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Discworld Monthly Issue 220 September 2015 2nd Issue

Table of Contents:

1. Editorial
2. News
3. Events
4. Readers' Letters
5. DiscTrivia
6. Review: The Shepherd's Crown
7. Competition: The Shepherd's Crown
8. Review: Sasquan 2015
9. Review: Night Watch in Cardiff
10. The End

1. Editorial

Welcome to issue 220. Rachel and I finally managed to get into London and visit The Pillow Cinema's Discworld Graffiti Mural just off Brick Lane. It took a bit of finding but it was well worth the visit. We don't know how long it will survive as there are already signs of people showing a lack of respect and "tagging" Terry's beard. Hopefully the original artist will be able to come back and fix the damage at some point.

We took a few photos of the wall which we have uploaded to an album for you to enjoy at:

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Also this month we visited Night Watch at The Gate Theatre in Cardiff. This is our second visit to The Gate Theatre. Previously we watched the excellent Witches Abroad there. We've included a review of Night Watch later in this issue.

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We've been inundated with new books since last month's issue... Along with The Shepherd's Crown we have also received the new 2016 Discworld Diary, the 2016 Discworld Calendar and a copy of the beautiful Coverama by French artist Marc Simonetti.

We'll try to review the diary, calendar and Coverama over the next couple of issues.

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Terry Pratchett's The Duel is a short film inspired by Terry Pratchett's Discworld that was created and directed by Giant Animation as part of the Animation Hub, a work experience programme set up for students from Trinity College, Dublin to work on live projects.

Terry is credited as having "mucked about" with it. Giant Animations have made the whole film available on Vimeo:

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As we mentioned last month 2016 will be the year of the Sneezing Panda we thought we'd put up a reminder of how each of the years have been named:

Year of the Prawn - 2004 and 2005

Year of the Signifying Frog - 2006

Year of the Reversed Ptarmigan - 2007

Year of the Three Roses - 2008

Year of the Pensive Hare - 2009

Year of the Happy Goose - 2010

Year of the Complicated Monkey - 2011

Year of the Second Inception - 2012

Year of the Frog Ascendant - 2013

Year of the Reciprocating Llama - 2014

Year of the Spinning Mouse - 2015

Year of the Sneezing Panda - 2016

I don't know if Terry named any more years beyond 2016... I guess we'll find out next year.

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The Discworld Collectors Guild Archive is an excellent, massive collection of pictures and information about the myriad pieces of Discworld Merchandise (both official and unofficial) that have been sold / auctioned / given away over the years.

Find out more at:

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If you visit a play or a talk and would like to let the world know about it, please feel free to email your review to and we will consider it for publication.

Also if you have written an article that you think we might want to include in the newsletter please feel free to email me at the address below. We will of course give credit for anything we use.

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Finally, we have an exclusive offer to members of our Facebook group this month. Visit and join the Discworld Monthly Facebook group for more details at:

2. News

Round up of The Shepherd's Crown in the news (please note many of these links contain spoilers - please only read if you have completed The Shepherd's Crown):

The Guardian once again included a major spoiler when they chose it as their book of the day on Sunday 30th August... Read with caution:

The Guardian have since written an article explaining why they won't be putting spoiler alerts on their reviews in an article entitled: "Spoiler alert: this article says why Terry Pratchett review didn't have a warning"

PPPFocus includes an article about The Shepherd's Crown at:

"The Conversation" includes an article entitled "Shepherd's Crown is a crowning achievement for Terry Pratchett and his Discworld":

The Independent features a review entitled "A fairy tale ending for Discworld series":

The Independent also included a commentators piece entitled "We're lucky to have Terry Pratchett's Latest Novel":

The Daily Mail also reported: "From the shadow of dementia, a brilliant novel shines: Terry Pratchett's last book is a funny, fearless farewell":

The Den of Geek have written two reviews of The Shepherd's Crown - the first is spoiler-free:

and the other includes some major spoilers:

Helen Lewis in The New Statesman writes: "Goodbye to Terry Pratchett, the only writer who ever truly conquered my inner cynic"

'The Shepherd's Crown' Tells Terry Pratchett Fans How To Mourn Him says NPR books:

ToNight in South Africa writes: "The Shepherd's Crown is a sometimes sad, often funny and eminently suitable testament to the life and career of Sir Terry Pratchett."

Christian Science Monitor writes "'The Shepherd's Crown' offers the joy of one final Terry Pratchett novel":

The Indian Express features a good review of The Shepherd's Crown - sometimes its language is a little off target but it's still an interesting read:

Geekdad has written an article entitled '3 things parents should know about "The Shepherd's Crown". The article is aimed at parents of teens who are about to embark on reading the last Discworld novel:

io9 writes "The Final Discworld Book Is Bittersweet For Many Reasons" at:

NDTV claim "The Shepherd's Crown Is a Fitting Farewell to Terry Pratchett" at:

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Book Sales News - Wednesday 2nd September

The Shepherd's Crown is Number 1 in the UK Nielsen BookScan's Chart.

52,846 copies of The Shepherd's Crown were bought in its first week of sales.

It is also no 1 in the individual best-sellers charts of Waterstones and

It is the 10th time Sir Terry has had a number 1 selling novel.

The Shepherd's Crown retains its crown for a second week. Sales figures shows that Terry's final Discworld novel has topped the charts for a second week running.

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The Independent has reported that Terry Pratchett had "at least four" more Discworld novels in the pipeline before his death in March.

[According to Rob Wilkins talking to BBC Breakfast on 27th August, Terry was actually working on 10 novels. Rob also stated very clearly that these would never see the light of day - Ed]

Neil Gaiman was quoted in the The Daily Mail saying that "Terry wanted his unfinished work to be destroyed by a steamroller when he died" and in the BBC Breakfast interview Rob Wilkins said "Terry wanted a device made to fit to his heart to wipe his hard drive when his heart stopped beating":

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In his blog post dated 2nd September 2015 Kenneth Greenway writes: Hopefully, you'll find this an intriguing piece on what it felt like for me to lead Terry Pratchett's humanist funeral.

I have been (understandably) requested to refrain from revealing the specifics of Pratchett's ceremony, but I think it still manages to convey how nerve-wracking it felt to officiate when one is oneself a huge fan of the great man's oeuvre. In the end, I hold my nerve and do himself credit.

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Neil Gaiman has announced that he was working on Terry Pratchett's last request: a TV adaptation of Good Omens, the 1990 novel they wrote together about an angel and demon working together to foil the Apocalypse. It has previously been made into a successful Radio 4 series.

Warning - this information came from an article in The Times that includes a massive spoiler so please only read if you have finished The Shepherd's Crown:

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On Wednesday 2nd September 2015 Paul Kidby wrote: Yesterday I gave the Discworld Knight some running repairs for his final days on the Barons' Trail. If you want to take him home with you the auction is in Salisbury Cathedral on Thursday 1st October at 6.30pm with a drinks reception and a final opportunity to view the Barons close up before bidding.

Tickets cost 15GBP and are available from City Hall Box office in the City Centre, or over the phone on: 01722 434434, or online at

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Waterstones Aberdeen have raised 143.66GBP for Alzheimer's Research UK via their donation pot and tickets sales from their Mended Drum Pub Quiz that they held to celebrate the launch of The Shepherd's Crown!

Chuck Imisson, organiser of the quiz, said "Many, many thanks to everyone who donated! Should anyone happen to be in or around our store for the next week or so, we've still got the donation pot at our front counter."

3. Events

This section will contain events that you need to keep in your diary. Entries will remain until they go out of date. New entries will include the word [New] next to them. If this section gets too large we will start pruning entries.

From issue 190 onwards recurring monthly meetings have been moved to their own area at the bottom of the dates section.

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[AU] Mort - Death on Stage - 22 August to 3 October 2015

Brisbane Arts Theatre has been staging the Discworld plays since 1998 and now in 2015 we present our 1001st production - Sir Terry Pratchett's Mort, adapted by Stephen Briggs.

Get ready to scumble.

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[UK] Monstrous Productions presents Night Watch at the Gate Arts Centre, Keppoch St, Cardiff from September 9th to 12th.

Following their sold out performances of Witches Abroad in April, Monstrous Productions are finally attempting a Vimes one! With over 12,000GBP already donated to Alzheimer's Research, come along to support a great cause and see a great show in one! Tickets 8GBP or 6GBP concessions, available from

Find them on Facebook or email

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[DE] With a 1000 camels the German Discworld Convention moves to the mysterious continent of Klatch! Make room in your schedule from September 10th to 13th in 2015 for the fourth German Discworld Convention at Castle Ludwigstein. Be there when it's getting hot!

Registration has started on our homepage.

Join the Facebook page to receive further updates:

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[IRL] The Irish Discworld Convention is just around the corner. The Watch Open Weekend will be invading Roundworld from the 2nd - 5th October in the Cork International Hotel. The usual array of talks, games and madness will be held with a distinctive Watch theme. Tickets are still on sale for both the con and the gala dinner but they are going faster than a Feegle after some Sheep Liniment. The deadline for ordering our pre-con merchandise is also fast approaching so if you want a magic mug or a convention t-shirt get your orders in by September 13th (

The recent launch has stirred a lot of feelings amongst fans, happy and sad, and at IDWCon we'd like to give people the opportunity to express them. We'd like you to send us a message, drawing, photograph or letter about your relationship with Discworld and what Terry Pratchett means to you. We'd like to assemble a video of people's messages that we'll show at the con. So whether you can make it to Ireland or will only be there in spirit we'd like you to send us your "Letters to Terry". If you'd like to send a physical letter the deadline is September 18th and digital submissions should be in by September 25th. For more information or to send your letter: e-mail

We hope to see you in Ireland to share some old memories and create some new ones. Keep in touch with us at:

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[Channel Islands, New] Guards! Guards! Will be shown in Guernsey, Channel Islands this October.

The performance will be at the Princess Royal Centre for Performing Arts, on the 5th and 6th October 2015, at 7:30pm.

Proceeds are going to the Orangutan Foundation, of which Sir Terry Pratchett was of course a trustee.

Tickets cost 10 GBP / 8 GBP Concessions and can be purchased from or call 74999

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[UK, New] Maskerade will be performed by Act II on the 17th October at 14:30 and 19:30 at the South Holland Centre, Spalding. Tickets 9.50GBP (8GBP concessions), groups of 10+ 7.00GBP each. Available from the South Holland Centre Box Office 01775 764777 or

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[UK, New] Chorlton Players will be performing Mort from Thursday 22nd October - Saturday 24th October 2015 at 7:30pm at St Werburgh's Parish Hall, St Werburgh's Rd, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, M21 0TL

Online tickets account for approximately 60% of our overall capacity. Once this limit is reached, the remaining 40% will only be available for purchase on the door on a first come first served basis. In order to guarantee entry, we highly recommend purchasing your tickets in advance online via the link above.

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[UK] For all the Farscape / Vintage Sci-Fi fans out there, Starbase 24 are presenting The Ninth Banquet in Peterborough on October 23rd and 24th. The Friday features vintage sci-fi, hot buffet, quiz and disco and the Saturday features a Farscape-themed 3 course meal, entertainment, auction, raffle and disco with special guest: Virginia Hey.

The 75GBP weekend ticket or 57GBP (Saturday only) ticket includes a formal photo with Virginia Hey with profits going to Macmillan Cancer Support.


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[UK] Wyrd Sisters is being performed by Uppingham Theatre Company from Thursday 29th - Saturday 31st October 2015. Tickets cost 10 GBP including 2 GBP charity donation to Rutland Reminders. Tickets are available in person only from Uppingham Sports and Books, 9 High Street East, Uppingham and online at

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[UK, New] Making Money will be performed by Thalian Theatre Group from Thursday 12th November to Saturday 14th November at Townsgate Theatre Basildon - Mirren Studio.

Tickets cost 10 GBP, Concessions 8.50GBP, booking fee of 1GBP applies.

Phone 01268 465465

Or online at:

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[UK, New] Wyrd Sisters will be performed in Hexham at The Main Theatre by Queen's Hall Theatre Club from Thursday 26th - Saturday 28th November 2015 at 7:30pm

Tickets cost 10 GBP, 9 GBP concessions and 7 GBP under 18s.

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[UK] Sadly there will be no Discworld Emporium-run Hogswatch event this year, but there will be a fan-run, much more low key "Gathering of Loonies - Winter Event" on the same days, November 27th - 29th in Wincanton. More news will be provided as we are given it. The fans organising the event have set up a Facebook group at:

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Recurring monthly meetings:

[UK] The Broken Drummers meet at The Monkey Puzzle, Paddington, London, W2 1JQ, England at 7pm. For more information contact Helen Nicholls on

Unless otherwise stated the Drummers meet on the first Monday of each month.

The Drummers are always happy to welcome new visitors. You can find out more about the Drummers at

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[Perth, AU] The Perth Drummers have changed their name. They are now known as the Treacle Mining Corporation in honour of their beloved state. They still meet up to celebrate the works of author Sir Terry Pratchett, and welcome any fans of science fiction and fantasy.

Join them for their monthly discussion of Discworld, Terry Pratchett and all things sci-fi and fantasy. They meet the first Monday of each month, subject to holidays, and all are welcome.

The group meets up at Carpe Cafe, 526 Murray Street, Perth, WA. Meeting at a cafe means they are under-18 friendly!

For details follow them on Twitter @Perth_Drummers, Instagram perth_drummers, and Facebook

Otherwise message Alexandra Ware directly at

Unless otherwise stated the group meets up on the first Monday of each month.

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[AU] Sydney Drummers normally meet on the first Monday of every month.

We meet at the NEW venue, 3 Wise Monkeys, 555 George Street, Sydney, 2000 from 6:30pm

For more information contact Sue (AKA Granny Weatherwax) on

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[UK] On the first Friday of every month there will be a meeting of WOTS - Omnian Temperance Society - Wincanton branch - to be held at The Bear Inn from 7pm. New members or visitors from other places always welcome.

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[Adelaide, AU] The City of Small Gods is a group for fans in Adelaide and South Australia. We have regular monthly dinner and games nights, longer games days, plus play outings, craft-y workshops, and fun social activities throughout the year. For more info and to join our mailing list, visit:

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[Brisbane, AU, Updated] The Pratchett Partisans meet monthly at either Brisbane or Indooroopilly to eat, drink and chat about all things Pratchett. For more info about their next meetup, check out:

4. Readers' Letters

If you have any letters or comments, please email them to

We assume any correspondence is eligible for use in the newsletter unless otherwise stated, including the sender's email address. We may edit your letters to keep the 'onion' fairy away.

It is vitally important that you don't pass off other people's work as your own. If you use information from other resources please let us know so we can give proper credit.

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* From: "Jon Howard"

Like many many others I was deeply saddened when I first heard about PTerry's "embuggerance" and even more so by his untimely passing, too many tales left unsaid and too many questions left unanswered... especially the one that's always plagued me about Discworld books,

"why did he never split the book into chapters?"

I've read every book he ever wrote in both paper and eBook form and I've lost count of the number of times I've settled down for "a quick catchup" meaning to get to the end of the chapter only to still be sat there an hour or more later cursing him for his "unique" style of storytelling, and resultant "dead leg" and "red ring" especially if reading in the "littlest room".

So it was with eager anticipation (and a cushion) that I tore into the Shepard's Crown (everything else bumped from my reading list) only to find "Chapters!!!" (crivens!) - after all these years, someone's finally listened to my plea - and yet this is the one book I don't want to stop reading... Whilst the book is a great summation of the series (and chapter 2 in particular especially poignant), there's a part of me that thinks it really should have been in the same "style" as the rest - and here we have another unanswered question, "why?"

Anyway it's time to end this now (too late, I can already feel my legs deadening), I hope the newsletter continues (both to exist and grow).

"Here's to Terry Pratchett and lost futures. May we all go round again"

DWM Replies: Terry used chapters for all his young adult titles including the Tiffany Aching books. He also used chapters in Going Postal and Making Money.

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* From: "Karis Bishop"

Just thought you might like to see a photo of this "Steampunk Luggage" tribute to Terry at the Lincoln Steampunk Festival 2015.

Thank you for all your hard work please keep it up.

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* From: "Jacqueline Simpson"

I have just read the fine review of Shepherd's Crown in The Guardian, and I wish to take issue with its closing comment. After mentioning Terry's illness, the reviewer concludes by saying: "Only those who read the Feegles' Glossary will see that the last word of this last novel is 'despair'." This is startlingly incompatible with everything we have seen of Terry's attitude in the face of illness and death -- rage, yes indeed; but despair? Surely not.

I know that when we look at a book written in such circumstances there is a natural urge to see ominous significance in details, but this particular detail is pure coincidence. The Feegle Glossary has been repeated word for word at the end of several of the Tifffany books, with the last entry always being "Waily, a general cry of despair".

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* From: "David Paterson"

I have just received in the post, the prize from Issue 218, the Shepherd's Crown, plus bookmark, badge and US sampler. I am absolutely delighted to have won, a most unexpected and pleasant surprise and I thank you with unbounded joy. I've been looking forward to reading the book, and had hoped the wife and children would pick up on the subtle hints (open web pages, scattered Discworld books, "I love Pratchett" daubed on the walls) and I might get it for my upcoming birthday as a surprise. However, this is even better, and I've now got it as an early birthday 'sur-prize'.

DWM replies: Congratulations David for winning last month's competition. We are really pleased that your prize got to you so swiftly.

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* From: "Loretta Harris"

I'm so angry and glad at the same time. I don't know how that can be, but I'll try to explain. Last month I got a copy of The Carpet People from Daedalus, a catalog that sells 'remaindered' books, books that WON'T SELL. I had never been able to find a copy so I was happy for me and angry because how can they possibly think that Terry's books won't sell?

Today I was at Wal-Mart and they had a table of sale books at 4.97 USD. I was digging through the pile and saw the letters ATCH on a book at the bottom of the stack. I said PRATCHETT very loudly and dug out 3 copies of Turtle Recall in Hardback! I bought them all, one for me and 2 for gifts. I'm happy I got the book but how can they think that Terry's books won't sell? Every fan in America should hit the Wal-Mart store to see if they can find a treasure.

5. DiscTrivia

This month we are back with five challenging trivia questions for you... This month all the questions relate to The Wee Free Men, our first introduction to Tiffany Aching. Good luck.

How big are Jenny Green-Teeth's eyes?
When the Feegles say "Hey, see here, it's a hoose! See, with wee chairies and things!" what have they discovered?
What is the name of the only female Feegle in Rob Anybody's clan?
What temporary title did Tiffany earn during The Wee Free Men?
What is the name of the Feegle training to be a gonnagle?

The (hopefully correct) answers can be found at the end of this issue.

6. Review: The Shepherd's Crown

Reviewed by Jason Anthony.

All things come to an end. And so it is with the Discworld. The Shepherd's Crown is Sir Terry Pratchett's final Discworld novel and the fifth in the Tiffany Aching series.

It is almost impossible to review the story of The Shepherd's Crown without giving away at least one massive spoiler - hence the problem with the Guardian's review... So I'll not be talking about the story itself. Let me assure you though, that it is very much a complete novel and has a solid start, middle and end.

Terry completed most of this book in the summer of 2014 and continued working on it until the 5th December 2014, his last working day. Apparently the way Terry always worked meant that while the book was written it was also in pieces and needed fitting together like a literary jigsaw. This was something that Terry usually did himself. After Terry's death in March, Rob Wilkins and the editorial team at Transworld took on this role and assembled the book into the completed form it was published in. Rob Wilkins has suggested that there were a few bits that Terry would have liked to have added and a few more layers of varnish Terry would have liked to have applied but sadly never got the chance to do so.

In the afterword it states "But what we have is a remarkable book, Terry's final book, and anything you wish to know more about in here, you are welcome to imagine yourself."

I have to say that at times the writing is right up there with some of the best prose Terry had ever written. There is so much passion and love in the words at times it is beautiful. In my opinion it is a massive improvement from the rambling Raising Steam.

I dare you not to find bits in this novel that will make you feel emotional. One wonders if future readers that didn't read Terry when he was alive will feel such a strong connection with the finality of this book. I'm not sure how much of this is me as a reader feeling the loss more than something Terry has written.

The UK hardback edition features yellow and black stripped bindings which looks like the bumble bees that appear in the book. I haven't seen a US edition of the book yet so cannot confirm if they also feature the striped binding. It's only a small thing but it makes the book just that little bit more special.

I don't know if Terry realised this was going to be his last novel but I feel he has left us with one hell of a book. You can rest easy now Sir Terry - your work here is done.

You can purchase The Shepherd's Crown from Amazon UK at:

Hardback -

Kindle -

Amazon USA at:

Hardback -

Kindle -

Amazon Canada (with the UK covers) at:

Hardback -

Kindle -

7. Competition: The Shepherd's Crown

This month we have personally purchased two copies of The Shepherd's Crown to give away. One will be for UK residents the other will be for residents outside of the UK. The Shepherd's Crown (reviewed earlier this issue) is Terry Pratchett's last novel and will in time, I am sure, be considered a classic.

In order to win a copy of The Shepherd's Crown you need to answer to the following two questions.

According to our new Terry Pratchett Bibliography page on the Discworld Monthly website, when was Eric published?
How many sites do we link to in the list on the Discworld Monthly website links page?

Send your answers to the two questions, along with your postal address, to before 21st October 2015. Your address will only be used for entering you in the correct draw and for sending out your prize should you be one of our two lucky winners. Once prizes are sent out all address details will be destroyed. Entries received after the closing date or sent to any other address will be ignored. No more than one entry per person will be accepted. Failure to answer the questions or provide your postal address will prevent you from being entered into the competition. Multiple entries will be banned. Answers to the questions must not be posted to any websites before the competition ends. The judges' decision is final.

8. Review: Sasquan 2015

Reviewed by: Paul Bezler

A report from the 73rd World Science Fiction Convention - Spokane

So there was no NADWCON to go to this year, what to do? As there was going to be an included Discworld 'event' at the World Con I decided to go and see what all the fuss was about as I had never been to one before.

Despite my flights being cancelled at the last minute, I did arrive on the correct day, if not the correct time and got to my hotel just before midnight on the Monday, leaving me a whole day to explore Spokane before the Con started on Wednesday. I woke relatively fresh on Tuesday and had a leisurely breakfast before heading over to the Convention Centre to get the lay of things. Huge complex, but I had a good look around and watched everyone scurrying about putting the final touches to things. Registration began early, so I was able to get hold of my welcome pack to see exactly what was on offer. The Guide ran to 144 pages so there would be plenty to keep me occupied, with a good quantity of Discworld related panels and meet and greets.

I returned to the hotel for a brief respite and whilst riding the lift up to my floor saw my first wildfire! Washington was experiencing its worst season for fires as it was experiencing a serious drought. I could see the fire spotter circling the smoke and calling in water bombers to extinguish the flames which showed how close it was to the city. The other areas of fire were much further away but the whole week I was there, the city was plagued by smoke and dust from the conflagration. Warnings were given out on a couple of evenings to stay indoors as much as possible and you could taste the smoke wherever you went. Three fire fighters died on that day, putting everything we were doing into perspective.

Still, the show goes on!

A pint of local IPA went down well that first night as I got ready for the action to begin.

I was meeting up with friends later on Wednesday but had time to attend a panel on 'Comfort Reading'. What do you read that feels friendly and leaves happy thoughts? First friend, Phalarope, arrived at lunchtime and we went to our first Discworld panel, 'Headology and Boffo,' which was well attended for first day.

The First Night gathering in the Riverside Park was interrupted by us going to the Discworld welcome do, 'OOK'. Again it was well attended. We had time to get a meal before returning the Con Centre for the Discworld Quiz, where we met up with another friend, Nonny Mouse, and made some new friends at our table to have a go at the fiendishly difficult quiz. 80 questions later we came second by 72 points to 71 and 3/4!! We wuz robbed!! It is possible more beverages were consumed before we retired.

It was getting busier as more people arrived - in fact a record attendance of 5500 attendees where only 3500 were expected. It meant the Con suite eventually took over a whole floor of the hotel! Busy, busy.

Thursday was Discworld day and the day of the Terry Pratchett Memorial, attended by some 200 Discworld fans. After hearing from the panel of Tam Whitmore, Denise Connell, Deb Geisler and Anne Hoppe there were a number of funny and very moving tributes from the fans. I think I got something in my eye at this point as apparently did a number of others. Must have been the smoke!!

Possibly the best tribute at the Con was the exhibit put together(at her own expense) by Patty Panek. Lots of Discworld collectables, maps, costumes, books and images (which included some by our very own Jason Anthony), with a very willing and knowledgeable group of volunteers to guide visitors through the exhibit. The costume on Death changed every day and the whole thing was excellent. Kudos to Patty, her husband and all the volunteers.

I did get to go to non-Discworld events as well, especially readings by some of my other favourite authors including Connie Willis, Charles Stross, Jack Campbell, Ann Leckie and John Scalzi .

There were hundreds of attendees in costume, covering all aspects of Fantasy and Sci-Fi and many Discworld themed ones too. It kept me busy taking photos which I shall endeavour to share when I get the chance to sort them out.

The Con climaxed with the Hugos ceremony on Saturday night, opened by an appearance of our very own Death who launched the proceedings which ended with the Hugo for best novel going to 'The Three-Body Problem' by Chinese writer Cixin Liu. In my opinion, the ceremony was not the most polished production and could have done with input from some of our own Discworld organisers from Hogswatch, which has always been a good show.

Helsinki triumphed in the 2017 World Con bid and the next one in 2016 will be in Kansas City, so lots of barbecues there then!!

Whilst the previous NADWCON organisers no longer wish to participate in arranging Discworld cons, from talking to many who were there, there is a lot of support for another Discworld Con in the future, it just needs some group to take up the reigns. There were counter bids for previous Cons so there are people out there who were interested, perhaps some gentle nudging can begin. Oh, and please remember, Canada is in North America!

Spokane was an excellent host and a good time was had by all. Let us hope that the fires can be extinguished and life can return to normal for the people of the Pacific North West.

Hansolobiker, August 2015

9. Review: Night Watch in Cardiff

Reviewed by Jason Anthony.

We visited the Gate Theatre, Cardiff on Thursday 10th September to see Monstrous Productions' second night performance of Night Watch.

We'd previously visited their production of Witches Abroad at the Gate. It was a great production but we found the seats to be very uncomfortable. This time the theatre had included cushions on the pews which made it much more enjoyable.

Night Watch is very much a Vimes centric story so the casting of Vimes / Keel is essential to get right and Monstrous Production have got this perfect with their casting of Jes Hynes. Jes has the stage presence / gravitas to hold the whole performance together. I'd go as far as saying for me [and me - Rachel] Jes is now exactly how I imagine Vimes to be.

Of course, to counter Vimes, we need a decent villain. And Carcer is probably Terry's most terrifying / psychotic villain. Tyron Sullivan does that malevolent / mischievous combination with style.

The final member of Night Watch's lead trinity is young Sam Vimes portrayed by Craig Harper. Craig's performance is somewhat overshadowed by the other leads. But he provides a solid foundation to Jes' commanding performance.

The rest of the cast is solid with Michael Dickinson capturing Captain Swings unusual speech metric and walk with aplomb. If, as an audience member, you were new to Discworld I wonder what you'd make of his strange swing walk and speech pattern.

The performance moves along at quite a pace, with the production making good use of the large space in front of the stage. The minimalist sets allowed quick transitions between scenes. The first half of the production rocks along. The stage becomes an impressive barricade for the second half. The pace slacks off just a little bit in the second half and becomes slightly more verbose but that's down to the source material. The whole play is very well produced and a huge amount of fun to watch. The chemistry between the three leads is a joy to witness.

This really is a great production and it reminded me of just how great a story Night Watch is. It's been a while since I last read the novel and this production has inspired me to go and read it again.

Well done to Amy Davies and the rest of her team for once again bringing the Discworld to life. Monstrous Productions will be back in February 2016 for an as yet undisclosed production and then back in August 2016 for a production of Going Postal. Discworld Monthly aims to visit both performances.

On a personal note it was great to meet our very own Richard Massey's sister and partner. Richard tends to keep his family away from us for some reason, something about protecting them from us ... I'm not sure what he means.

It seems I'm not the only person to like Monstrous Production's adaptation of Night Watch. Wales Online have posted their glowing review stating "Night Watch brilliantly brings Terry Pratchett's Discworld to life".

10. The End

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Post: J Anthony-Rowlands (DWM), 20 Cambrian Place, Pontarddulais, Swansea, SA4 8RG

* Latest Book Information *

The Shepherd's Crown:

Raising Steam:

The Long Utopia:

The Long Mars:

TURTLE RECALL: The Discworld Companion

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* DiscTrivia Results *

How big are Jenny Green-Teeth's eyes?
About the size of soup plates.
When the Feegles say "Hey, see here, it's a hoose! See, with wee chairies and things!" what have they discovered?
The dolls' house in Tiffany's room.
What is the name of the only female Feegle in Rob Anybody's clan?
What temporary title did Tiffany earn during The Wee Free Men?
Temporary kelda
What is the name of the Feegle training to be a Gonnagle?

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* Thanks *

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GNU Terry Pratchett...

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