the makers of Troll Bridge will get to play with advanced post-production facilities that are normally far out of their reach.

Hopefully this should mean we get an even better looking film.

There is still 32 days left to pledge so if you have a few dollars spare I am sure Daniel and the team will put it to good use.

3. The End

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