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Discworld Monthly - Issue 72: April 2003

Table of Contents:

1. Editorial
2. News
3. Readers' Letters
4. Disc Trivia
5. Discworld Translation Rights
6. Competition And Eric Play News
7. Review: The Wee Free Men
8. The End

1. Editorial

Welcome to issue 72. It looks like 2003 is going to be a prolific year for Terry as The Wee Free Men will be published in May and then the next adult Discworld book, called Monstrous Regiment, will be published in November.

Wossname (The Newsletter of the Klatchian Foreign Legion) recently published the following letter from Terry about Monstrous Regiment:

"It's set in a war a long way from Ankh-Morpork. All the major characters are new, but a number of minor-and semi-minor roles are taken by characters who have featured in big roles in other books (in the same way, say, that Vimes was not the lead character in THE TRUTH).

"It contains, in the monstrous shape of Sergeant Jackrum, one of the most enjoyable characters I've ever written.

"And the hero is a heroine -- that is, she's Polly, daughter of a bar owner, who cuts her hair and steals her brother's clothes and enlists as a soldier...

"I'm still on the final draft...:-)"

If you wish to subscribe to Wossname send an email to

It appears that the rather poorly written charity auction we mentioned earlier this month raised 200GBP for charity. The lucky winner of the auction will get their name hewn into the mould of one of Bernard Pearson's wonderful models.

Jason Anthony (Editor)
William Barnett (Deputy Editor)
Richard Massey (White Van Man)

2. News

Bernard "The Cunning Artificer" Pearson is having another event. Those of you who enjoyed the December 2002 Hogswatch / Twinning event will be pleased to hear that a date has been set for the next Artificer gathering. Saturday 24th May and Sunday 25th May should now be marked down in your diary as 'must go to Wincanton'! Various festivities will be taking place including the traditional Sausage Supper. Terry Pratchett will of course be hanging around too.

More details will be available on

The 5th Clarecraft Discworld Event takes place from Friday 1st August - Sunday 3rd August 2003 at Warren Farm, Wetherden, Suffolk. The theme of this year's event will be Pyramids so don't forget your sandals. Clarecraft provide space for you to camp and also arrange toilets, an on-site caterer and a bar to ensure everyone enjoys themselves. There are no showers or electrical connections so expect to rough it for a couple of nights. Events include the Maskerade on the Saturday night, question and answer sessions with Terry and other Discworld celebrities, paint your own, merchandise areas and signing sessions. For more information visit

Wadfest 2003 takes place on Friday 19th - Sunday 21st September 2003 at Callow Top Holiday Park, Ashbourne, Derbyshire. Wadfest is an event run for fans by fans. This is another camping weekend but the facilities are somewhat more advanced, including 24hr showers and a heated swimming pool. Activities include live Thud, communal BBQ's, Murderthon, Luggage Wars, Magic Shows, Carroc Readings and more. More information can be found at

Terry will be at the Birmingham MAC on 31st May 2003 at 3pm where he will be interviewed by poet and Pratchett fan Brendn Read-Brown and will sign books afterwards. Tickets cost 4GBP (2.50GBP Concs), Family Ticket 10GBP. Tickets can be obtained on 0121-440-3838. More information can be found at:

The Belper Players Amateur Dramatic Society proudly present Wyrd Sisters on 14th - 17th May at 7.30 pm with a matinee performance on Sat 17th at 2.30pm.

To be performed at: The Guildhall Theatre, Derby

Tickets: Priced at 5.50GBP and 5GBP concessions (concessions available on all performances) available from the Box Office on 01332 225800. For further information please contact Catherine Goadby on 07970 371827 or email

The Unseen Theatre Company will be performing The Truth at The Bakehouse Theatre, 255 Agnas St, Adelade on March 29 to April 12. Tickets cost 14AUD for adults, 12AUD for concessions, and 10AUD for groups of 10 or more. Call Betty on 82962004 (7am-7pm 7days) for bookings. More information can be found at

The Chamberlayne Actors Theatre, Richmond, Va, USA, will be presenting Wyrd Sisters for three weekends (Th, Fr, Sa), from March 27 through April 12. Admission is 10USD and reservations are requested (general seating, but we are not very large). More information may be found at

Small Ads....

Please note, DWM has no way of checking the veracity or validity of any of the items in our small ads section. As always, exercise caution when giving out your details over the Internet. We *strongly* recommend parental supervision for younger readers who
follow up any of these contacts.

Richard Keith-Hill writes: I decided some time ago to change all my old paperback copies for hardback (in anticipation of reading them over and over). Unfortunately the only one I cannot find is Lords And Ladies. Does anyone have a spare copy or know where I can get one??

Baana L Barker writes: I am in North California. Is there any way I can get hold of the scripts for the Terry plays that seem to abound in England?

thx1138 writes: I am searching for some moderately rare Sinclair Spectrum games, one of which is 'The Colour of Magic' a Discworld game. It was published in about 1989 on a cassette and is a text adventure.

Maggie WILDE writes: Hi, I am going to the Clarecraft Discworld event in August and the theme is 'Pyramids'. Does anyone know of any artwork relating to this book which is on the net? I need inspiration for my costume/decorated tent.

Paul Chapin writes: I have a copy of the Color of Magic, first edition, hardback (Book Club edition). I was curious if anyone could tell me its value. I don't have any intention of giving it up, I am just curious.

Paul Cunningham writes: I have two PSX games for sale. Discworld II (Missing Presumed...) & Discworld Noir. Mint condition. I was looking for about 25GBP the pair.

nigel.j.palmer47 writes: I have recently being given a copy of Discworld Noir and I am having problems playing it. If anyone has any tips I would be grateful. I have reached the Cafe Anka but can't seem to get any further.

John Pollock writes: I've been getting your newsletter for a while, it's great fun. I hope you can help me out. When my computer crashed, or when it had a drink of my cola & blew up, I lost some important information. I had a web site on it which gave me in detail each Terry Pratchett book, UK & US pressing, with collector information. I can't find it anymore. I'm sure it's one of your links but I can't find the bugger. Could you please help me find it, I'm going out of my noggin trying to find it.

Jose Andres writes: Anyone here in New Zealand doing Discworld plays? Or would anyone want to start doing some? Please email me if you do.

Maria Wolens writes: It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that I have to sell my collection of PTerry books. I am missing 3 1st edition books (Colour of Magic, Light Fantastic and Sourcery). I do have a 1st ed Colour of Magic but it is an American edition.

I also have Good Omens, all the diaries, minus the hidden secrets of my life, and the 1st 3 leather bound books along with several other books by the great one.

For a comprehensive list please email me. Genuine and realistic offers only please.

3. Readers' Letters

If you have any letters or comments, please email them to

We assume any correspondence is eligible for use in the newsletter unless otherwise stated, including the sender's email address. We may also edit your letters in a fit of jealousy.

It is vitally important that you don't pass off other people's work as your own. If you use information from other resources please let us know so we can give proper credit.

The best letter of the month will receive an A3 print of Death in the Kitchen courtesy of Bonsai Trading. Bonsai Trading is a Discworld store bringing you Clarecraft figurines, Diaries & Calendars, Thud and much more.

* From: "Alasdair Russell"
Marching in London on the 15th of February, I saw a placard reading "See how they rise up", or something similar from All the Little Angels.

I tried to get to it, but couldn't in the crush. Anyone care to take responsibility? A photo of said placard would be appreciated.

* From: "Davey, Kathy"
'The Lady' in Interesting Times is someone we all want in our lives, generally don't see much of and her name rhymes with the bird the Duckman has on his head.

DWM replies: We would like to thank all the readers that wrote in with how to find the name of the Lady. Barry Etheridge suggests visiting for help.

* From: "Gareth Snelson"
Last month Jase the ace thought he saw two Discworld novels in the film 8mile.

If that is the case it is a movie mistake 'cos 8mile was set in 95, and my copy of Hogfather says first published '96!

* From: "Lily Thorns"
I can not tell you how extremely excited I was to read Issue 71 especially the part where it says

"Terry will be going to Penguicon, a Sci-Fi and Linux convention in Warren MI, on May 2-4"

Now my question is...Warren, MI would that be (please say yes please say yes) Warren Michigan in the United States?

DWM replies: We think so. It's just North of Detroit, according to RM's atlas.

* From: "Saurio"
Last month Nicole Matatko wrote: Because there is a thing or two that really puzzles me: If death is "la mort" in French, is he a woman? And what name, then, does Mort have?

Well, I don't know how it was done in French but I know how it was in Spanish, where also Death is La Muerte (feminine): the translator changed the sex of the character so (s)he addressed as a lady and Ysabell call her/him mother, which turns out to be weird since Death character acts very manly in several occasions.

But don't get me started with the awful Spanish translations (although the last ones - Small Gods and Lords and Ladies - are astoundingly quite good)

* From: "Vikki Evans"
In reply to Nicole Matatko's letter in Issue 71, I'm afraid I really can't say how the French translators of Pterry work around the female death problem, but I can tell you how they do it in Russian.

The Russian word for death smert' is also feminine and the Russian idea of death the personification is likewise female, although I can't remember exactly what she's like except that she isn't a stalking, TALKING skeleton, therefore in at least one of the translations (and I don't know which one, but it could be Pyramids or Guards Guards) they overcome the linguistic and traditional death and allow Death as we know him to come to the fore by using one of Pterry's own phrases and stating that smert' isn't the end of life, but a personification and male (describing him in great details so as not to confuse them with their own death personification), they then use male verb conjugations and the pronoun "he" when writing about him. As I said, I have no idea how the French do this, but one would assume in a similar manner.

DWM replies: Vikki gets this month's Letter of the Month.

* From:
Wotcha, I have only recently started reading PTerry's work, but have somehow managed to fit every single book into my busy school schedule. Never have I stumbled upon a series of books amusing enough to keep me entertained before I get bored and wander off with another book, as is my habit. I have however had some trouble locating the various extras to my growing collection of books. The mapps and the diary are still not spoken for on my modest little bookshelf, and I am somewhat obsessed with righting this predicament. But yet again, another problem. So few Australian book stores bother with Mr Pratchett's work, that such essential extras are impossible to find. But again, another itsy bitsy problem. I know no one else in Australia (with the exception of my librarian) who likes Discworld novels. So, help! If any Australians are reading this, write me back and save me from discussing the brilliant storylines with the ageing and self-opinionated middle aged woman that makes up my school librarian.

* From: "Ralph Evins"
Comment on the comment to letter by "TK", re: Library books.

Libraries are a great source of older editions of loads of books. I've found the Nomes trilogy in original paperback (the ones with the full cover illustrations, rather than just an inserted picture on a plain cover) in my local library, and swapped them for new copies of the despised plain-cover editions. Everybody's happy. Libraries rotate stock quite a lot, so if you offer them cash for a book, they'll most likely take it. But don't nick books, or the Librarian will unscrew your head.

* From: "Yasmin Mazur"
Tuppence more and up goes the donkey

Well - according to L-space's annotated Pratchett files this expression came from wandering acrobats who went around the villages and formed human pyramids for their living. They had a donkey pulling the equipment cart usually. The performance ended with a big pyramid, with one of the acrobats going around and collecting money and saying: "Tuppence more and up goes the donkey". Of course, the donkey never went up the pyramid (impossible), because there was always tuppence missing.

"Pull the other one, it's got bells on" has similar origins.

The English language is such a beautiful language with so many expressions.

Yasmin (I'm from Israel and Hebrew is my native tongue, in case you're wondering).

* From: "Sam Jones"
I'm new to Discworld monthly and would just like to say hello to all my fellow Pratchett fans out there. I have read Pratchett's books since I was knee-high to a grasshopper and have always wondered if Ly Tin Wheedle is a Discworld version of Confucius. Has anyone else come to this conclusion or is it just me being strange? Any input on this subject would be most helpful to me and my sanity.

'nk you

WB replies: I'm sure Confucius was the main inspiration for Ly Tin Wheedle.

* From: "Simon Woolhead"
As Richard Cardwell said, Vimes isn't the right kind of person to be Cromwell, but Stoneface Vimes (his ancestor) could easily be so?

* From: "Tom Willis"
In the last issue of DWM monthly, Debi Linton stated that Scumble was based upon the west-country drink of Scrumpy, in which rotten apples are left to ferment in a metal bucket. I would like to make it quite clear to all readers of DWM that this debased version of cider is a Somerset invention, and that we residents of Wiltshire (PTerry county) have nothing to with such a drink. (Instead we have rough cider, made by squeezing the juice out of windfalls, and allowing what remains to ferment.)

* From: "dhymers2"
Cromwell was not guilty of so-called 'ethnic cleansing' at Drogheda or anywhere else. Apart from the fact that the Irish are not a distinct racial group, the concept is a modern one and you cannot apply modern moral standards to historic events. Cromwell's actions at Drogheda (and later at Wexford) were within the rules of war of the seventeenth century. An army appearing before a fortified town, which they were, was required to 'summon' the garrison to surrender. If they did so, they were allowed to depart with their personal weapons and the town was not damaged. (Allright, this didn't always work, but that's the theory.) If the garrison refused and the attacking force had to storm the town, thus taking casualties, they were entitled, if they succeeded, to massacre the garrison and sack the town. The main purpose of this rule seems to have been to act as a deterrent and in OC's case it worked; several other towns surrendered and the war came to fairly speedy end, thus saving casualties on both sides, which is more than can be sais about most of England's wars in Ireland.

* From: "Susan Rollinson"
Hi! Can you tell me who (or what) Old Man Trouble is? Why would he stay away if one can can carry a tune, as remarked in the Hogfather, by the head of the assassins guild? Thanks!

4. Disc Trivia

William "Mr Trivia" Barnett is back with some more brain teasers for
you. Finishing this series with books 26-29, he's been asking one question per book & now has run out of books. If you have not read the recent novels you should probably avoid these questions as they may contain spoilers.

Wen the Eternally what?: (a) Annoyed, (b) Hungry, (c) Sexually Frustrated, (d) Depressed, (e) Narcoleptic, (f) Contemplative, (g) Constipated, (h) Condescending, (i) In The Bathroom, (j) Erect, (k) Clumsy, (l) Young, (m) Talkative, (n) Embarrassed, (o) Smiling, (p) Late For Work, (q) Cheerful, (r) Insouciant, (s) Lascivious, (t) Smoking Cuban Cigars, (u) Hunch-Backed, Snaggle-Toothed Menace From Space, (v) Obsessed With The Pupils From The Girls' Boarding-School Down The Road, (w) About To Make A Start On Those Shelves, (x) Ambivalent About His Sexuality, (y) Hanging Around Outside The Newsagents With His Hands In His Pockets Attracting Disapproving Looks From Old Ladies, (z) Surprised. (TToT)

What's the stupid-looking kid's name? (TAMAHER)

Who received a badge saying 'Hello, I Am 5 Today!' on their sixth birthday? (TLH)

What was unusual about the assassin Vimes find in his cesspit? (NW)

What cassette allways ends up in your car stereo? (Good Omens?)

As always the answers can be found at the end of this issue.

5. Discworld Translation Rights

We have received the following information from Colin Smythe (Terry's agent) that may be of interest to fans that like to read Discworld in languages other than English.

Terry has approved my sending out details on sales of rights in his books, so here's some information. I don't know when they'll be published - that information fans will have to find out from the publishers concerned.

German: Bertelsmann/Goldmann have signed up a 3 book contract for NIGHT WATCH, MONSTROUS REGIMENT, and Discworld novel 29, as well as THE AMAZING MAURICE

French: L'Atalante have just signed up THE LAST CONTINENT and CARPE JUGULUM

Denmark: Borgen are going to publish THE COLOUR OF MAGIC, THE LIGHT FANTASTIC and EQUAL RITES.

Norway: Tiden Norsk expect to publish MOVING PICTURES in May 2003, and are signing up REAPER MAN. They have already published an unillustrated edition of ERIC.

Spain: Plaza y Janes and DeBolsillo will be publishing trade and pocket-book editions of MEN AT ARMS and SOUL MUSIC, and DeBolsillo will be publishing pocket-book editions of MOVING PICTURES, REAPER MAN and WITCHES ABROAD

Brazil: Conrad, having published the first three Discworld novels have now contracted for SOURCERY and WYRD SISTERS.

Croatia: Marjan Tisak are acquiring licences for THE AMAZING MAURICE AND HIS EDUCATED RODENTS, EQUAL RITES and MORT. I believe they have already published COLOUR and LIGHT FANTASTIC but I have not yet seen copies.

Romania: Noesis have published COLOUR OF MAGIC and LIGHT FANTASTIC and are being licensed EQUAL RITES


6. Competition And Eric Play News

The Dreaming are an independent professional theatre company based in York, and have recently been granted the right to adapt one of Terry's early novels - Eric - as a stage play. Full details can be found on their web site at

The production is to be held throughout July at Clifford's Tower - a thirteenth century castle keep in the heart of York.


It doesn't matter what level your drawing/painting/photoshop skills are - we're looking for all levels of artist. We are looking for art that best captures the spirit of the Discworld in general, and Eric in particular. The three winning entries will each receive a pair of tickets to see the production (a World Premiere, don't forget), and the winning entries will also be published in the theatre programmes. We may also use non-winning entries as illustrations throughout the programme, too. Everyone's whose appears will receive a copy of the programme when it is printed. Full competition details can be found at

This competition's deadline has been extended to Saturday April 19th

Special Ticket Price for DWM Subscribers

Until the end of April, DWM Subscribers can buy tickets at 20% off! Full details at

7. Review: The Wee Free Men

by Jason Anthony

The Wee Free Men is Terry's second children's novel set on the Discworld. The story is about Tiffany Aching, a nine year old who lives and works with her family on a sheep farm located in a place know locally as 'The Chalk'.

Once a lonely old lady with no teeth was wrongly accused of being a witch and of cooking and eating the Baron's son. The old lady was turned out of her house and left to die in the winter. Tiffany knew the old lady was innocent because she only had a small oven (so couldn't possibly cook a person in it) and unexpectedly decided to become a witch to prevent this sort of thing happening again.

Being the youngest of the girls in the family Tiffany spends a lot of time looking after Wentworth, her little brother. When Wentworth is taken by an evil Queen, Tiffany decides to get him back. Armed only with her wits and the Nac Mac Feegle, Tiffany enters Fairyland on a quest to rescue her brother.

Being "a story of Discworld" Fairyland is not a very nice place. It is full of nasty creatures and is very difficult to get out of.

With this book Terry gets the opportunity to develop the background and culture of the Nac Mac Feegle (the titular Wee Free Men) to whom we were introduced in Carpe Jugulum. We discover that the Nac Mac Feegle used to live in Fairyland but were thrown out for being too rowdy and that they have a hatred of lawyers.

Tiffany is a very strong character and acts much older than her age. I imagine that Granny Weatherwax was probably like Tiffany as a child. She is sensible, intelligent and always carries a piece of string in case it may come in handy.

The Wee Free Men follows a single storyline and therefore doesn't have the complexity of some of the Discworld novels. This makes the book much easier to read. On first reading I didn't want to put the book down.

The UK edition sports a Paul Kidby cover featuring the Nac Mac Feegle and a small china shepherdess Tiffany won at a fete. The US edition features a highly stylised version of the Nac Mac Feegle attacking a sheep.

Each chapter in the UK book includes a small picture relevant to the chapter whilst the US version I saw didn't. I am unsure whether this will change for the final book.

I found The Wee Free Men to be highly entertaining and well worth a place on your bookshelf.

The UK edition will be published by Transworld (ISBN 0-385-60533-1) and the US edition will be published by HarperCollins (ISBN 0-060-01236-6). The Wee Free Men will be released worldwide in May 2003.

At the moment WH Smith in the UK are selling The Wee Free men for 6.50GBP + P&P. If you wish to purchase the book at this price please click here.

The US edition is available for pre-order from

8. The End

* Contact Information *

We prefer information to be sent via email, but can accept information via fax or post at the following addresses:

Post: J Anthony-Rowlands (DWM), 20 Cambrian Place, Pontarddulais, Swansea, SA4 8RG

* Latest Book Information *

The latest Discworld book released in paperback was Thief of Time 0552148407/87 and the latest hardback was Night Watch 0385602642/87

Terry's latest children's book is The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents 0385601239/87 and his latest collaboration is The Science of Discworld II: The Globe 0091882737/87

* Subscription Information *

To subscribe to 'Discworld Monthly' simply enter your email address in the form on the 'Discworld Monthly' web page. Our web site contains all back issues and links to other Pratchett sites.

Current circulation approximately 20800

To unsubscribe simply send an empty email from the account you subscribed under to

If you have any problems unsubscribing visit our removal help page.

* Trivia Results *

Wen the Eternally what?: (a) Annoyed, (b) Hungry, (c) Sexually Frustrated, (d) Depressed, (e) Narcoleptic, (f) Contemplative, (g) Constipated, (h) Condescending, (i) In The Bathroom, (j) Erect, (k) Clumsy, (l) Young, (m) Talkative, (n) Embarrassed, (o) Smiling, (p) Late For Work, (q) Cheerful, (r) Insouciant, (s) Lascivious, (t) Smoking Cuban Cigars, (u) Hunch-Backed, Snaggle-Toothed Menace From Space, (v) Obsessed With The Pupils From The Girls' Boarding-School Down The Road, (w) About To Make A Start On Those Shelves, (x) Ambivalent About His Sexuality, (y) Hanging Around Outside The Newsagents With His Hands In His Pockets Attracting Disapproving Looks From Old Ladies, (z) Surprised. (TToT)
(z) Surprised.

What's the stupid-looking kid's name? (TAMAHER)

Who received a badge saying 'Hello, I Am 5 Today!' on their sixth birthday? (TLH)

What was unusual about the assassin Vimes find in his cesspit? (NW)
She was female.

What cassette allways ends up in your car stereo? (Good Omens?)
Queen's Greatest Hits

* Obtaining Terry's Books *

If you are looking for Terry books or videos over the net, simply visit our web page at and follow the 'Purchasing' link on the left panel of the page.

Discworld Monthly is sponsored by User Friendly Business Solutions Ltd -

We make no effort whatsoever to ensure the information in this newsletter is accurate or even legal. Remember to always exercise caution when passing your credit card details over the Net (or over the phone for that matter). All trademarks are recognized as the property of their respective owners, whoever they may be.

Thanks for reading this issue of 'Discworld Monthly'. We hope you enjoyed it. If you have any comments or suggestions for the future of this newsletter please email:

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