Discworld Monthly Issue 227 March 2016
#GNU Marie "Maz" Kirby 24/02/2015
Table of Contents:
1. Editorial
2. News
3. Upcoming Book Releases
4. March Events
5. Future Events
6. Recurring Monthly Fan Meetings
7. Readers' Letters
8. DiscTrivia
9. Eric! Live in Cardiff
10. Discworld Atlas Competition Result
11. Granny Weatherwax Hoodie Competition
12. The End
1. Editorial
Welcome to issue 227. It's been a busy month for us. We've received lots of lovely news items, we've been to see an excellent production of Eric in Cardiff and have made many regular visits to the Post Office to send out Discworld Monthly mugs and other products.
Don't forget: if you want to go to the Terry Pratchett Memorial on the 14th April, you still have until the 14th March to apply for tickets. After that date tickets will be randomly allocated to people. Discworld Monthly hopes to be at the event (fingers crossed) and wishes the odds be forever in your favour.
If you visit a play or a talk and would like to let the world know about it, please feel free to email your review to info@discworldmonthly.co.uk and we will consider it for publication.
Also if you have written an article that you think we might want to include in the newsletter please feel free to email me at the address below. We will of course give credit for anything we use.
- Jason Anthony (Editor and Wizzard) info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
- Rachel Rowlands (Trivia Writer / Interesting Stuff Finder)
- William Barnett (Deputy Editor / Proofreader)
- Amy Simmonds (Artist in Residence)
- Richard Massey (iPad Master)
2. News
The Shepherd's Crown has been longlisted for the CILIP Carnegie Medal. The shortlist will be announced on March 15th, so watch this space.
Terry famously won the Carnegie Medal for The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents back in 2001, where on stage he ate a fake chocolate version of the medal much to everyone's amusement.
[If The Shepherd's Crown does win we hope that Rob Wilkins does the right thing and re-creates the medal-eating stunt. - Ed]
"Plan For a Sir Terry Pratchett Statue Gathers Pace
Monday, 8th February, 2016
Salisbury City Council met at the Guildhall this evening to discuss the proposal to erect a permanent statue of Sir Terry Pratchett in the city. A petition was launched by local Discworld enthusiast Emily Brand to garner support for the project and she has been overwhelmed with the response. The petition took both the Discworld community and local social sites by storm, gathering over 8000 signatures since its launch in September 2015. Emily spoke of the importance of Sir Terry's books and his residence close to the city, as well as his support for the community at large, including being a generous - albeit often discrete - benefactor of many local projects. Emily requested that the collective voice of thousands of fans and readers be heard and consideration given to remembering Sir Terry and his work. Terry's business manager and long time friend Rob Wilkins and artist Paul Kidby were also in attendance at the meeting to add their support to that of the author's family and highlight the approval of his estate.
Discworld illustrator Paul Kidby - widely known as Terry's artist of choice - has been proposed as the designer of the statue and has already submitted a first draft design which has been warmly received by all. Paul's artwork has graced dozens of Discworld books over the past twenty years and his work is known and celebrated worldwide.
The proposal was met with unanimous approval by members of the council and has now been moved on to the next stage for further discussion."
Discworld Monthly is happy to add our support. We will continue to keep you updated with any or all new information.
BBC Wiltshire have since interviewed Paul Kidby about the statue at:
If you haven't already, please do sign Emily's petition at:
Emily has posted about her impression of the meeting at:
The Salisbury Journal has a writeup about the meeting at:
Paul Kidby's new website www.paulkidby.com has now gone live. We advise looking at the copyright page for important information about use of Paul's images.
New signage is on the cards for Wincanton (twinned with Ankh-Morpork) as a memorial to Sir Terry Pratchett.
Wincanton has been twinned with the infamous city of Ankh-Morpork since 2002 with Wincanton's town sign proudly showing the coat of arms of its fictitious counterpart.
Taken from the Western Gazette:
Mr Pearson suggested the new statue in Salisbury and more Pratchett related attractions in Wincanton could form fitting spots on a tour remembering the prolific storyteller.
He said: "The Salisbury statue is a brilliant idea and there certainly should be something in Wincanton. We would like to make it so that Terry's fans visit the statue in Salisbury before coming here to the Emporium and to visit the pubs where he drank.
"We hope a new town sign is commissioned and gets the go ahead because people already come to the town to pose under the sign for pictures - it's a bit of a tourist attraction in itself - and some new artwork could make it even more of a draw."
Town council clerk, Sam Atherton, confirmed discussions were underway.
She said: "The council are in talks with Bernard to design new signage for the entrance to the town. This in memory of Terry."
The proposed statue in Salisbury still requires funding to become a reality but Mr Pearson said the designer Paul Kidby, a personal friend and an illustrator of the Discworld books, was certain to create a "very lovely piece".
He joked: "I'm not sure Wincanton could afford a statue but it would be fantastic if we could have a copy."
Snowgum Films have released the 3rd issue of their Troll Bridge (movie) newsletter. Read how they planned the film using, we assume Daniel Knight's collection of, He-Man toys. And also an actor's memories of a day on location.
The Salisbury Journal had reported that the petition we mentioned last month to name one of the recently discovered new elements after Sir Terry Pratchett is close to reaching 50,000 signatures.
You can sign the petition at
3. Upcoming Book Releases
* UK Releases *
The new edition of Wings with cover illustration by Mark Beech will be released on 7th April 2016. Wings is the third and final book of the Bromeliad trilogy to be given the new updated look.
Seriously Funny: The Endlessly Quotable Terry Pratchett - A collection of the wittiest and wisest words from Terry Pratchett.
We've been unable to confirm any details officially yet. This is the information gleamed from various sites. At the moment there is no cover photo and very few details. We don't know if this is a sequel to The Wit and Wisdom of Discworld or something completely new.
The details we have are:
Hardcover: 128 pages
Publisher: Doubleday (21 April 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0857524305
ISBN-13: 978-0857524300
It is currently listed on Amazon at a RRP of 9.99 GBP - www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0857524305/87
Mort will be getting a new Corgi paperback release with a new introduction by Neil Gaiman on 21st April 2016.
ISBN: 9780552173049
RRP: 7.99 GBP
A new paperback edition of Guards! Guards! will have also have a new introduction, this time by author Ben Aaronovitch and will also be released on 21st April 2016.
ISBN: 9780552173032
RRP: 7.99 GBP
Author Joanne Harris (via Twitter) has confirmed she has written a new introduction for Wyrd Sisters. We don't have a released date for this yet.
We've seen a number of websites listing the OFFICIAL DISCWORLD COLOURING BOOK by Paul Kidby.
Again, we don't have any official notice yet. But this is the information gleamed from various sites.
The book is due for release on the 17th May 2016. It will have 96 pages of glorious Paul Kidby illustrations for you to colour in and enjoy.
It will be published by Gollancz / Orion and it's ISBN details are:
ISBN-10: 1473217474
ISBN-13: 978-1473217478
The book will measure 15 x 21 cm and will be 2.2cm thick.
It has an RRP of 9.99GBP.
No book cover or any other details available at the moment but we will update you when we know more.
From discworldmonthly.co.uk/uid/775
The Shepherd's Crown will be released in paperback on 2nd June 2016 by Corgi Children's.
The Long Cosmos (book five in The Long Earth Series) will be published in hardback by Penguin Random House on 30th June 2016.
The Long Cosmos Slipcase Edition is now available to pre-order from Waterstones. Priced at 35GBP it will be released on the 30th June 2016.
Publisher: Transworld Publishers Ltd, ISBN: 9780857524294
The Long Utopia (book four in The Long Earth Series) will be published in paperback by Corgi.
Small Gods the Graphic Novel is currently scheduled for release on the 14th July this year in the UK. It will have 144 pages and be published by Doubleday.
* Other releases *
The Spanish translation of Dragons at Crumbling Castle was released on Thursday 18th February.
The publishers have given a sneak peek on their website of one of the stories.
The Long Utopia has been translated by Morrow into French and will be released on the 26 March 2016 by the publishers L'Atalante.
The cover will be by illustrator Raphael Defossez
Small Gods The Graphic Novel (International Release) is scheduled to be published on the 23rd August 2016.
4. March Events
[UK, New] Stroud High School presents an amateur production of Terry Pratchett's 'Wyrd Sisters', adapted by Stephen Briggs.
Where: Stroud High School, Main Hall, Beards Lane, Cainscross Road, Stroud, Gloucestershire, GL5 4HF
When: 8th and 9th March 2016, performance starts at 6.30pm.
Tickets: 6GBP Adults, 4GBP Concessions
Tickets are available to reserve by emailing admin@stroudhigh.gloucs.sch.uk
[UK, New] Chelmsford Theatre Workshop will be performing Mort from 9th - 12th and 16th -19th March 2016 from 19:45. Performances daily Wednesday to Saturday only.
Tickets cost 10 GBP (9 GBP concessions).
The venue is the Old Court Theatre Chelmsford, 233 Springfield Road (opposite the prison), Chelmsford, Essex
Tickets can be booked via the Civic Theatre on 01245 606505 or at: www.chelmsford.gov.uk/mort
[UK] Dereham Theatre Company in Norfolk will be performing Wyrd Sisters from March 10th - 12th 2016 at 7:30pm.
The venue is: Dereham Memorial Hall, 61 Norwich Street, Dereham, NR19 1AD
More details (including audition forms) can be found at: dosoc.co.uk/production2.asp
[UK] Mort will be performed by New Venture Theatre in Brighton from Friday 11th March to Saturday 12th March 2016.
The venue is located at: Bedford Place, Brighton, BN1 2PT
Tickets from: discworldmonthly.co.uk/uid/764
Box Office Information: 01273 746118
[UK, New] East Essex Players will be performing Maskerade in the Dixon Studio at the Palace theatre in Southend on the 15th - 19th March 2016. Tickets can be booked online at discworldmonthly.co.uk/uid/766 or by calling the box office on 01702 351135.
[UK, New] Witham Dramatic Club in Essex will be performing MASKERADE from Wednesday 16th to Saturday 19th of March 2016 at The Witham Public Hall, Collingwood Road, Witham, Essex, CM8 2DY. Performances start at 7.45 pm. All tickets 10 GBP in advance, 12 GBP on the door. Senior Citizens and Children under 16 are 8 GBP in advance, 10 GBP on the door (Not available Friday or Saturday).
You can email them at Contact@WithamDramatic.co.uk, telephone 01621 892404 or visit the website to book tickets direct from the Box Office at www.withamdramatic.co.uk/boxoffice.html
[Finland, New] Thespians Anonymous Theatrical Society's will be performing Stephen Briggs' adaptation of Guards! Guards! from Tuesday 22nd March to Saturday 26th March 2016.
They are an English-speaking amateur theatre group based in Helsinki
Tickets can be purchased from:
(13 EUR normal price/11 EUR concession). Buying on-line will save you 1 EUR per ticket!
There is more! Group discounts (10 EUR per ticket) are available for groups of 10 people or more. Just add 10+ tickets to your basket on HOLVI and insert discount code GUARDSGROUP. You will get the discount automatically!
5. Future Events
[UK] Stephens Briggs' new production The Shakespeare Codex (based loosely on The Science of Discworld II) will be performed from 6th - 9th April 2016.
[UK] Cake Eaters Anonymous are a fund-raising organisation in Nottingham who meet regularly to raise funds for local or national charities. On 10th April to mark the one year anniversary of Sir Terry Pratchett's death [Terry died on 12th March 2015 - Ed], they will be supporting the Alzheimer's Society.
They have a short talk from a charity representative to explain how the donations will be put to good use and usually run a raffle during the event as well to raise donations and win fun prizes.
As this is a specially Discworld themed event, attendees are encouraged to bake something Discworld themed and even to dress up in a Discworld related outfit / costume if they like!
Places are limited and tickets need to be booked in advance. Tickets for the April event can be booked here: cakeclubapr2016.eventbrite.co.uk
[Australia] The Unseen Theatre Company will be performing The Wee Free Men at Bakehouse Theatre, Adelaide, Australia.
Preview: Friday, 15 April 2016 - 7:30pm.
Opening night: Saturday, 16 April 2016 - 7:30pm.
Season: Wednesday 20th April 2016 - Saturday 23rd April 2016 and Wednesday 27th - Saturday 30th April 2016 all starting at 7:30pm.
Matinee: Sunday, 17 April 2016 - 2:00pm
Tickets: Adults 22AUD; Conc 18AUD; TREv 16AUD; Groups (6+) 16AUD;
Preview - All tickets 15AUD; Families (2A & 2 ch) 60AUD; Companion card 0 AUD
Website and booking info: www.bakehousetheatre.com/shows/wee-free-men
[UK] Collingwood RSC Theatre Club will be performing Lords and Ladies at the Millennium Hall, HMS Collingwood, Newgate Lane, Fareham, Hampshire, PO14 1AS from 20th - 23rd April 2016. Shows start at 19:30. Box office 07502 037922 or email collingwoodrsc@sky.com
[Switzerland, New] Lords and Ladies (adapted by Irana Brown) will be performed by The Gay Beggars from 22nd April 2016.
If you want to reserve seats, e-mail them at reservations@gaybeggars.ch
[UK, New] Caversham Park Theatre will be performing Wyrd Sisters at The Milestone Centre, Northbrook Rd, Caversham, Reading, RG4 6PF from May 12th - 13th at 8pm and May 14th at 7pm.
Early bird tickets (before April 12th) cost 7GBP.
Book online at: www.cavparktheatre.org.uk or phone 0118-948-1377
[UK] Minehead Dramatic Society are presenting Wyrd Sisters at the Regal Theatre in Minehead, Somerset on the 13, 14 and 15th May 2016.
They still have some parts to cast. If anyone in the local area is interested please contact jackiestagg@hotmail.com
Rehearsals will be twice weekly starting in March.
[Germany] MORT will be performed on Saturday 21st at 19:30 and Sunday 22nd May 2016 at 15:30 pm at Theater Altes Hallebad, Friedberg
Tickets are 10.00 EUR / concessions 8.00 EUR
For more information visit heldentheater.de/
[UK] We are Theatre will be performing Mort from 21st - 22nd June 2016 at 7:30pm at Joseph Rowntree Theatre, York.
Tickets cost 10GBP (8GBP concessions) and are available from York Theatre Royal Box Office (01904) 623568. Group bookings contact wearetheatre@googlemail.com or call us on 07511 364107
[UK] Lords and Ladies (adapted by Irana Brown) will be performed by the People's Theatre (Newcastle upon Tyne) from 12th July to 16th July 2016 from 7:30pm.
Tickets cost 13.50 GBP (11 GBP concessions).
Box office: 0191 265 5020 (Option 2)
[UK] July 23rd - Sept 18th 2016. Discworld and Beyond, Paul Kidby's touring exhibition, is going to spend next summer in Nuneaton Museum and Art Gallery (Riversley Park, Coton Rd, Nuneaton CV11 5TU).
[UK] Richmond Amateur Dramatic Society will be performing Wyrd Sisters from Thu 28th to Sat 30th July and Thu 4th Aug to Sat 6th Aug 2016 at The Georgian Theatre Royal. Performances start at 7.30pm and tickets cost from 6.50 GBP to 12.50 GBP. The Theatre is located in the heart of Richmond, North Yorkshire.
Box office 01748 825252
[UK] Wadfest 2016, the Science Fiction Camping Event, dates have been announced. The event entitled: "Putting on the Flicks: It came from Planet W" will take place from 12th - 14th August at Wood Green, The Animal Shelter, King's Bush Farm, London Road, Godmachester, Cambs. PE29 2NH
Adult camping tickets cost 25 GBP with junior tickets costing 1p when booked with an adult. Adult visitor tickets cost 15 GBP. Concessions are available for students / people on low income and cost 20 GBP each.
[UK] Monstrous Productions will be performing Going Postal from August 17th - 20th at the Gate Theatre in Cardiff, South Wales.
[UK] The Discworld Convention 2016: The Band With Rocks In will take place in Chesford Grange Hotel, Warwick from 26th-29th August 2016.
The event sold out in a matter of days when tickets first became available. Though the con have been running a waiting list for people still hoping to attend.
[Australia] Guards! Guards! Will be performed in Brisbane, Australia from 8th October -12 November 2016 by Brisbane Art Theatre.
Tickets are available from: www.artstheatre.com.au/show/guardsguards
[Germany] All the Witches and denizens of the Chalk are invited to the 5th German Discworld Convention which will take place at Castle Ludwigstein from May 18th to 21st in 2017.
More information will be released on their Facebook page:
[Netherlands] Cabbagecon 4 - July 2017
The Cabbagecon team is proud to announce a new edition of the one and only Dutch Discworld convention.
After visiting the Ankh-Morpork Assassins' Guild in 2015, we will team up with the Guild of Merchants to explore the great city of Ankh-Morpork some more in 2017.
Come and see the sights, meet the colourful city-dwellers, try the local food and, in general, experience the unique atmosphere of the Disc's most famous city. The Ankh-Morpork Guild of Merchants has gracefully agreed to provide a balanced and representative programme of activities to keep all visitors entertained.
Cabbagecon 4 will be held at the Hotel Carlton President in Utrecht on 1-2 July 2017.
Check out our new website at www.dutchdwcon.nl
[Australia] Announcing The Discworld Grand Tour 2017.
The Ankh-Morpork Tourism Board invites you to a journey of wonder, whimsy, and, er, wossname at *Nullus Anxietas VI - The Discworld Grand Tour - The Australian Discworld Convention.*
The Discworld Grand Tour will be held on 4th-6th August 2017 at the Lakes Resort Hotel, Adelaide, South Australia. This convention will be a way to escape on a luxurious trip to the Discworld to enjoy three (or four) fabulous days of fun and frivolity with your fellow fans of the late, great Sir Terry Pratchett.
You can find out more about Nullus Anxietas VI - The Discworld Grand Tour - The Australian Discworld Convention and chat with other potential tourists at:
Website: ausdwcon.org
Facebook page: facebook.com/Ausdwcon
Facebook group: facebook.com/groups/ausdwcon2017
Twitter: twitter.com/ausdwcon
6. Recurring Monthly Fan Meetings
[UK] The Broken Drummers meet at The Monkey Puzzle, Paddington, London, W2 1JQ, England at 7pm. For more information contact Helen Nicholls on helelnicholls@gmail.com
Also please note that due to email problems some addresses have been lost from the mailing list. If you are not getting Drummers emails and want to, please email Helen Nicholls on helelnicholls@gmail.com
Unless otherwise stated the Drummers meet on the first Monday of each month.
The Drummers are always happy to welcome new visitors. You can find out more about the Drummers at www.brokendrummers.org/ or
[UK] The A 2 Z Science Fiction Group meet from 8pm on the 3rd Thursday in the month in Chelmsford. They are happy to discuss anything from Asimov to Zelazny [passing Pratchett somewhere in the middle - Ed]. They meet at the United Brethren Pub, New Writtle Street, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 0LF
[Perth, Australia] The Treacle Mining Corporation meet up to celebrate the works of Sir Terry Pratchett, and welcome any fans of science fiction and fantasy.
Join them for their monthly discussion of Discworld, Terry Pratchett and all things sci-fi and fantasy. They meet the first Monday of each month, subject to holidays, and all are welcome.
The group meets up at Carpe Cafe, 526 Murray Street, Perth, WA. Meeting at a cafe means they are under-18 friendly!
For details follow them on Twitter @Perth_Drummers, Instagram perth_drummers, and Facebook www.facebook.com/groups/Perth.Drummers/
Otherwise message Alexandra Ware directly at alexandra.ware@gmail.com
Unless otherwise stated the group meets up on the first Monday of each month.
[Sydney, Australia] Sydney Drummers normally meet on the first Monday of every month.
They meet at the NEW venue, 3 Wise Monkeys, 555 George Street, Sydney, 2000 from 6:30pm
For more information contact Sue (AKA Granny Weatherwax) on kenworthys@yahoo.co.uk
[Adelaide, Australia] The City of Small Gods is a group for fans in Adelaide and South Australia. They have regular monthly dinner and games nights, longer games days, plus play outings, craft-y workshops, and fun social activities throughout the year. For more info and to join their mailing list, visit: cityofsmallgods.org.au
[Brisbane, Australia] The Pratchett Partisans meet monthly at either Brisbane or Indooroopilly to eat, drink and chat about all things Pratchett. For more info about their next meetup, check out: www.facebook.com/groups/pratchettpartisans/
7. Readers' Letters
If you have any letters or comments, please email them to info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
We assume any correspondence is eligible for use in the newsletter unless otherwise stated, including the sender's email address. We may edit your letters while trying to work out the instructions for new flat packed self assembly furniture.
It is vitally important that you don't pass off other people's work as your own. If you use information from other resources please let us know so we can give proper credit.
* From: "Sam Johnson" takhisis_uk@hotmail.com
My boyfriend is not a big reader but does enjoy the things I've told him from Discworld. As he does about 90 minutes of travelling to and from work each day, I have been trying to locate a box set or "complete" set download of the audiobooks. Can anyone point me in the right direction or does such a thing not exist? I can find them individually but not as a set.
DWM replies: We feel confident in saying that there are no box sets of Discworld audio books. The full unabridged audio books can be purchased from Isis-Publishing (www.isis-publishing.co.uk/) and the much abridged versions are be found on Amazon (discworldmonthly.co.uk/uid/765). You may find you can download many of them through Audible (audible.co.uk) onto a portable device for listening in the car.
* From: "Stephanie Lee" stephlee1960@yahoo.co.uk
Is there any chance anyone will or is going to consider writing and staging a Terry Pratchett musical, or Discworld The Musical, and if not then why not? I personally think that with such a wonderful and amazing array of things to choose from it would be the best musical ever and a super tribute to such a brilliant man who has filled our lives with so much joy for so many years. I would love to hear your thoughts and the thoughts of his army of fans on this please?
JA replies: We're not fans of musicals ourselves but let's see what others think...
* From: "Jim Clark" james_clark1@yahoo.com
I am aware that magazine and publications consider Issue Number as the key reference when it comes to editions but when your esteemed and respected rendition publishes a quiz that is about dates how about including the YEAR we probably have a rough idea that Discworld Monthly would be mailed out 12 times a year. However
I am certain that over the years you have posted a number of extra editions.
My partner and I look forward to the Discworld Monthly Discworld Trivia quiz but this month it did look a little like a Discworld Monthly Trivia quiz.
A Trivial difference we found disappointing. ;-)
DWM replies: We're pleased to hear there are readers who look forward to the Trivia! And it is always interesting getting constructive feedback on how we do things. However, after 224+ issues of writing the trivia we thought we would try something a little different. You will be pleased to see this month we've gone for a slightly more traditional set of questions while still trying to ensure we do not cover the same old ground.
* From: "Frank V. DeVoy" freaknvoyd@earthlink.net
I'd like to share my one-and-only encounter with Terry. Some years ago I met him, as so many have, at a book signing- this was at a Harry W. Schwartz Bookshop in Mequon, WI.
As this was my first-ever such event, I didn't know what to expect. So I was rather surprised upon my wife's and my arrival to be greeted very warmly and solicitously by a young lady ("we're so glad you could come; can I get you anything, etc.") ... employed by whom was unclear. As she was about to usher me away from the entryway toward the seating area, she glanced over my shoulder, dropped my hand and took off back toward the main entrance ... to welcome Terry. She had apparently been given a very cursory description-gray beard, large-brimmed hat (but NO picture)-and locked onto the first likely (6-ft., 210-lb?) candidate.
Later, when I approached Terry's table for the signing, he said, "I like your hat". I replied, "Of course you do." That exchange sticks with me because, in the years since, it has occurred to me more than once that I may have come off as something of a smart-ass-which would be regrettable, as that was not my intention. I can be a genuine smart-ass, but I'm very selective.
Anyway, when I related the story of my arrival to Terry, I seem to recall he was mildly amused.
* From: "Jo Toon" jobfoster@gmail.com
I received Clacks the Board Game for Christmas, and enjoyed reading your review (I concur with your review - my husband did all the hard work in setting up the lights, and we use heavy glasses, occasionally filled with whisky, to weigh down the corners to try to flatten the board out).
I just wanted to let you know that the solitaire version of the game is good fun as well - it isn't as easy to win as you would think. At the moment it's about 50-50 between me and the game (well, maybe more 40-60 in the game's favour...) And I've not yet tried the solitaire on the "hard" version round the board - a lot of the wins have been only with a pace or so to spare, so I have a lot of practice to go before I risk making it harder!
8. DiscTrivia
We're back with five very challenging trivia questions for you. This month's trivia come from Eric (see section nine for a review of Eric! Live in Cardiff). Good luck.
The (hopefully correct) answers can be found at the end of this issue.
9. Eric! Live in Cardiff
Reviewed by Jason Anthony
Rachel and I attended the fourth and final performance of Eric on Saturday 20th February. The first performance was on Thursday 18th February. We'd previously seen two other productions by Monstrous Production so our expectations were high.
The production starts with the Archchancellor and fellow wizards trying to work out what the random screaming was that woke them all up. I was immediately back-footed as the production's Archchancellor appeared to be a bumbling half-deaf fool. Then I realised that Eric pre-dates Ridcully as Archchancellor and all was well again... The wizards perform the rite of AshkEnte and Matthew Burnett's excellent Death arrives and informs them that "IT IS RINCEWIND!".
Nick Dunn and Neil Chappell work really well together as Rincewind and Eric. Astfgl was also brilliantly portrayed by Edward Duke. The whole ensemble of actors were really good. Though casting a six foot plus John Dent to play six inch high Quezovercoatl was an interesting choice [I think it was inspired - Rachel] ... Especially when trying to convince us he was going to be run over by the animatronic (well, radio controlled) Luggage.
From a technical aspect the play struck a good balance of having just enough props on stage to keep the transitions as quick as possible. The demon make-up was truly excellent and the Luggage was adorable and I suspect, from the way it veered around dangerously, very hard to control with any accuracy.
The humour of Terry's work really shone through in this production. Death got many of the best lines and Zoe Azzopardi managed to keep the Parrot on the right side of Wossname, er, thing, er, annoying!
This particular adaptation of Eric was by Tim Foster. Not a name I was familiar with. The script appeared to be tight and punchy. My only grumble given that the play is shorter than most is how abrupt the ending is. To me it felt like someone forgot to perform the epilogue. I think one final scene with Astfgl sitting down in his new luxurious office saying the line "What business are we in? ... The damnation business..." would have made a far more satisfying ending.
Ultimately though we thoroughly enjoyed the performance and I think I may go back and revisit Eric again. It's one of those books that tends to be overlooked in our library [we do have nine different copies though - Rachel].
Eric is Monstrous Production's seventh production and they were formed as a way of raising money for Alzheimer's Research. Up until Night Watch, their previous production, they had raised over 16,000 GBP. This short run of Eric raised an additional 2,000 GBP. Their aim is to get to over 20,000 GBP this year. Monstrous Productions will be performing Going Postal in August, right in between Wadfest and The Discworld Convention 2016. August is going to be a very busy month for us because we wouldn't miss Going Postal for anything.
We, Discworld Monthly, would like to give Amy Davies, her co-director Ed Thomas and all the rest of Monstrous Productions a huge thank you for being consistently brilliant.
10. Discworld Atlas Competition Result
Last month we had a Discworld Atlas, courtesy of Karen Covill (thank you Karen), to give away. Discworld Monthly added one of our What Duck? mugs and competition winner's badge to the prize pot.
We hid a phrase on our website at discworldmonthly.co.uk and asked you to find it and let us know what it was.
The answer was, of course, "What Duck?" and it was located at discworldmonthly.co.uk/shop A quick use of the site search engine would have given you the details. We'll leave the note on the page until the end of March and then it will be removed.
The randomly selected winner of the atlas, What Duck? mug and winner's badge is Freya Johnson of Bath, Somerset.
A huge thank you to all 183 people who got the answer correct and the four who sadly got it wrong. Didn't win this time...? Don't worry, we have a new competition for you in the next section.
11. Granny Weatherwax Hoodie Competition
This month we have a Discworld.com Granny Weatherwax Hoodie (size L) to give away courtesy of the lovely Sarah Vaughan. We will add a "I ♥ Discworld Monthly" mug and a competition winner's badge into the prize haul.

In order to win this wonderful prize we need to you answer the following question.
To enter the competition send your answer, along with your postal address, to competitions@discworldmonthly.co.uk before 23rd March 2016. Your address will only be used for sending out your prize should you be the lucky winner. Once prizes are sent out all address details will be destroyed. Entries received after the closing date or sent to any other address will be ignored. No more than one entry per person will be accepted. Failure to answer the questions or provide your postal address will prevent you from being entered into the competition. Multiple entries will be banned. Answers to the questions must not be posted to any websites before the competition ends. The judges' decision is final.
12. The End
* Supporting DWM *
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* eBook Editions *
Since issue 166 we have produced a version of Discworld Monthly that is formatted better for the Amazon Kindle eBook reader and since issue 186 we also produce an ePub version for other eBook readers such as the Kobo, Nook and Sony readers.
You can download either version from discworldmonthly.co.uk/ebooks.php
* Contact Information *
We prefer information to be sent via email, but can accept information via post at the following addresses:
Email: info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
Post: J Anthony-Rowlands (DWM), 20 Cambrian Place, Pontarddulais, Swansea, SA4 8RG
* Latest Book Information *
The following links take you to the book pages on the Discworld Monthly website where you will find cover photos, cover blurb and direct links to UK, US and Canadian Amazon sites.
The Shepherd's Crown -
The Long Utopia -
TURTLE RECALL: The Discworld Companion ... So Far -
* Subscription Information *
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Current circulation approximately 19,000.
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* DiscTrivia Results *
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* Small Print *
We make every effort we can to ensure the information in this newsletter is accurate and legal. Remember to always exercise caution when passing your credit card details over the Net (or over the phone for that matter). All trademarks are recognized as the property of their respective owners, whoever they may be. Discworld is a registered trademark of Terry Pratchett.
* Thanks *
Thanks for reading this issue of 'Discworld Monthly'. We hope you enjoyed it. If you have any comments or suggestions for the future of this newsletter please email: info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
GNU Terry Pratchett...