Discworld Monthly Issue 259 - December 2018

↑≡1. Editorial
OK, I know I said last month we should be past all the technical issues with the new server. However, I noticed a small issue when sending out the last issue. I have made some more changes so if all works our this and all future emails will come from news@discworldmonthly.uk (you may want to add this address to your whitelist or safe senders list) to ensure safe delivery.
It's almost the very end of the year and another one that's been both exciting and busy for us here at Discworld Monthly. Once again we've had a blast and look forward to 2019 when we finally expect to see Good Omens on the television, we plan to be at the Irish Discworld Convention in March and look forward to more information about the upcoming Watch television series.
We'd like to wish you all a happy / merry* Hogswatch / Christmas / Yule / Hanukkah / Other * festive event of your choosing. And a very warm and happy wishes for the upcoming new year.
* delete as appropriate.
Jason Rincewind Anthony-Rowlands (Editor and Wizzard) info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
Rachel Anthony-Rowlands (News Hound / Terrier) rachel@discworldmonthly.co.uk
Richard Massey (Even Older Statesman)
We've received a few emails over the last couple of months from people asking how they can make small financial contributions to the newsletter. So rather than writing to individuals we felt we should just provide the information here.
So, if you want to make a small, purely optional, financial donation to the upkeep of the newsletter please use our Paypal account info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
↑≡1.1 Important Information
We have several places where you can get up to the minute news and information about all things Discworld from Discworld Monthly.
Facebook: Discworld Monthly Facebook Page
Twitter: @dwmoook
Instagram: Discworld Monthly on Instagram
And our website, discworldmonthly.co.uk which contains loads of information about the books, stage productions around the world, interesting articles, back issues and our merchandise shop.
↑≡1.2 Submissions
Want to make your opinions about the Discworld known to the world?
Have you been to see a play or a Discworld related event and want to write a review about it?
Then get writing! We are always on the lookout for exclusive articles and reviews to share with our readers so don't hesitate, email us today with the subject Article/Review at info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
If you are putting on a stage production or know of a stage production near you, please email us and let us know about that too.
We happily advertise all stage productions for free and we can help in other ways too. Email rachel@discworldmonthly.co.uk with the Subject line "Stage Production".
The deadline for submissions to issue 260 of Discworld Monthly is Monday 24th December 2018.
↑≡1.3 Merchandise
Discworld Monthly has an amazing (if we say so ourselves) range of mugs , badges , fridge magnets , keyrings , mouse mats and window stickers for sale worldwide.
If you love the idea of The Watch series, we have our very own Vimes and Errol range available for your delight.
If you are a Hogfather fan, there is a wonderful Mug with a very familiar looking Hogfather upon it.
If you want something a bit more personal, you can always show your love for your favourite Discworld newsletter with a personalised Discworld Monthly mug.
So get all your Hogswatch shopping sewn up with Discworld Monthly Merchandise and remember if you buy from us, you know one of us will dance a little jig when your order comes through!
↑≡2. News
2.1 Paul Kidby Signing at Fordingbridge Library
Don't forget Paul will be signing at Fordingbridge Library on the evening of the town's annual Christmas Lights Switch On. Copies of the new publication Terry Pratchett HisWorld, the Complete Exhibition Companion will be available, along with other publications and a selection of Discworld & Charmed Realm prints and cards.
Books will be available to buy, or you can bring your own pre-purchased copies.
Free event, all welcome.
Date: Friday 30th November 2019
Time: 6-8pm
Location: Fordingbridge Library, 2 Roundhill, Fordingbridge, SP6 1AQ
↑≡2.2 Discworld and Beyond Exhibition Tour
The Discworld & Beyond touring exhibition will be at
Location: North Hertfordshire Museum, Via Town Hall, Brand Street, Hitchin, SG5 1JE
Dates : Saturday December 15th 2018 – Saturday 9th February 2019
Opening times : Tuesday – Saturday: 10:30 to 16:30
↑≡2.3 Troll Bridge - IT'S STILL FINISHED !!!
This will stay here as a reminder to all [But mainly us - Rachel] that it will be hitting the festival circuit soon.
For more info: visit Troll Bridge's latest newsletter
And just as a reminder,
Troll bridge's contract states that they can continue raising money while they are still in a position to spend money [on the film!] . Once the film has been completed and outstanding expenses covered, SnowGum Films may need to close off DVD availability.
So if you want it on DVD or Blu-ray, order it now as you may not be able to get it later!
To get yours:
↑≡3. Hogswatch Presents - What we want for Hogswatch
What do you wish to get for Hogswatch?
We decided to have a look for ourselves at what wondrous items the Hogfather may bring us for Hogswatch. Apparently someone told us that despite popular rumour, we are indeed on the nice list [which completely surprised us - Rach] and as such are deserving of some presents.
Whether you are hoping for that last book to complete your collection or an item that will show the world how much you love our favourite author, we hope our round up of what new this hogswatch will help your beloved choose wisely instead of yet another pair of socks ! [Unless they are Discworld Socks!]
There are lots of options available for those who like to wear their fandom on their bodies.
The Discworld Emporium has a vast choice of dangly things to attach or drape around your body.
The latest pieces added to their catalogues are the The Tiffany Aching Snowflake Necklace and for the cufflink wearers, Assassins' Guild Cufflinks
The Tiffany necklace is absolutely beautiful, we sold the prototype at the UK Con Charity auction back in August and people went absolutely crazy over it. The detailing in Tiffany in the centre of the snowflake is exquisite and it picks up the light in the most magical way. If you bought this for your significant otter, you will earn so many brownie points that you may get away with not washing up after Hogswatch Dinner.
The Assassins Guild cufflinks are a must for the person who wants to discreetly show their guild membership at the Office Christmas Dinner. The finish on these pewter cufflinks is perfect but unfortunately (or fortunately for some) they do not have the capability to hide some arsenic within them to cleanly complete the contract on the floor manager.
Discworld.com have their usual range of jewellery available, their range of Tiffany necklaces are equally beautiful as each other and there is no way I could choose between them.
The latest items to be added to their range of jewellery are the Good Omens Pin Badges .
Who wouldn't want to show the world that they love our favorite Pratchett/Gaiman collaboration? With the Tv series coming early on in 2019, to be someone with the first bit of Good Omens merchandise pinned to their chest would make any fan very happy indeed.
There is a huge amount of choice when it comes to Discworld Clothing. T-shirts, Hoodies even the old hogswatch favourite.. Socks!
Socks seem to be the trend for the season so here's what is on offer from our favourite wallet emptiers.
The Discworld Emporium has a choice of six different designs for your favourite pair of feet.
Designs include Death, A'tuin, L-Space, Wizzard, Assassins Guild and Feegle Feet !
Available in 2 sizes currently they are any 3 pairs for 15GBP or 6.50GBP a pair. Bargain!
To feast your goggles on these wonderful feet warmers head over to Discworld Emporium Socks
Over at Discworld.com they also have gone slightly sock mad this year with a choice of 4 different designs.
Meander over to Discworld.com Socks to see the Death, The Turtle Moves, Unseen University or the City Watch socks.
All are available in 2 different sizes and they are 6.50GBP a pair or all four for 22.50GBP
Both Discworld.com and the Discworld Emporium have an array of T-shirts for you to choose from if you wish to fill your wardrobe with emblems emblazoned across your chest, Just have a good nose around their respective websites and remember to order us a T-shirt or two !
So what else is available this hogswatch?
The Josh Kirby Estate has more than a far wodge of delights available to purchase.
From Metal Prints ranging in size from 8x10inches at 39GBP to 20x16inches at 127GBP, these high quality steel prints of Wyrd Sisters, Mort, Guards!Guards!, Reaper Man and Discworld II are all Limited editions and would look amazing on anyones walls.
There are still some Greebo Limited edition Sculpture available although you won't get them in time for Hogswatch they may arrive in time for Easter. They are for the more expansive budget though at 177GBP a piece.
A bit out of your budget ?? You could always go for their Hogfather Limited edition Print 11x14inches at just 29.99GBP or the Hogfather Greetings cards 5 pack at just 10GBP
Like Josh Kirby's artwork but prefer Paul Kidby's?
Then Paul Kidby has some glorious prints available over on his website.
Our personal favourites are The Imaginarium of Professor Pratchett at 40GBP and The Imaginarium of Professor Pratchett II also at 40GBP
Paul also has the 2019 Discworld calendar and all of the books he worked on with or for Terry available directly from his website.
We must also mention Paul's Charmed Realm book . It is a beautiful art book showing some of Paul's finest non-Discworld artworks. We have at least two copies here and lots of the prints from it. Well worth it for anyone.
Talking of Paul, Micro Art Studio faithfully reproduce Paul's characters in 3d as miniatures. If you or a loved one used to paint metal miniatures as a hobby then there plenty to choose from here. The latest to join the ranks are the Gods from Dunmanifestin, Blind Io, Offler and Fate and a Bust of Nanny Ogg.
We here at Discworld Monthly are lucky enough to own all the Discworld Board games, but if you know someone who loves board games then the Clacks Board Game from Backspindle Games is perfect for them. At 29.99GBP (UK price) it's the perfect gift to argue over instead of Monopoly after the Patrician's speech at 3pm.
But the thing everyone wants this Hogswatch comes from the Discworld Emporium.
They have just released the much anticipated Death with Kitten figurine .
Many of you would have seen the prototype on display at the UK Convention and lusted after its bronze silhouette. It's just been released for sale and at 50GBP it is worth every penny. Hopefully someone will love you enough to buy you one and place it your Hogswatch Stocking in time for Hogswatch.
Of course no stocking would be complete without a few Discworld Monthly pin badges just to fill out the corners [You could try a personalised Discworld Monthly Mug to fill it out a bit as we sell those too]
↑≡4. Review: The Illustrated Truckers
By Rachel Anthony-Rowlands
I'm going to write this review backwards by starting with a conclusion. Seriously, get hold of this. Knock down the doors of your local bookshop and make them get a copy for you.
Once they've published Diggers and Wings in the same format, it will be a trilogy of books that your children/grandchildren will absolutely adore and love for years to come.
So I'll start this review properly. They say to never judge a book by it's cover, but if I was five again I would be begging my Mum to buy this one for me the second I saw it on the shelf of our local bookshop [except I couldn't buy it in our local bookshop, or in our capital city of Cardiff. I had to buy it in Reading ! Oh the irony!]
The bright vibrancy of the cover is a wonderous assault on the senses. You will want to stroke the finery of embossing, the metallic lettering adding contrast to the melody of turquoises that brace the dust-jacket. Under the beautiful dustjacket is a galaxy of colours with the immortal words "Go Home and Be Safe" on the cover on the book itself.
This edition is firmly aimed at the bedtime story age range of readers. The pictures contained within are bold and compliment the story so well. I can just imagine reading this to my grandchildren (when they are possibly born) at bed-time with their faces full of wonder at the story we know and love so well. The layout is extremely well thought out with enough illustrations to keep young minds firmly engaged whilst also keeping them reading/listening to the story to find out what happens next.
Mark's images will implant themselves into your head and it will be the way you see the Nomes forever more. His ability to cast the words into images astounds and surprises with every turn of the page keeping the reader completely enthralled at the adventures of the Nomes. Mark's illustrations are so close to Terry's original illustrations that is difficult to believe that they are not Terry's for those who know them well.
I do hope they get the rest of the series published rapidly because once your child has finished Truckers they will almost immediately want Diggers and Wings in the same format.
To order a copy online, please use our affiliate links below, but if you are like me and love to actually find one in a bookshop, do let us know where you find a copy by taking a photo of it on the shelves using the #foundtheNomes and also by tagging us on Instagram or Twitter
Our affiliate links.
↑≡5. Review: Hogfather - Abingdon
By Jason Anthony-Rowlands
On Saturday 17th November we drove down to Abingdon, near Oxford to see the matinee performance of Stephen Briggs' production and adaptation of Hogfather. This is a brand new adaptation that has yet to be published so it was an opportunity not to be missed. Knowing just how cold the Unicorn Theatre can get we made sure we wrapped up warm - wearing scarfs and hats in November may seem a little weird but it added to the Christmassy / Hogswatchy * feel of the event.
Each of the two parts of the play started with some Hogswatch carols. Newly formed words to familiar round world Christmas favourites. This simple idea helped to set the scene for the story.
The adaptation follows the core story of Hogfather well. Some characters get other characters lines from time to time for example Drumknott talks to Hex rather than Susan. And Hex asks the wizards to believe instead of the other way round. I particularly liked the visit to Crumleys and the conversation between Mrs Crumley (another change but nothing to worry about) and Nobby Nobbs about arresting the Hogfather.
Sarah Wright was excellent as Susan - pulling off the sternness of the governess expertly. Death played in body by Stephen Briggs and voiced by Mike MacDonald was brilliant. The coordination and synchronicity of the two was outstanding. Long term Studio Theatre Club member Matt Kirk was once again spot on in his role of Ricully. Banjo was expertly performed by Matt Hutchinson and special mention has to go to Jon Shepherd who looked and acted so very much like Dave Gorman in his portrayal of Bilious. The rest of the ensemble cast were very good and if there was any prompting from off stage I didn't hear it. I am happy to say there wasn't a single poor performance.
The Unicorn's multi-level stage was not used as much as normal. Instead a large projector screen was used to display the name of the location being portrayed. In absence of elaborate sets this worked well... Though I would have been more impressed if the font used included apostrophes... The Tooth Fairys Castle just irked me a little.
I loved the idea of talking to hex through a "hex box controller". This allowed for a small and easily carried device to be used to represent the Unseen University's thinking machine rather than a large and unruly piece of scenery. Having the voice of HEX played over the PA system worked really well.
There were some bits I missed from the book but with such rich material its a skill to keep the production down to a reasonable length. I really enjoyed the adaptation and hope that it gets published at some point in the future - so I can see it again.
Ho Ho Ho!!!
At each performance the Studio Theatre Club raffled off a signed by the cast bound copy of the script. By the end of the run an amazing 450 GBP was raised for Alzheimers.
* I know neither of them are real words - Jason
Sally Chinery also sent us a review:
Hogfather – A Review of the Studio Theatre's production adapted by Stephen Briggs
I was one of the lucky ones who managed to obtain tickets for this production staged at the Unicorn Theatre in Abingdon. This was the first time that I had been to a Studio Theatre production and it will not be the last! This group of people are highly skilled amateurs who did not disappoint the high expectations that I had of the evening. Stephen Briggs has done a magnificent job of adapting the book and condensing it down to a manageable length for a play.
At the Klatch with Stephen I attended at this year's DWC he had said that when he had first thought about doing Hogfather as a stage play he didn't think it was doable because of the various subplots in it but he has carefully managed these subplots and has produced a play that is essentially, the tale of the Hogfather as we know it. Though some of my favourite scenes were not actually included, such as the Wizards and their debate about various beings such as the Eater of Socks being called into existence there were passing references to them in the play.
The characters were excellently portrayed, Susan was the no nonsense governess to the T. Billious the Oh God of Hangovers was played with the right amounts of pathos and comedy; Mr Teatime give me shivers down the spine and what can be said about the double act that was Death and Albert? Absolutely brilliant!
The stage had one simple set with a video screen above it denoting where the action was taking place, meaning there were no delay in the telling of the story as sets were changed. Death's costume was brilliant as was his voice! That voice was how I have always heard Death in my head when reading any of the books with him in it.
The video screen dealt easily with the airborne sleigh scenes with Albert and Death with a blue screen with a black silhouette of a sleigh being drawn by pigs a la all those Christmas card scenes of Santa and his reindeer. The video screen was also put to use just before the start of the play for a message from Vetinari on the sins of the audience leaving their mobile devices switched on.
At the end of the play they had slipped in a homage to Terry himself. An audio clip from the Hogfather movie was played – the scene where Death visits the Toymaker to buy the toy horse that the boy Albert had wanted. Which meant that the play ended with Terry himself speaking his own words. Nice touch Mr Briggs!
I had the honour of being at the first ever public performance of this play on the opening night (Wednesday) . The cast were spot on (there were a couple of minor slips which were hardly noticeable) so I can only imagine what the performance was like on the final performance on the Saturday night -absolutely freakingly awesomely brilliant cubed!!
A totally 5 star plus performance by all concerned -thank you guys!
↑≡6. Hisworld: Official Exhibition Companion - A Comparison between Editions
By Rachel Anthony-Rowlands
Dunmanifestin produced two editions of Terry Pratchett HisWorld : Official Exhibition Companion. A Standard edition and a Special slipcased edition.
We were lucky enough to get both versions for us to peruse over.
First up, if you were lucky enough to get to see the exhibition in the flesh, this isn't just a catalogue of all the exhibits, it is filled with insights and articles by those who knew or worked with Terry alongside beautiful images of the exhibits themselves. For those who didn't see the exhibition, this is as close as you are going to get to actually having been there. As the first paying customer to see the exhibit (and the last as Rob kicked us out of the door at closing time on the last day) I can assure you that the only thing the book cannot bring to you is the atmosphere that the exhibition had within its walls. The staff and visitors brought with them a feeling of love, emotion and admiration which could only have been felt if you were there.
Secondly, let's give you a small review of what you are getting. The book is broken up into chapters, each one written by a different person who had either worked with/for Terry or had been a close friend of him. The layout of the books is perfect with each exhibit piece being showcased simply as to not detract from the items themselves.
There is plenty of information about the exhibits and additional information about Terry from the writers of each chapter. The visual timelines are a delight to behold making it easy to see when various events happened in Terry's life including book releases and details about when he won certain awards. Vanessa Kidby and Harry Hall have done an amazing job of laying out this remarkably informative companion.
It's a sure bet that many of our readers have already bought one of the editions and are wondering if they bought the right one. And if you haven't bought one yet, then read on as it will help you decide whether you will pay your electric bill this month or buy a book !
So let's look at the basic differences, the Standard edition cost 30GBP whilst the Slipcase edition costs 75GBP. The Standard edition has a white cover whereas the Special Slipcase edition (SSE) has a black cover and black slipcase.
So what makes the SSE worth an extra 45 pounds?
The SSE is a limited edition with only 2,000 copies in existence. Every single one is numbered and also contains a separate print of the gorgeous Imaginarium of Professor Pratchett II signed by Paul Kidby.
The slipcase is a wonderful matt black with Terry's signature in gold foil on one side and an golden honey bee on the other. The book has a laminated black finish with the image of Professor Pratchett II upon its cover. Unfortunately both book and slipcase pick up fingerprints faster than a fan of detective shows who got a fingerprinting kit for Hogswatch.
The extra page which the SSE has, is an additional title page with exclusive image of the Quantum Weather Butterfly by Paul Kidby embossed in gold and the book has a gold ribbon bookmark attached.
Whilst the butterfly is a beautiful image, I really can't say that these few additions make the SSE worth the extra 45 pounds in cost over the standard edition.
Standard or Special Slipcased Edition?
Personally I would buy the Standard edition. The 45 pounds I would have saved would buy me all three of the recent Discworld Collector's Library editions and leave a little left over to put towards the Illustrated Truckers.
Whilst the print of The Imaginarium of Professor Pratchett II is glorious, for me it's not an essential item to own as I would prefer it in a much larger format to truly show how glorious the artwork is. I hope Paul gets to sell this artwork as a print at a similar size to The Imaginariurm of Professor Pratchett that is currently on sale on his website.
****UPDATE - Between the initial write up of this article and us actually publishing the newsletter, Paul or I read each other's minds and low and behold, he released exactly what I requested above. Here is where you can buy a 490mm x 350mm print of The Imaginarium of Professor Pratchett II *****
The book costs 30GBP for the Standard edition (Plus P&P) and 75GBP for the Slipcase Edition (plus P&P) .
Standard Edition from Discworld.com
Slipcase Edition from Discworld.com
Standard Edition from Paul Kidby
Slipcase Edition from Paul Kidby
↑≡7. DiscTrivia
Wow, Rachel's let me write the Trivia again. Good luck.
Q1. | Who is Professor Cranberry? |
Q2. | Who or what is Black Roger? |
Q3. | Who was William De Worde's landlady? |
Q4. | Where can you find Al-Ybi? |
Q5. | Who is Dongo? |
The answers as usual can be found at the end of this issue.
↑≡8. Competition Result: HisWorld - Official Exhibition Companion
Last month the lovely team at Discworld.com have given us a standard edition of Terry Pratchett: HisWorld - Official Exhibition Companion and a couple of sheets of Hogswatch wrapping paper to give away.
In order to win this fabulous prize you needed to answer the following question:
Q1. | The slipcase edition of HisWord - Official Exhibition Companion is a limited to how many copies? |
The answer we were looking for was 2000 copies.
The randomly selected winner is Neill Tinlin of Glasgow, Scotland. We'll pass on your information to Discworld.com who will send out your prize directly.
Visit Discworld.com for more information about their amazing Discworld products.
↑≡9. Birthdays
Everyone has a birthday. If you know someone who would like a mention or if you would like your birthday included in the listings, send us an email the month before your birthday and we will add it to the list! Email rachel@discworldmonthly.co.uk Subject: Birthday
Happy November Birthday greetings to: Ruecenda Herd, Tim Van Holder, Barbara Durbin, Nicola Atkin and Martin Macey
And Happy December Birthday Greetings to : Karlyanne Bantock, Rachel Rankin, Gill Milford-Scott, Sharon O'Connor, Hannah Born, Charlotte Le Grys, Cathie McEvoy, Roisin Rowlinson, James Serjeant, Wendy Blaser, Paul Stevens, Susan Fox, Sebastian Barwinek, Andy Loveridge, Marc Simonetti, Ian Whybrew, Derek John Walker, Rob Grundy, Amy Atkins, Tim Brown, Lau LeiaTortoise Twenteas, Ella Farley, Steven Himel, Issac Olding, Dave Corne and a very special Happy Birthday to Susan Hagstrom.
↑≡10. Readers' Letters
If you have any letters or comments, please email them to info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
We assume any correspondence is eligible for use in the newsletter unless otherwise stated, including the sender's email address. We may edit your letters while driving to various Discworld events.
It is vitally important that you don't pass off other people's work as your own. If you use information from other resources please let us know so we can give proper credit.
* From: "Greg" ggalon2009@gmail.com
Dear Jason and everyone, (to quote Nanny Ogg from "Witches Abroad")
Well, here's a thing. I know that you have a link to "The BBC Radio Drama Collection" at Amazon and Audible, but were you aware that it's also available at Book Depository? Plus, it's 32% off over there.
It's probably too late for this issue of Discworld Monthly, but perhaps it could sneak into next month's?
Speaking as one who has long enjoyed the BBC Radio Dramas - not just of books by Terry but also Douglas Adams, Bernard Cornwell etc. - I'm off to order a copy.
Greg G., Australia
Discworld Monthly replies: Your wish is my command Greg. You can now order your copy from the Book Depository .
* From: "Lor Montgomery"
While I am excited to see the new TV series of The Watch is in production, I have to confess there's one thing which sticks out and makes me wary of the whole thing, this being the description of Cheery as an 'ingenious non-binary forensics expert'.
Now, I'm sure this would seem like a good way to explain a woman with a beard to a mainstream audience, but as someone who actually identifies as being of a non-binary gender, I feel compelled to point out that this is unfortunately a completely incorrect way of describing Cheery.
Cheery is a woman. She identifies as a woman, and clearly states this several times during her appearances in the Discworld series. She has a beard, yes, but this has absolutely nothing to do with her gender identity, which is firmly, strongly and undeniably female. To call her non-binary, while it would be exciting to see representation for people like me (believe me, non-binary characters are like hen's teeth in mainstream movies and books) , it would also change the character completely, from a proud woman-with-a-beard to a non-binary-person-with-a-beard. To some people, this might not seem important, but it is.
Don't get me wrong, I would love to see more non-binary characters represented in books and movies, but not at the expense of a character with an established arc entirely based around her fight for the right to choose her gender expression. Respecting gender identities cuts both ways, to staple the label 'non-binary' onto a clearly established woman (even one with a somewhat masculine gender presentation) is as misrepresentative as erasing non-binary characters in favour of assigning them a binary gender.
Now to climb off my soapbox and cross my fingers that it's just an error in phrasing made by the BBC America PR team.
Discworld Monthly replies: I suspect that like "punk rock thriller" the description of Chery's gender is more a failed attempt at being politically correct rather than actually correct.
↑≡11. Book Release News
11.1 English Language Releases
UK Book Releases
A TV-Tie in version of the actual book Good Omens is also going to be available as of the 5th Feb 2019.
Wording on various stores have it down as a paperback with the description saying its a "Keepsake Hardback edition". Your guess is as good as mine as to which it is.
[Tv-Tie In is the fancy wording for having a new cover that matches the branding of the Tv series, probably with Amazon prime written on it somewhere - Rachel]
Written by Neil Gaiman The Quite Nice and Fairly Accurate Good Omens Script Book is a hardback book which contains 400 pages, many of which have scenes that didn't quite make it to the screen.
It will be published by Headline and will cost 20 GBP
Pre-order yours
Also Available on Kindle at 13.99GBP
THE NICE AND ACCURATE GOOD OMENS TV COMPANION will also be released on the 4th April 2019
The Nice and Accurate Good Omens TV Companion will be your ultimate guide to the upcoming apocalypse. It will feature incredible photographs, stunning location shots, costume boards, set designs and fascinating character profiles and in-depth interviews with the stars and crew.
It will cost 25GBP and is a huge 320 pages of Good Omens loveiness.
Pre-order now from
Dodger paperback with cover by Laura Ellen Anderson due for release on the 25th April 2019
Paperback: 416 pages
Age Range: 9 - 17 years
Publisher: Corgi Childrens (25 April 2019)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0552577200
ISBN-13: 978-0552577205
RRP 7.99
Note: This is not currently on Amazon US but as soon as it becomes available we will put up the link
Nation paperback with cover by Laura Ellen Anderson due for release on the 25th July 2019.
Paperback: 432 pages
Age Range: 9 - 16 years
Publisher: Corgi Childrens (25 July 2019)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0552577197
ISBN-13: 978-0552577199
RRP 7.99
Discworld Collector's Library Editions.
Snuff with cover by Joe McLaren due for release on the 14th Nov 2019 (Subject to change)
Publisher: Doubleday (14 Nov. 2019)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0857526499
ISBN-13: 978-0857526496
RRP 12.99
Raising Steam with cover by Joe McLaren deu for release on the 14th Nov 2019 (Subject to change)
Publisher: Doubleday (14 Nov. 2019)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0857526502
ISBN-13: 978-0857526502
US/Canadian Releases
Terry Pratchett: The BBC Radio Drama Collection: Seven full-cast dramatisations
Collected together for the first time are seven full-cast BBC Radio dramatisations of Terry Pratchett's novels, with star-studded casts including Martin Jarvis, Sheila Hancock, Anton Lesser, Philip Jackson, Alex Jennings and Mark Heap.
Now being published for the very first time, the adaptations in this collection are:
Wyrd Sisters
Guards! Guards!
Small Gods
Night Watch
In addition to the Discworld radio Plays is the full-cast dramatisation of Only You Can Save Mankind.
Unfortunately Nation and Good Omens are not included in this collection.
Audio CD
Publisher: BBC Physical Audio; Unabridged edition edition
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1785298224
ISBN-13: 978-1785298226
To Preorder
Amazon Canada due 27th Nov 2018
Available now at
Discworld Collector's Library edition
Hardcover: 416 pages
ISBN-10: 0857525913
ISBN-13: 978-0857525918
Amazon Canada release date - 25th December 2018
Available now at
Discworld Collector's Library edition
Hardcover: 480 pages
ISBN-10: 0857525921
ISBN-13: 978-0857525925
Amazon Canada release date - 25th December 2018
Available now at
Discworld Collector's Library edition
Hardcover: 544 pages
ISBN-10: 085752593X
ISBN-13: 978-0857525932
Amazon Canada release date - 25th December 2018
Available now at
↑≡12. Stage Productions
Whilst we would love to get to every event and play to write reviews and articles about them, we just don't have enough time, petrol and a wide enough spread of friends to borrow the couch for the night. But you, our wonderful readers do have the time, petrol and often don't need the couches as the event or play is on your doorstep!
We don't have English degrees here and you don't need one either to write something for Discworld Monthly!
PS. If you know of a play or event that we don't know about (shock horror) , email us. We like the surprise!
All submissions should be emailed to rachel@discworldmonthly.co.uk or info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
Don't forget to visit Pratchett Stage Productions for our most up-to-date list of stage productions.
↑≡12.1 Current and Upcoming Productions
For more details of these current and upcoming productions visit: Pratchett Stage Productions
- Guards! Guards! in Birmingham, UK, UK (Thurs 29th November - Sat 1st December 2018)
- Going Postal in Bishopston, Bristol, UK (Wed 5th December - Sat 8th December and Wed 12th - Sat 15th December 2018)
↑≡12.2 New and Updated Productions
These productions are new this month or have been updated. For our full list visit: Pratchett Stage Productions
[New: UK] Luke Players presents Guards! Guards! as adapted by Stephen Briggs
Location: | Midland Arts Centre (MAC), Cannon Hill Park, Birmingham B12 9QH UK |
Dates: | Thurs 29th November - Sat 1st December 2018 |
Times: | Performance at 7.30pm, additional matinee on Sat at 2.30pm |
Tickets: | 9GBP Conc 7GBP |
Box office: | 0121 446 3232 |
Website: | Luke Players |
↑≡13. Discworld Conventions and other Events
13.1 Current and Upcoming Events
For more details of these events visit: Conventions and Other Events
- Discworld & Beyond Exhibition in The Chapel Gallery, UK (29th September - 1st December 2018)
- Paul Kidby Book Signing at Fordingbridge Library in Fordingbridge, UK, UK (Friday 30th November 2018)
- Discworld & Beyond Exhibition in North Hertfordshire Museum, UK (15th December 2018 – February 2019)
↑≡13.2 New and Updated Events
These events are new or have recently been updated. For our full list visit: Conventions and Other Events
[New: UK] Paul Kidby Book Signing at Fordingbridge Library
Location: | Fordingbridge Library, 2 Round Hill, Fordingbridge SP6 1AQ |
Dates: | Friday 30th November 2018 |
Website: | paulkidby.com |
Paul will be signing at Fordingbridge Library on the evening of the town annual Christmas Lights Switch On. Copies of the new publication Terry Pratchett HisWorld, the Complete Exhibition Companion will be available, along with other publications and a selection of Discworld & Charmed Realm prints and cards. Books will be available to buy, or you can bring your own pre-purchased copies.
↑≡14. Recurring Fan Meetings
By their very nature the listing of recurring fan meeting remains static. So we've moved the full listings to our website at Recurring Fan Meetings
The newsletter will only include any listings that are new or have changed within the last 30 days.
↑≡15. Small Ads
If you want to try to sell your unwanted / duplicate Discworld items to other fans (and its legal for you to do so) email us at info@discworldmonthly.co.uk with the subject "Ads" and a short description of what you have and how fans can contact you. Discworld Monthly only lists the ads and is not responsible for the contents, validity or reliability of the ads or the buyers and sellers.
Fancy a holiday to the land of the librarian and a universe full of wonders? Though it it would be too expensive?
Then look no further...join Andrea, a life long STP fan and conservation biologist, at her guest house in North Sumatra, Indonesia. Not only can you go jungle trekking to see if you can spot the librarian and his friends. the monkeys (well, not actually friends..more like acquaintances) . You can also go on village walks, do cooking class, go river swimming and so much more.
Have a look at her website and drop Andrea and email or whatsapp with any questions at all. There's a 5% discount if you start your email with your favourite discworld quote!
.....fyi...Andrea would like to bring your attention to this quote
"It was the special sort of beautiful area which is only beautiful if you can leave after briefly admiring its beauty and go somewhere else where there are hot tubs and cold drinks. Actually staying there for any length of time is a penance."
Spenser Personal spenser.groves@ntlworld.com writes: I am an avid fan of Discworld and have over the last 30 years I have collected clarecraft figures and have the complete set (including rare pro types) .
Sadly we need to consider downsizing the collection and will begin to sell them on auction sites.
However, before I do, I wondered if you know of any fans that might be interested in buying parts of the collection through your newsletter?
Jason writes: Spenser is now selling his collection over at the Discworld Collector's Guild group on Facebook.
↑≡16. The End
This month's issue is brought to you by the number 3 and the letter b.
The deadline for submissions to issue 260 of Discworld Monthly is Monday 24th December 2018.
↑≡16.1 Supporting Discworld Monthly
Discworld Monthly was created as a totally free newsletter and will continue to remain so for as long as it continues. However, the costs of maintaining the website, postage, travel etc. add up. If you feel you would like to make a small contribution towards these costs please consider doing so via: PayPal
Our account for Paypal is info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
You can also purchase items from our range of licensed Discworld Monthly products from: Discworld Monthly Shop
↑≡16.2 eBook Editions
Since issue 166 we have produced a version of Discworld Monthly that is formatted better for the Amazon Kindle eBook reader and since issue 186 we also produce an ePub version for other eBook readers such as the Kobo, Nook and Sony readers.
You can download either version from Discworld Monthly eBooks
↑≡16.3 Contact Information
We prefer information to be sent via email info@discworldmonthly.co.uk or rachel@discworldmonthly.co.uk but can also accept information via post at the following addresses: Discworld Monthly, 20 Cambrian Place, Pontarddulais, Swansea, SA4 8RG, United Kingdom
↑≡16.4 Latest Book Information
This Discworld Monthly website a list of books on our website with the cover blurb and direct links to UK, US and Canadian Amazon websites.
Terry Pratchett books at Discworld Monthly
You can also find a list of our affiliates at:
Discworld Monthly Affiliate Links
We have an extensive Terry Pratchett biography with a tick list you can print out at:
↑≡16.5 Subscription Information
To subscribe to Discworld Monthly simply enter your email address in the form on the Discworld Monthly web page. Our web site contains all back issues and links to other Pratchett sites.
To unsubscribe please follow the instructions at the end of this email.
↑≡16.6 Trivia Answers
Q1. | Who is Professor Cranberry? |
A1. | A hired killer in the pay of Cosmo Lavish (Making Money) |
Q2. | Who or what is Black Roger? |
A2. | A Huge, jet-black dog, looking like a pit bull terrier crossed with a mincing machine (Men At Arms) |
Q3. | Who was William De Worde's landlady? |
A3. | Mrs Arcanum (The Truth) |
Q4. | Where can you find Al-Ybi? |
A4. | In the Klatchian desert. (Witches Abroad) |
Q5. | Who is Dongo? |
A5. | A barman in a pub in Dijabringabeeralong. (The Last Continent) |
16.7 Small Print
We make every effort we can to ensure the information in this newsletter is accurate and legal. All trademarks are recognized as the property of their respective owners, whoever they may be. Discworld (R) is a registered trade mark of the Estate of Sir Terry Pratchett used under licence.
↑≡16.8 Thanks
Thanks for reading this issue of 'Discworld Monthly'. We hope you enjoyed it. If you have any comments, complaints or suggestions for the future of this newsletter please email the editor : info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
↑≡16.9 The Final Word...
*Rachel here*
We may not be perfect designers, or award winning journalists but we do our best to keep you all entertained and informed about all things Terry. We do have some ethics though. We like our news to be current, up to date and factual with a solid source. We don't like posting rumours but occasionally the source it comes from is 98 percent solid so we will tell you it's a rumour and confirm it when we have a 100 percent confirmation. Our own articles are written by us for us only. You won't find articles from other publications here unless it's a formal press release about an adaptation, book release or event or something we actually wrote for someone else unless they begged us to publish it (OK not begged but some of our lovely friends do ask us occasionally to boost something)
Whilst you keep reading it, we'll keep on writing it because we love Terry's books just as much as you do.
GNU Terry Pratchett...