Discworld Monthly Issue 255 - June 2018

↑≡1. Editorial
Short issue this month. Too many places to be, too little to write about. Hopefully we'll see some of you wonderful readers at the Chalke Valley History Festival this weekend. For those who can't make it, we will have pictures online somewhere and a report next month. Don't forget that the brand new audio drama of Unseen Academicals comes out on Monday 2nd July, more details later in this issue.
Hopefully we will have a competition prize for you next month and if you are really lucky some Disctrivia written by us for a change!
Jason Rincewind Anthony-Rowlands (Editor and Wizzard) info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
Rachel Anthony-Rowlands (Blonde is the new Black) rachel@discworldmonthly.co.uk
Richard Massey (Kickstarter King)
↑≡1.1 Important Information
We have several places where you can get up to the minute news and information about all things Discworld from Discworld Monthly.
Facebook: Discworld Monthly Facebook Page
Twitter: @dwmoook
Instagram: Discworld Monthly on Instagram
And our website, discworldmonthly.co.uk which contains loads of information about the books, stage productions around the world, interesting articles, back issues and our merchandise shop.
↑≡1.2 Submissions
Want to make your opinions about the Discworld known to the world?
Have you been to see a play or a Discworld related event and want to write a review about it?
Then get writing! We are always on the lookout for exclusive articles and reviews to share with our readers so don't hesitate, email us today with the subject Article/Review at info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
If you are putting on a stage production or know of a stage production near you, please email us and let us know about that too.
We happily advertise all stage productions for free and we can help in other ways too. Email rachel@discworldmonthly.co.uk with the Subject line "Stage Production".
The deadline for submissions to issue 256 of Discworld Monthly is Tuesday 24th July 2018.
↑≡2. News
2.1 Chalke Valley Festival is Here! Beware The Shed of Doom!
Sat 30th June - Sun 1st July
I know we are squeezing it time wise, but this weekend is THE weekend to be in Broad Chalke at the Chalke Valley History Festival.
A talk by Rob Wilkins about Terry, a magical time travelling show by Ankh-Morpork's own Guild of Conjurors, Discworld Monthly's own Collection of Loonies and a conversation with Paul Kidby and Rob Wilkins are just some of the Discworld highlights that will be happening this weekend.
The Shed of Doom takes centre stage (Discworld wise) with its amazing recreation of the Evil Harry Dread's shed which takes you through to an exhibition of artwork and artefacts which belonged to Terry and the wider universe of The Disc. Many objects will have never been seen before, and the recreation of Terry's office will also be in attendance for those who didn't see it at Salisbury.
Programme of Discworld only Events
10:00 - 11:00: Rob Wilkins Talk - The Write Fantastic: Terry Pratchett. In the Hiscox Tent (Ticket price online 14.50 GBP)
15:00: Paul Kidby in conversation with Rob Wilkins at The Shed of Doom
10:00 - 11:00: The Ankh-Morpork Guild of Conjurors present Morgan & West. In the Hiscox Tent (Ticket price online 15 GBP)
11:30: Paul Kidby in conversation with Rob Wilkins at The Shed of Doom
11:30 (ish) and 17:00 (ish)
Discworld Monthly's Collection of Loonies at The Shed of Doom
We want you to join us for an amazing photograph of fans.
We love costumes so come along as your favourite character or where you favourite Discworld T-shirt!
Tickets for general entry cost Tickets:Day entry only - Adult 15.50GBP, Child 7.50GBP, Family (2 adults plus 3 children) 42 GBP
Website: CVHF
Be there or be a .. Oh just don't miss out !!
↑≡2.2 Discworld & Beyond Tour 2018 - Paul Kidby Artwork
We told you about this in last month's issue. If you miss the Chalke Valley History Festival then don't miss this!
Location: Maidstone Museums, St. Faith's Street, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 1LH
Dates : Sat 7th July to Sun 2nd Sept
Ticket: Adult 4GBP, Child 2GBP, Family 10GBP
As soon as we know where else it is headed next, we will shout loud and proud !
↑≡2.3 Book Rumour Confirmations
Last month we told you that the next three in the DIscworld Collector's Library editions would possibly be Thud!, Making Money and Unseen Academicals.
Cover images for both Thud! and Unseen Academicals have surfaced along with some pre-order links.
All three are due for release on the 1st November 2018

Hardcover: 416 pages
ISBN-10: 0857525913
ISBN-13: 978-0857525918
R.R.P. 12.99 GBP
Amazon Canada release date - 25th December 2018
Hardcover: 480 pages
ISBN-10: 0857525921
ISBN-13: 978-0857525925
R.R.P. 12.99 GBP
Amazon Canada release date - 25th December 2018

Hardcover: 544 pages
ISBN-10: 085752593X
ISBN-13: 978-0857525932
R.R.P. 12.99 GBP
Amazon Canada release date - 25th December 2018
We also told you about an Illustrated edition of Truckers.

We now have a cover image and full release details for you. It will be released on the 18th Oct 2018 with full page colour illustrations by Mark Beech, published by Corgi Childrens.
Hardcover: 336 pages
ISBN-10: 0552576816
ISBN-13: 978-0552576819
RRP 12.99 GBP
Amazon UK
Amazon US and Canada release date - 23rd October 2018
Good Omens Paperback re-release paperback - Possible TV tie in.
Details of a Paperback reprint by William Morrow & Company have popped up.
Release date of 5th Feb 2019 is possibly coincide with the Amazon Prime release of the much anticipated TV series. Currently we have no cover image but as soon as we do, we'll let you know via our social media output.
Paperback: 400 pages
ISBN-10: 0062697250
ISBN-13: 978-0062697257
Price TBC
↑≡2.4 More Book Rumours
Some detective work has possibly revealed that Laura Ellen Anderson may well be doing a brand new cover for Dodger. This would make logical sense as Dodger could be read by those in the younger age bracket and to brand it with the Young Reader fonts and styling would bring in new readers to one our favourite non-Discworld books. More info will come as we find it.
Also,The Colour of Magic turns 35 years old this November, an anniversary edition keeps dipping in and out of my sources circles. I wonder if we will get a beautiful anniversary edition like the 25th anniversary one?
↑≡2.5 Audible Original Drama Unseen Academicals
Don't forget this gets released on Monday 2nd July.
It's not an audiobook, but an audio play. Think Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy style or the wonderful Good Omens that the BBC brought to us a while back.
The full cast list has now been revealed with Dirk Maggs directing.
Tom Alexander, Samantha Béart, Pippa Bennett-Warner, Mark Benton, Stephen Briggs, Stephen Critchlow, Jon Culshaw, Phil Davis, Ray Fearon, Tony Gardner, Edward Harrison, David Holt, Mathew Horne, David Jason, Josie Lawrence, Toby Longworth, Harry Myers, Maggie Service, Andrew Spooner, Steven Webb, Keith Wickham and Jaime Winstone.
Order yours through our affiliate links
To Pre-Order through our affiliate link:
You can also try Audible free for 30 days at:
↑≡2.6 Troll Bridge - Reminder
They are waiting to see if they have been accepted into some film festivals. As soon as they are I am sure we will get informed as to where and when.
And just as a reminder,
Troll bridge's contract states that they can continue raising money while they are still in a position to spend money [on the film!] . Once the film has been completed and outstanding expenses covered, SnowGum Films may need to close off DVD availability.
So if you want it on DVD or Blu-ray, order it now as you may not be able to get it later!
To get yours;
↑≡3. DiscTrivia
This month we put a call out to some of our friends and they came back with some rather varied Trivia questions. We've not really validated the answers (we trust our friends - although looking at the Readers' letters this month - maybe we shouldn't!) .
Q1. | What's the name of Twoflower's dragon? |
Q2. | Who said, ' I SAID, I've come to sell my lovely apples, Don't you listen? |
Q3. | When researching for Carpe Jugulum in 1997, what was the one question STP asked every person at his book signing? |
Q4. | Which Morporkian died in a cave in Holywood. |
Q5. | Who taught Vimes everything he knew. |
The answers as always can be found at the end of this issue!
↑≡4. Review of Dovetail by Bernard Pearson
By Helen Nicolls
It's 5th November and a man has just set fire to a Somerset mansion. We learn that he doused everything "including the bodies" in petrol and set off Calor gas cylinders before doing so. When he stops to throw up, the revolver in his pocket bashes against the side of his van.
Thus begins Dovetail, a novel by Bernard Pearson of the Discworld Emporium. After the dramatic prologue, chapter one is titled "three months earlier". We are introduced to Bill Sawyer, a Somerset furniture restorer and lovable granddad. In chapter 2, titled "Tuesday 14th August", Sawyer is visited by Darren Skates, a notorious villain, and his psychopathic henchman. Skates wants a set of famous Elizabethan chairs restored. The tricky part is that he only has three chairs but wants the restoration to result in a set of four chairs that an expert would declare authentic.
Bill is caught between a rock and a hard place. He wants to refuse the job but Skates will not take no for an answer and he's a dangerous man to cross. On the other hand, Bill knows that once Skates has what he wants, he is unlikely to let Bill live in peace. Bill has to use his wits to protect himself and his family. While investigating Skates' past, he meets Lucy, Skates' traumatised ex-wife. The two join forces and, along with Bill's best friend, Sid, and formidable elderly neighbour, Miss Templeton, they plot to beat Skates and Warren at their own game.
Bernard Pearson is a bit like a rude Father Christmas. He's a big jolly man with a beard who makes wonderful things and swears like a trooper. He's full of colourful tales, many too disreputable to repeat in print and is often called "Uncle Bernard" because he is the living embodiment of avuncularity. So far, his written output has been companion volumes to the Discworld novels, such as The Discworld Almanak and The World of Poo. He is well known at Discworld events, which often end with him giving the fraternal farewell ("Piss off!") .
My husband and I have a word, "bernardage", which broadly means the kind of thing Bernard Pearson would say. We once even invented a history for the word with citations from eighteenth century plays. Think robust, ribald and humorous. While Dovetail has the occasional Pratchettian touch (a drink made of "mainly apples" features prominently) , it is pure bernardage. At its heart it is a celebration of craftsmanship and friendship, appropriate for a craftsman who has brought so many friends together through the Discworld events he ran in Wincanton for many years.
The story continues with the dates heading the chapters, leading up to November 5th, the day of the fire. The reader already knows what will happen on that day. The interesting part is learning how the characters get there and what happens after. Appropriately, it is the relationships between the characters that form the bulk of the story. While there is a lot of Bernard Pearson in Bill Sawyer, he differs from his creator in that he is a solitary creature who lives on a remote farmhouse with his dog. In order to defeat Skates, he must forge a strong alliance that will hold together like the eponymous dovetail joint.
The story is compelling and rich in detail. The reader is drawn into the murkier side of the antiques trade, which is truly an education. It also poses a dark question to the reader: what would you be prepared to do when your family is threatened by dangerous criminals and you know that the police will be of little use?
Dovetail is Bernard Pearson's first novel but, hopefully not his last. Now that he has turned his hand to fiction, he has approach the task as a true craftsman, taking pride in his work and filling it with loving detail. In the blurb, he credits Terry Pratchett with inspiring him to take up writing and this book is a worthy tribute to Terry's memory. I would recommend this book both to Discworld fans and to readers who would never touch a fantasy novel but love a good old-fashioned Roundworld murder.
To buy a copy head over to Purchase Dovetail
↑≡5. Review: Mort in Reading
Review by Jason Anthony-Rowlands.
A small group of us went to the final night's performance of Mort at the Caversham Park Theatre (19th May 2018) on a rather warm and beautiful Saturday night (I'd previously seen Maskerade here many years previous) . We were greeted by friendly staff and purchased drinks (and some lovely locally produced fudge) while waiting for the performance to start. Scattered around the lounge were photos of the rehearsals and from a cursory glance the characters seemed to look as we might expect them.
We've seen several groups perform Mort over the years and based on our most recently experience were somewhat concerned how the Caversham Park players would approach the play. Thankfully, they decided to stick closely to the script keeping the staging simple and allowing for quick scene changes.
The performances throughout then ensemble were solid. There was a good range of ages in the cast and while no one actor stood out from the rest there were no dud performances and very few promptings. Eddie Docherty and Gabby Bianco made a good partnership of Mort and Ysabell and Dan Bretherton made a solid Albert.
For me the performance was solid, everything was just so and there we very few surprises and nothing stood out as outstanding. The rest of the audience appeared to enjoy themselves and there were a few laugh out loud moments. I get the impression that most of the audience didn't really know Terry's works so were probably somewhat baffled about what was going on.
Overall we enjoyed the show, much more than the previous one we went to where Death's domain was full of 60s disco colours. For a solid, down the line, production the Caversham Players can't be faulted.
If the Caversham players decide to do more Pratchett productions in the future I'd be happy to go again.
↑≡6. Review: Wyrd Sisters in Sheffield.
Review by Jason Holdcroft
On 13-16 June at the Drama Studio in Sheffield, the Stephen Briggs adaptation of Wyrd Sisters was the summer production for Sheffield players The Company. For those who missed it (stop reading now!) there is an open air performance at Dore Village Green on July 11th.
The Drama Studio is a proper theatre and the stage setup with multiple levels from front to rear allowed for action to take place in the foreground and further back, with dialogue switching between the different parts of the scene. This was aided by lighting changes to shift the focus. Alongside the well chosen and sparingly deployed music, all of this demonstrated a slick and professional production.
About 90 folk turned up for the final indoor performance and were treated to a well polished show which took a lighthearted approach without any cringeworthy melodrama. Emma Portus was, as my friend commented, a little young to play Granny Weatherwax, but otherwise looked the part in her plain, smart outfit and with a wonderful range of facial expressions from confident authority to total bewilderment. She was ably accompanied by a wonderful Ken Rowe as Nanny, playing her with bawdy mischief. Jamie Morgan gave off boundless nervous energy as a naive but determined Magrat Garlick.
John Ansari was a disarmingly good Duke, confident and commanding one minute and utterly anguished the next. Alongside him, Mandy Sims was a terrifying Duchess, if perhaps a little too serious in a play which otherwise had a light touch.
The rest of the cast carried their parts admirably and garnered many laughs with their playfulness and slapstick, especially the Players. A special mention should also go to Pip Mason as the Fool, who delivered intelligence and nuance and really developed a bond with the audience, who rooted for him throughout.
All in all this was a funny, skilful and accomplished performance of Wyrd Sisters, and I hope The Company will take on other Discworld adaptations in the future.
↑≡7. Birthdays
Everyone has a birthday. If you know someone who would like a mention or if you would like your birthday included in the listings, send us an email the month before your birthday and we will add it to the list! Email rachel@discworldmonthly.co.uk Subject: Birthday
We would like to wish a very Happy Birthday to everyone who has a birthday this month but special Discworld Monthly birthday wishes go to: Phil Newson, Sara Blinks, Jennifer Brehl, Sharon McGuinness *wiggles Moustache, Mark Ayling, Dave Sherman, Milly and Morgan Cranfield (Happy 18th !!) , Adele Andersen, Rob Prosser, Sue Crooks, Kirstine Heald, Jean Guittet, Jax Lawrence, Simon Musson, Sally Baker, Sam Richardson, Martin Wallace, Our own Pixel Fairy Marie, Isabel Dodds, Jonathan David Bond, Pete Charles, Fenja Hill, Jelmer Graafstra, Eric Paakkunainen, Tracey Degg, Kieron Alice Ward, Shivers, Zoe Conlon, Nensie, Patty Panek, Kerry-Ann Adamson, Sarah Sheriff, Pete Cate, Cat Lamin, Donna Barr, Shannon Denny (Wow only 21!) , Rachel Scanlon, Dwm's Rachel (40th) , Cheryl Smith, Harmony Maverick, Alan Keatinge, Carolyn Mellor, Butcher, Squiz France and Julie Speedie
↑≡8. Readers' Letters
If you have any letters or comments, please email them to info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
We assume any correspondence is eligible for use in the newsletter unless otherwise stated, including the sender's email address. We may edit your letters by throwing them down a zip line and crashing them in to a cargo net!
It is vitally important that you don't pass off other people's work as your own. If you use information from other resources please let us know so we can give proper credit.
* From: "Frank V. DeVoy" freaknvoyd@earthlink.net
This may likely be old news for many, but I've only just tripped over it. No, no, I'm fine … don't get up.
In the British mystery series, Endeavour, in the Series 3 episode, "Coda", I caught a quick reference to TP's Discworld.
Main character DI Thursday has just given a cigarette to a young female constable to help calm her nerves after she's witnessed a fellow constable get shot in cold blood. He tells her to keep the pack and gives her a bit of advice on how to secrete it on her person while in uniform. He says, "It's a little trick I learned from my old boss, Sergeant Vimes of Cable Street."
Just thought I'd share.
DWM replies: I think I vaguely remember this being mentioned in the past. It's not a series that I am au fait with as I don't watch much television.
* From: "Helen Nicholls" helelnicholls@gmail.com
Dear Sir and Madam,
I am compelled by a general sense of pedantry to point out an error in the Discworld Monthly quiz. The question was "Who is Tomjon's real father?" The answer given was "King Verence I". However, according to Nanny Ogg, who delivered Tomjon, his mother, the Queen of Lancre, confessed that his father was the notorious ladies' man who was also father to Verence II. The witches told the people that Tomjon and Verence were brothers and allowed them to believe that they were therefore the sons of Verence I. As Granny put it, they were bound to be truthful but there was no need to be honest.
Pedantry aside, the word "real" raises an interesting point. One might argue that Tomjon's real father was Olwyn Vitoller, the man who raised him as his son. Granny's gift to Tomjon was that he would know who he was and in the end he knew himself to be an actor. As Hwel notes near the end, Tomjon is very much his father's son.
It is great to see so many contributions in the latest DWM.
* From: "Chris Boote" christopher.boote@meeples.co.uk
Trivia Answers
Who is Tomjon's real father?
Verence 1st (killed on page 8 of Wyrd Sisters)
Ummm - absolutely not. It was the visiting Fool who seduced the Queen, not Verence I. Nanny Ogg delivered the baby and the Queen told her his parentage
* From: "Louise Shanahan" lshan28@hotmail.com
I thought Tomjon father was the court jester as nanny ogg attended the queen who was never good at counting or was very close to the court jester.
* From: "Anya" anya@ejog-enterprises.co.uk
In Pratchett's short story #IFDEFDEBUG + 'WORLD/ENOUGH' + 'TIME', please can someone enlighten me as to what 'afer' means? Although it's used a number of times I can't work it out from the context, and the interweb, surprisingly, is no help at all. The nearest to anything that
makes sense is 'wind that blows from the south-west' or 'African'.
↑≡9. Book Release News
9.1 English Language Releases
Terry Pratchett's Discworld Diary 2019
It's been announced that the 2019 Diary will be called the Discworld Quiz Diary. Full of trivia that you thought you knew, it is guaranteed to put a puzzled look on even the hardened fan's face
Due to be released on the 9th August 2018
ISBN-10: 1473223105
ISBN-13: 978-1473223103
Publisher: Orion/Gollancz
RRP 16.99 GBP
Pre-order from:
Amazon UK: ISBN:1473223105
Book Depository: ISBN:9781473223103
Amazon Canada: ISBN:1473223105
Amazon USA: ISBN:1473223105
Terry Pratchett's Discworld Imaginarium Calendar 2019 will be released on the 23rd August 2018 worldwide.
R.R.P. is 14.99 GBP
To Preorder yours
Johnny and The Bomb - Mark Beech Cover - Paperback
Currently it looks like Johnny and the Bomb will be published on the 23rd August 2018 by Corgi in the UK
Pre-order from:
Amazon UK: ISBN:0552576786
Book Depository: ISBN:9780552576789
In the USA and Canada it will be available from the 25th September 2018
Amazon Canada: ISBN:0552576786
Amazon USA: ISBN:0552576786
Father Christmases Fake Beard Slipcase Edition - USA and Canada
The Slipcased deluxe version of Father Christmases Fake Beard and other stories will be available in the USA and Canada from the 25th September 2018.
Pre-Order from:
Amazon Canada: ISBN:085753551X
Amazon USA: ISBN:085753551X
The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents - New Cover
The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents was re-released on the 26th April 2018 by Corgi in the UK with a new cover by Laura Ellen Anderson
In the USA and Canada it will be available from the 25th September 2018
Amazon Canada: ISBN:0552576808
Amazon USA: ISBN:0552576808
Only You can save Mankind - Mark Beech Cover/Paperback
Only You Can Save Mankind was published on the 22nd February 2018 by Corgi in the UK and will be published in the USA and Canada on the 25th September.
Order from:
Amazon UK: ISBN:0552576794
Book Depository: ISBN:9780552576796
Amazon Canada: ISBN:0552576794
Amazon USA: ISBN:0552576794
Terry Pratchett HisWorld – Official Exhibition Companion
The award winning HisWorld exhibition at Salisbury Museum amazed attendees who were, for the first time, given unparalleled access to the author's inner sanctum and writing room 'The Chapel' and the plethora of interesting artefacts that surrounded him.
The book will be a collection of images from the exhibition with detailed descriptions.
It will remind those who were there of how sumptuous the displays were and for those who weren't able to attend, a true glimpse of the magnificence of the exhibit.
Available in a hardback edition and a collector's, slipcased limited edition.
Published by Dunmanifestin on 1st October 2018
Prices TBC
Father Christmases Fake Beard - UK Paperback
The paperback version of Father Christmases Fake beard is scheduled for release on the 4th October 2018 by Corgi in the UK
R.R.P. 6.99GBP
Publisher : Corgi
ISBN-10: 0552576662
ISBN-13: 978-0552576666
Pre-order from:
Amazon UK: ISBN:0552576662
Book Depository: ISBN:9780552576666
↑≡9.2 Translated releases
9.2.1 German Translations
Die staubsaugende Schreckschraube: und andere Storys vom Schopfer der Scheibenwelt - The Witches Vacuum Cleaner and other stories
Die staubsaugende Schreckschraube: und andere Storys vom Schopfer der Scheibenwelt will be published on the 3rd July 2018 in paperback by Piper
ISBN-10: 3492281575
ISBN-13: 978-3492281577
Pre-order from:
Amazon Germany: ISBN:3492281575
Book Depository: ISBN:9783492281577
Hohle Kopfe - Feet of Clay
Hohle Kopfe will be available in paperback on the 16th July 2018 by Goldmann Verleg
ISBN-10: 3442487412
ISBN-13: 978-3442487417
[Literal Translation of Hohle Kopfe is Hollow Heads - RAR]
Pre-order from:
Amazon Germany: ISBN:3442487412
Book Depository: ISBN:9783442487417
Aus der Tastatur gefallen: Gedanken uber das Leben, den Tod und schwarze Hute - A Slip of the Keyboard
Aus der Tastatur gefallen: Gedanken uber das Leben, den Tod und schwarze Hute will be published on the 17th September 2018 by Goldmann Verleg in Germany
ISBN-10: 3442487293
ISBN-13: 978-3442487295
Pre-order from:
Amazon Germany: ISBN:3442487293
Book Depository: ISBN:9783442487295
↑≡10. Stage Productions
Whilst we would love to get to every event and play to write reviews and articles about them, we just don't have enough time, petrol and a wide enough spread of friends to borrow the couch for the night. But you, our wonderful readers do have the time, petrol and often don't need the couches as the event or play is on your doorstep!
We don't have English degrees here and you don't need one either to write something for Discworld Monthly!
PS. If you know of a play or event that we don't know about (shock horror) , email us. We like the surprise!
All submissions should be emailed to rachel@discworldmonthly.co.uk or info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
Don't forget to visit Pratchett Stage Productions for our most up-to-date list of stage productions.
↑≡10.1 Current and Upcoming Productions
For more details of these current and upcoming productions visit: Pratchett Stage Productions
- Mort in Exeter, UK, UK (Tues 26th June, Wed 27th June and Fri 29th June 2018)
- Guards!Guards! in Riverside Arts Centre, Sunbury, UK (Thu 28th June - Sat 30th June 2018)
- Wyrd Sisters in Pontlliw, Swansea, UK (Thurs 26th July 2018 - Sat 28th July 2018)
- Lords and Ladies in Davenies School, Beaconsfield, UK (Thu 26th July - Sun 29th July 2018)
- The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents in Riverwalk Theatre, Michigan, USA (26th July 2018- 29th July 2018)
↑≡10.2 New and Updated Productions
These productions are new this month or have been updated. For our full list visit: Pratchett Stage Productions
[New: UK] Barnfield Theatre Group presents Mort as adapted by Stephen Briggs
Location: | Barnfield Theatre, Barnfield Road, Exeter, Devon, EX1 1SN, UK |
Dates: | Tues 26th June, Wed 27th June and Fri 29th June 2018 |
Times: | Doors open at 7pm |
Tickets: | 13GBP Adult, 9GBP Conces |
Box office: | 01392 271808 / barnfieldtheatre.ticketsolve.com |
Website: | Barnfield Theatre Group |
[New: UK] Swansea Little Theatre presents The Rince Cycle as adapted by Stephen Briggs
Location: | Dylan Thomas Theatre, Gloucester Place, Swansea SA1 1TY UK |
Dates: | Wed 15th - Sat 18th August 2018 |
Times: | Doors open at 7pm |
Tickets: | 12GBP Adult, 10GBP Conces |
Box office: | 01792 473238 |
Website: | Swansea Little Theatre |
[New: Australia] Unseen Theatre Company presents Eric as adapted by Pamela Munt
Location: | Bakehouse Theatre, 255 Angas Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000, Australia |
Dates: | 5th (preview) , 6th, 10th-13th, 17th-20th October 2018 |
Times: | Performance starts at 7.30pm |
Tickets: | TBA |
Website: | Unseen Theatre Company |
↑≡11. Discworld Conventions and other Events
Don't forget the early bird prices for the Australian Discworld Convention will end on the 12th August and the price will then go UP!
So get yours today at AusCon Website
↑≡11.1 Current and Upcoming Events
For more details of these events visit: Conventions and Other Events
- Discworld & Beyond Exhibition in Bucks County Museum, UK (Sat 5th May 2018 - Sat 30th June 2018)
- Chalke Valley History Festival in Broadchalke, Wilts, UK (Monday 25th June - Sunday 1st July 2018)
- Discworld & Beyond Exhibition in Maidstone Museum, UK (Sat 7th July 2018 - Sun 2nd Sept 2018)
↑≡12. Recurring Fan Meetings
By their very nature the listing of recurring fan meeting remains static. So we've moved the full listings to our website at Recurring Fan Meetings
The newsletter will only include any listings that are new or have changed within the last 30 days.
[Updated: Australia] The Treacle Mining Corporation
Location: | Old Shanghai, 123 James Street, Northbridge, Perth 6003 |
When: | First Monday of each month, subject to holidays |
Facebook: | The Treacle Mining Corporation |
Twitter: | @TreacleMiningCo |
Instagram: | The Treacle Mining Corporation |
Email: | Alexandra Ware at alexandra.ware@gmail.com |
The Treacle Mining Corporation meetup to celebrate the works of Sir Terry Pratchett, and welcome any fans of science fiction and fantasy.
Join us for our monthly discussion of Discworld, Terry Pratchett and all things sci-fi and fantasy.
And all are welcome. Meeting at a cafe means we are under-18 friendly!
↑≡13. Small Ads
This is something we've not included in the newsletter for a while. If you want to try to sell your unwanted / duplicate Discworld items to other fans (and its legal for you to do so) email us at info@discworldmonthly.co.uk with the subject "Ads" and a short description of what you have and how fans can contact you. Discworld Monthly only lists the ads and is not responsible for the contents, validity or reliability of the ads or the buyers and sellers.
Steven Dean thewizardsknob@icloud.com writes: I have been a book dealer at every UK DWCon since 1998 but have decided not to attend any future ones. To that end I have some signed books for sale. Prices start at 25GBP plus postage. If anyone would like a list of what's available please drop me a message.
Fancy a holiday to the land of the librarian and a universe full of wonders? Though it it would be too expensive?
Then look no further...join Andrea, a life long STP fan and conservation biologist, at her guest house in North Sumatra, Indonesia. Not only can you go jungle trekking to see if you can spot the librarian and his friends. the monkeys (well, not actually friends..more like acquaintances) . You can also go on village walks, do cooking class, go river swimming and so much more.
Have a look at her website and drop Andrea and email or whatsapp with any questions at all. There's a 5% discount if you start your email with your favourite discworld quote!
.....fyi...Andrea would like to bring your attention to this quote
"It was the special sort of beautiful area which is only beautiful if you can leave after briefly admiring its beauty and go somewhere else where there are hot tubs and cold drinks. Actually staying there for any length of time is a penance."
Spenser Personal spenser.groves@ntlworld.com writes: I am an avid fan of Discworld and have over the last 30 years I have collected clarecraft figures and have the complete set (including rare pro types) .
Sadly we need to consider downsizing the collection and will begin to sell them on auction sites.
However, before I do, I wondered if you know of any fans that might be interested in buying parts of the collection through your newsletter?
Margaret Matthews margaretmatthewsm@btinternet.com writes: Some years ago I bought my husband a Death of Rats pin. He wore a tie to work, usually a loud one with an unusual pin. It was his favourite and drew quite a lot of comments and began several interesting conversations.
Alas he lost the pin and we have never been able to find another. It is not helped by me being unable to recall where I bought it from. We are both retired now but I would love to be able to get him another one. Has anyone got one for sale?
↑≡14. The End
This month's issue is brought to you by the adventures in of Nat and Rach in a field getting lost and balancing on a log 15ft in the air whilst Rachel was standing on her head.. Please let us have any submissions for issue 256 of Discworld Monthly by Tuesday 24th July 2018.
↑≡14.1 Supporting Discworld Monthly
Discworld Monthly was created as a totally free newsletter and will continue to remain so for as long as it continues. However, the costs of maintaining the website, postage, travel etc. add up. If you feel you would like to make a small contribution towards these costs please consider doing so via: PayPal
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↑≡14.2 Mailing List Hosting
Discworld Monthly would like to thank the Pixel Fairy for hosting our mailing list for us free of charge. For more information about the Pixel Fairy visit her website at The Pixel Fairy
↑≡14.3 eBook Editions
Since issue 166 we have produced a version of Discworld Monthly that is formatted better for the Amazon Kindle eBook reader and since issue 186 we also produce an ePub version for other eBook readers such as the Kobo, Nook and Sony readers.
You can download either version from Discworld Monthly eBooks
↑≡14.4 Contact Information
We prefer information to be sent via email info@discworldmonthly.co.uk or rachel@discworldmonthly.co.uk but can also accept information via post at the following addresses: Discworld Monthly, 20 Cambrian Place, Pontarddulais, Swansea, SA4 8RG, United Kingdom
↑≡14.5 Latest Book Information
This Discworld Monthly website a list of books on our website with the cover blurb and direct links to UK, US and Canadian Amazon websites.
Terry Pratchett books at Discworld Monthly
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↑≡14.6 Subscription Information
To subscribe to Discworld Monthly simply enter your email address in the form on the Discworld Monthly web page. Our web site contains all back issues and links to other Pratchett sites.
To unsubscribe please follow the instructions at the end of this email.
↑≡14.7 Trivia Answers
Q1. | What's the name of Twoflower's dragon? |
A1. | Ninereeds (The Colour of Magic / The Light Fantastic) |
Q2. | Who said, ' I SAID, I've come to sell my lovely apples, Don't you listen? |
A2. | Magrat (Wyrd Sisters) |
Q3. | When researching for Carpe Jugulum in 1997, what was the one question STP asked every person at his book signing? |
A3. | Tell me everything you know about Magpies! |
Q4. | Which Morporkian died in a cave in Holywood. |
A4. | Gaspode |
Q5. | Who taught Vimes everything he knew. |
A5. | John Keele (or Vimes himself when he went back in time!) Nightwatch |
14.8 Small Print
We make every effort we can to ensure the information in this newsletter is accurate and legal. All trademarks are recognized as the property of their respective owners, whoever they may be. Discworld (R) is a registered trade mark of the Estate of Sir Terry Pratchett used under licence.
↑≡14.9 Thanks
Thanks for reading this issue of 'Discworld Monthly'. We hope you enjoyed it. If you have any comments, complaints or suggestions for the future of this newsletter please email the editor : info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
↑≡14.10 The Final Word...
*Rachel here*
We may not be perfect designers, or award winning journalists but we do our best to keep you all entertained and informed about all things Terry. We do have some ethics though. We like our news to be current, up to date and factual with a solid source. We don't like posting rumours but occasionally the source it comes from is 98 percent solid so we will tell you it's a rumour and confirm it when we have a 100 percent confirmation. Our own articles are written by us for us only. You won't find articles from other publications here unless it's a formal press release about an adaptation, book release or event or something we actually wrote for someone else unless they begged us to publish it (OK not begged but some of our lovely friends do ask us occasionally to boost something)
Whilst you keep reading it, we'll keep on writing it because we love Terry's books just as much as you do.
GNU Terry Pratchett...