Discworld Monthly - Issue 275 - February 2020

↑≡1. Editorial
Welcome to our first issue of Discworld Monthly of 2020 aka The Condescending Carp. Since our last issue we've had some new information with regards to The Watch TV series, and while I am trying very hard to keep an open mind there appears to be little to be optimistic about. It looks like the series will definitely go ahead but it just doesn't appear to bear much resemblance to my view of the city watch. I understand that these things are subjective but there is so much wrong with the photos that have been released that I hold out very little hope. What really annoys me personally is that showrunner Simon Allen thinks he is a better and funnier writer than Terry. From what I've seen so far this is far from the case. See the link to Rachel's more balanced article in our news section.
It's been 10 years since BackSpindle Games got their licence to produce the Discworld Board Game Guards! Guards! I remember beta testing the game in the back of the Dolphin Pub one bleak wet Wincanton Saturday afternoon. To celebrate their anniversary BackSpindle gave our Facebook likers the chance to win a copy of Guards! Guards! And we really hope Lisa Blackwell-Dickinson really enjoys her game when it arrives. (As a claim to fame, my step son, caused the developers to change the rules after he managed to drag a game out to last nearly seven hours - playing said Developers at the 2014 Convention) .
You may have noticed some changes in the newsletter. One of our affiliate partners has changed their rules about how we can display affiliate links. Which means we can no longer include them in the email version of the newsletter. So from issue 274 onwards we will provide a link to a page on our website that will contain all the affiliate information for that issue. Obviously we are annoyed at having to make this more difficult for you guys but it was either that or just move over to being fully web based and just having the email to let you know a new issue is available on the website. We hope you'll agree that we've made the correct decision but feel free to write to us at info@discworldmonthly.co.uk and let us know your thoughts.
If you have something you'd like to chat with other fans about, why not send us a readers' letter, to info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
Jason Rincewind Anthony-Rowlands (Editor and Wizzard) info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
Rachel Anthony-Rowlands (Drowning in paperwork) rachel@discworldmonthly.co.uk
Richard Massey (World's Biggest fan of the Unicorn)
If you want to make a small, purely optional, financial donation to the upkeep of the newsletter please use our Paypal account info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
We'd like to thank all those that have already helped, you really do make a difference.
↑≡1.1 Important Information
We have several places where you can get up to the minute news and information about all things Discworld from Discworld Monthly.
Facebook: Discworld Monthly Facebook Page
Twitter: @dwmoook
Instagram: Discworld Monthly on Instagram
And our website, discworldmonthly.co.uk which contains loads of information about the books, stage productions around the world, interesting articles, back issues and our merchandise shop.
↑≡1.2 Submissions
Want to make your opinions about the Discworld known to the world?
Have you been to see a play or a Discworld related event and want to write a review about it?
Then get writing! We are always on the lookout for exclusive articles and reviews to share with our readers so don't hesitate, email us today with the subject Article/Review at rachel@discworldmonthly.co.uk
If you are putting on a stage production or know of a stage production near you, please email us and let us know about that too.
We happily advertise all stage productions for free and we can help in other ways too. Email rachel@discworldmonthly.co.uk with the Subject line "Stage Production".
The deadline for submissions to issue 276 of Discworld Monthly is Wednesday 26th February 2020 and it is likely the next issue will be late due to a Holiday Camp in Llamedos.
↑≡1.3 Merchandise
Discworld Monthly has an amazing (if we say so ourselves) range of mugs , badges , fridge magnets , keyrings , mouse mats and window stickers for sale worldwide.
If you love the idea of The Watch series, we have our very own Vimes and Errol range available for your delight.
If you want something a bit more personal, you can always show your love for your favourite Discworld newsletter with a personalised Discworld Monthly mug.
↑≡2. News
2.1 Good Omens official merchandise is here !
The first drips of Official Licensed Good Omens merchandise has appeared on Forbidden Planet's website.
Three T-shirts bearing imagery from the series and one bearing the Good Omens logo will be available from the 19th February 2020.
Priced at 14.99GBP, they come in a range of sizes from Small to XXL

To order yourself a new t-shirt, head over to our Issue 275 Affiliate Link page
↑≡2.2 The Watch
First look images came out from the set of The Watch series since our last issue.
Rachel wrote an in depth history and analysis of the images. See if you can spy the piece of information that was exclusive to us here at Discworld Monthly in amongst the set photos.
The article is too large for the newsletter but you can read it on our website at:
↑≡2.3 Murder in Ankh-Morpork - A new play from Stephen Briggs
Stephen writes :
I'm pleased to let DWM readers know that I've just finished writing a 'new' Discworld play, which I'll be staging in November.
TERRY PRATCHETT: MURDER IN ANKH-MORPORK is an affectionate mash-up of bits of Feet of Clay and Guards! Guards! respectfully embroidered into the core plot of Men at Arms. With possibly a couple of guest appearances from other citizens.
The city is protected by the Multiverse's most diverse police force. But a new threat is emerging - the Discworld's first and only firearm. The Gonne.
It'll be staged at the Unicorn Theatre Abingdon on 18-21 November and the online box office will open at 09:00 on the 1st September.
When I first adapted Terry for the stage (and as many of you know, I was the first, ever) , it was because I liked, enjoyed and admired his inventive and witty writing.
I knew, of course, that cuts would have to be made to fit an 80,000-word novel into a two-hour play. My challenge was to ensure that my stage versions would still accurately reflect his characters, humour and plots. I aimed to retain, and portray, the spirit of each book.
Terry came to see all my shows and liked what I did with them (to be fair, some more than others!) . I'd like to think he saw me as a 'safe pair of hands' and he and I went on to collaborate on a raft of Discworld publications and projects.
I've written three more Pratchett shows since Terry passed - but I always have him sitting at my shoulder as I write, and I always picture him in the audience each night. I still write what I think he'd approve and enjoy.
Murder in Ankh-Morpork takes more liberties than a straight book-to-play adaptation, but I am still true to Terry's words, wit and characters. I think he'll enjoy it, and I hope his fans will, too.
Hogfather (2018) sold out in under 36 hours. No guarantees this will do the same, but we'd encourage DWM readers to make a note in their calendars!
Tickets go on sale on the 1st September at 09:00 at studiotheatreclub.com
↑≡2.4 The Pratchett Project
The Pratchett Project Conference 2020 will be happening at Trinity College Dublin from the 17th-19thSeptember 2020.
The project has put a call out for papers.
Trinity College Dublin launched the The Pratchett Project in 2018, when researchers from diverse fields of study came together to showcase the range of projects that were springing from the comprehensive collection of Terry Pratchett's work held by the Trinity College Library and celebrating Pratchett's connection with Trinity College Dublin. Since then, the project was bolstered by interest from the two other comprehensive collections, at Senate House Library in London and University of Liverpool. Yet more connections have been made with teams of researchers at Peter Pazmany Catholic University in Hungary, and more than sixty more universities around the world, working in fields ranging from English literature to theology, digital humanities to law, translation to anthropology.
The aim of this conference is to catalyse the formation of a new, interdisciplinary field of Pratchett Studies. This new field will allow researchers to collaborate with and learn from others working in different domains of knowledge, drawn together by a focus on Pratchett's life and/or work. As the first step, this inaugural conference will seek to identify commonalities of approach and opportunities for future research.
They are inviting proposals for papers of 20 minutes in duration. Topics may include but are not limited to:
- Novel methodologies for researching Pratchett's life and/or work
- Challenges facing Pratchett Studies today
- How Pratchett's life and/or work can be used to create new research topics
- What is unique about Pratchett's life and/or work that warrants research
- What the future of Pratchett Studies might look like
As dialogue and collaboration are essential aspects of this conference, there will be a discussion session after each paper.
Please send abstracts of no more than 300 words with a short biographical note to ThePratchettProject@gmail.com by 30th March 2020.
↑≡2.5 Guards! Guards! Illustrated Editions with Illustrations by Paul Kidby
There is a trio of glorious illustrated editions due out on the 3rd September 2020
With each of the editions containing 12 full page colour illustrations and series of pencil drawings, these editions of Guards! Guards! follow the format of the illustrated Good Omens that were released last year.
There will be a normal hardback at 30GBP, a Limited signed/slipcased edition at 75GBP and a Deluxe leather bound edition Price TBC
The limited edition will be signed by Paul Kidby and also features a slipcase,the book has sprayed edges and includes a marker ribbon.
The Leather-bound deluxe edition will be foil-embossed with metallic page edges and presented in a clamshell box containing an eclectic folio of Guards! Guards! ephemera.
The Leather Bound deluxe edition will only be available through Discworld.com and Paulkidby.com and is currently not available for pre-order.
If you wish to pre-order either of the Standard or Limited slipcased editions you can do so by using our affiliate links page
↑≡2.6 The City Watch Journal and Discworld Calendar 2021
The City Watch Journal is due out on the 6th August 2020, this beautiful journal is also part of the theme of City Watch items coming this year.
Designed in collaboration with the Discworld Emporium, Gollancz have produced a hardback journal to delight all. It's 128 pages and has more than enough room to jot down your innermost thoughts.
"In a city like Ankh-Morpork, where Assassins assassinate, thieves thieve and seamstresses, um . . . don't, Law and Order can be a complicated business.
Thankfully His Grace, His Excellency, The Duke of Ankh, Commander Sir Samuel Vimes (Blackboard Monitor) and the Ankh-Morpork City Watch are here to keep the peace. The finest body of men, women, dwarfs, trolls, werewolves, golems, igors, gnomes, feegles, vampires (and whatever Nobby Nobbs is) on the face of the Discworld!
The Ankh-Morpork City Watch Journal provides jotting space for your notes, reports, observations and investigations, so kick back, relax and take down your particulars. To help you keep on the straight and narrow, you'll be aided and abetted by some choice quotes from Terry Pratchett's seminal City Watch novels."

Priced at 16.99GBP, the journal is available to pre-order now on our affiliate links page
The 2021 Discworld calendar has us signing up to Ankh-Morpork's most singular institution dedicated to the upkeep of law and order. Head through the year and revel at the mighty and honourable exploits of the City Watch, plus whatever it is Cpl Nobbs has been up to . .
With beautiful illustrations by Paul Kidby , we expect to see The City Watch as we know and love them. Paul has been working on the many illustrations with Lady Sybil potentially being seen in a new portrait as shown in Paulkidby.com latest newsletter.

Priced at 14.99GBP, the calendar is available to pre-order now on our affiliate links page
↑≡2.7 Scheibenwelt All Stars: Gevatter Tod. MacBest. Wachen! Wachen!
German publishers Piper are publishing a new 3 in 1 volume called Discworld All Stars. This volume contains Mort, Wyrd Sisters and Guards! Guards!
Available from the 6th April 2020, you should be able to find it in all good books shops in Germany and online from our affiliate links closer to the publication date.

↑≡2.8 The Time-Travelling Caveman and other stories.
The Time-Travelling Caveman and other stories is the fourth and final collection of short stories to be published..
Due out in September it will be available in 4 different formats.
Standard hardback will be 15.99GBP
Slipcased deluxe edition will be 25GBP
Audio cd edition 6.99GBP.
Kindle 8.99GBP
You can order any of these by heading over to our affiliate links page
The book, like its predecessors will contain illustrations by Mark Beech of which you can see an initial sketch below.

We are predicting that the collection will include (information from colinsmythe.co.uk)
Professor Whelk's Trip to Mars (from The Bucks Free Press, January 1966)
The Tropnecian Invasion of Great Britain (from The Bucks Free Press, February 1966)
The Pied Piper of Blackbury (from The Bucks Free Press, March 1966)
Ob and the Toad (listed as Ub and the Toad on Colin Smythe's website from The Bucks Free Press, March/April 1966)
The Mark One Computer (from The Bucks Free Press, October/November 1972)
The Time-travelling Caveman (listed as Albert The Caveman on Colin Smythe's website , from the Western Daily Press, December 1970) .
A Trip to the Moon (from The Bucks Free Press, May/June 1969)
The Dinosaur (we have no information for this one - It's a throw in the dark so to speak)
The Wizard and Blackbury United (from The Bucks Free Press, April/May 1969)
English Weather (from The Bucks Free Press, September 1968)
Bedwyr and Arthur's Hill (listed as Mork And Arthur's Hill on Colin Smythe's website from The Bucks Free Press, November 1967)
Doggins has an awfully big adventure (listed as Doggins, The Airship And The Boxes on Colin Smythe's website from The Bucks Free Press, March/April/May 1967)
Mr Trapcheese and his Ark (from Western Daily Press,November 1970)
The Bed Scratcher (from The Bucks Free Press, April 1969)
All of these were available from the newspaper as listed above when they were originally published. They just haven't been published in a book format anywhere before.
↑≡2.9 Other Book Releases
There are several other book releases on the radar currently for 2020.
To purchase any of the below, head over to our affiliate links page
In April a new academic look at Terry's books will be coming out.
Terry Pratchett's Ethical Worlds: Essays on Identity and Narrative in Discworld is edited by Kristin Noone and Emily Lavin Leveret
This collection of essays uses inventiveness and creation as a thematic core to combine normally disparate themes, such as science fiction studies, the effect of collaborative writing and shared authorship, steampunk aesthetics, productive modes of "ownership," intertextuality, neomedievalism and colonialism, adaptations into other media, linguistics and rhetorics, and coming of age as an act of free will.
Price 43.50GBP in the UK and 39.95USD in the US

In July we are really looking forward to Marc Burrow's Biography called The Magic of Terry Pratchett. Published by Pen and Sword, reports are showing its release date to be the 30th of July.
Not available to pre-order just yet but we do have a preorder link ready for when they flick the switch.

In August a new collection of short stories by various authors will be published by Puffin books.
The Puffin Book of Funny Stories has stories and extracts from best-loved classic authors Joan Aiken, Terry Pratchett, Dick King-Smith, Rebecca Elliott, Humza Arshad, Henry White, Julian Clary, Sam Copeland and other contemporary writers.
ISBN-13: 978-0241434734
Price 7.99GBP in the UK in paperback, 3.99GBP on kindle
At some point we expect three more playscripts to appear from Stephen Briggs. I expect Hogfather and the Shakespeare Codex to be among them.
To order yourself a copy of any of the books listed, head over to our Issue 275 Affiliate Link page
↑≡2.10 The Lost Worlds of Josh Kirby Board Game.

The Josh Kirby estate and Bard Games have collaborated together on a board game featuring the artwork of Discworld artist Josh Kirby.
Called "The Lost Worlds of Josh Kirby", the game is an action dice driven, science-fantasy themed worker placement inspired game of world exploration. Scoring impacts players' shifting Morality, inviting players to "Save or Conquer" new worlds. The games uses Josh's science fiction artwork.
Their Kickstarter started just a couple of days ago and is almost fully funded already. Pledges will remain open until the kickstarter ends on Fri 6th March.
You can read a copy of the game rules online and see some of the glorious artwork included in the game. Rules of The Lost Worlds of Josh Kirby
To celebrate the launch of The Lost Worlds of Josh Kirby on Kickstarter, we have an Exclusive Facebook competition running until the 14th February to win a Josh Kirby Discworld Out of This World Print, with a choice of The Colour of Magic or The Light Fantastic.
You can find that competition over on our Facebook page facebook.com
↑≡2.11 Llamedos Holiday Camp News
Llamedos Holiday Camp will be happening in Llanelli, South Wales Fri 6th March until Sun 8th March (midnight) .
A very limited number of day and weekend tickets are still available for Llamedos Holiday Camp.
To get yours head over to llamedosholidaycamp.com
Llamedos Holiday Camp has ordered a quantity of pre-order products and many have already taken advantage of the pre-orders. The initial batch of pre-orders have now been sent to those that choose to have their products sent. The Purple Coats will pack the rest and take your products to either Hogswatch or Llamedos depending on which option you choose at the checkout.
Don't delay in getting your Pre-Event merchandise ordered. They have ordered a limited number of extra t-shirts in various sizes so it's vital that you order soon to guarantee you get the size you want. Whatever items are left over will be available to purchase at Llamedos but they may not be able to guarantee a full selection of sizes by then.
Traders wanted!
They have asked me to pass on some information to people interested in trading at the event.
You will need to check out llamedosholidaycamp.com and then email the team.
Auction Items
Llamedos Holiday Camp will be raising money for two charities. Wales Ape & Monkey Sanctuary and R.I.C.E. with all the proceeds from the charity auction being split between the two.
If you have an item you wish to donate to the auction, please email the team at info@llamedosholidaycamp.com with the subject "Auction".
↑≡2.12 Scheibenwelt Convention 2021
The next Scheibenwelt Convention will take place from the 6th - 9th May 2021 at Jugendburg Ludwigstein, 37214 Witzenhausen, Deutschland and the theme is Genua.
For more information head over to: scheibenwelt-convention.de
↑≡3. DiscTrivia
This month, Jason is asking questions relating to Guards! Guards! The first of the City Watch novels.
Q1. | Fill in the missing words. A good bookshop is just a _______ _______ _____ that knows how to read. |
Q2. | What was the not so secret name of the Secret Society that Brother Fingers is looking for? |
Q3. | What makes Carrot's sword, presented to him in mysterious circumstances, practically unique? |
Q4. | Who was the first person to very briefly meet the newly summoned Dragon? |
Q5. | Which swamp dragon does Vimes use, Dirty Harry style, to ward off a gang of rioters? |
The answers as usual can be found at the end of this issue.
↑≡4. Review: Wyrd Sisters at The Progress Theatre, Reading
A Review By Chris Tarttelin
On Tuesday 14th January we were very fortunate to attend Terry Pratchett's Wyrd Sisters (adapted by Stephen Briggs) at the Progress Theatre, Reading, Berkshire. We saw their last Pratchett performance which was Maskerade, two years ago, with the same director and same actors playing Granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg.
This was their first performance in front of an audience and they were fabulous. The cast looked like they were having as much fun as the audience. They stayed very much to the script, telling the story clearly. The set design had some good surprises in it and was well put together.
The cast all knew their lines, where they were meant to be and if a prop does want to have problems it did it to emphasise Granny Weatherwax's spell. There were costumes to suit everyone from the fool handkerchief to the impressive duchess's headgear and the ghost's codpiece. Hats off to all the costume changes and scenery changes (just a little tweak and the emphasis of the stage changed) . For example the flying round Lancre a model of Lancre dropped down from the wall and a witch spotlight did a lap around the theatre.
We were at the press night, to show how popular the Discworld plays are at the Progress Theatre, they only had one seat unsold for the rest of the shows. The entrance way had artwork by Brambledown designs which included The Great A'tuin, Terry Pratchett lino print and Good Omens. They had not got time to decorate the drinks area but the plan was to call it the Goat and Bush after the pub in Lancre Town frequented by Nanny Ogg and decorate it was past Discworld props including a model of Death of Rats.
↑≡5. Birthdays
Everyone has a birthday. If you know someone who would like a mention or if you would like your birthday included in the listings, send us an email the month before your birthday and we will add it to the list! Email rachel@discworldmonthly.co.uk Subject: Birthday
Happy February Birthday Greetings to : Garry Oxley, Rob Liano, Jane Deal, Andrew Raby, Iain Campbell, Sara-Jane Ray, Christian Almgren, Charles Braham, Richie Watkins, Jen Austen, SteelJam, Astrid Stratton, Abbie Walton, Andrea Potts-Pointer, Naomi Webb, Nigel Uzzell, Jeff Rupp, Martin Glauner, Kimberley Chandler, Joe Pattison, Thomas Rowlands, Jerry Elsmore, Beth Murray, Helen Cordingley and Tom Foolery.
↑≡6. Competition Result : Snuff and Raising Steam - Collectors Library Editions
Last issue we had copies of Snuff and Raising Steam to give away thanks to the generosity of Penguin Random House. These are the last two "adult" Discworld books to be given Joe McLaren covers. Which means for once as collectors we have almost a full set of books that are the same size and design. We just need to convince the children's team to follow suite for the Amazing Maurice and the Tiffany books.
In order to win these two fabulous hardbacks you needed to answer the following question:
Q1. | In what year was Snuff first published? |
Of course the answer was …..2011.
And the Winner is: Carrol Nott of Bishops Stortford.
We'll get your prize in the post as soon as possible.
↑≡7. Competition - Llamedos Holiday Camp Goodie Bag
The kind organisers of Llamedos Holiday camp have given us a Mystery Goodie bag containing all the nice stuff that will be available at their event that will happen from the 6th-8th March in Llanelli, Wales.
In order to win this bag of niceness, you need to answer the following question
Who has his Shed of Doom in Pant-y-girdl?
Send your answer with your full name and address to competitions@discworldmonthly.co.uk
The competition closes on the 26th February at 12pm UK time.
Your prize will be sent out about a week after the event ends.
Pob Luc !
Your address will only be used for sending out your prize should you be the lucky winner. Once prizes are sent out all address details will be destroyed. Entries received after the closing date or sent to any other address will be ignored. No more than one entry per person will be accepted - multiple entries will result in a ban from the competition. Failure to answer the questions or provide your postal address will prevent you from being entered into the competition. Answers to the questions must not be posted to any websites before the competition ends. The judges' decision is final. The competition is open to all readers.
The winner will be announced next issue.
↑≡8. Readers' Letters
If you have any letters or comments, please email them to info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
We assume any correspondence is eligible for use in the newsletter unless otherwise stated, including the sender's email address. We may edit your letters by having them stomped on by our 100inch by 100inch canvas Mica from Troll Bridge. It is vitally important that you don't pass off other people's work as your own. If you use information from other resources please let us know so we can give proper credit.
From: "Nick Smith" email address remove upon request
Following on from your articles about this new production [The Watch TV series - Ed] , I did a little research on the production values and cast list. This is my personal view. Apologies if it is a rant.
BBC America are currently filming in South Africa their version of The Watch, the series written by the late and great Terry Pratchett (TP) . Sky did previous versions of TP Novels, and they stuck to the books by and large. Mind you, TP had small roles in some of them. Having studied the cast list of this latest BBC production, I can see why TP had his hard drives crushed by a steam roller after he died in 2017. This will surely be the ultimate politically correct and woke production.
Described as a "punk rock thriller" inspired by the City Watch subset of Discworld novels, the character-driven series centers on Pratchett's misfit cops as they fight to save a ramshackle city of normalized wrongness from both the past and future in a perilous quest.Written by Simon Allen, BBC Studios is co-producing the series with Narrativia, the production company founded by Pratchett in 2012 and now run with Pratchett's daughter Rhianna and his former business manager Rob Wilkins, (also described as his assistant) . The series is being exec produced by BBC Studios' Head of Drama London Hilary Salmon, Ben Donald and Rob Wilkins as well as Phil Collinson.
This is the cast, as detailed by Discworld Monthly. It should be on your screens in 2020, The Year of the Condescending Carp! Most of the research is courtesy of IMDB and Wikipedia.
Richard Dormer - Samuel Vimes. Dormer gained recognition following his performance as Northern Irish snooker star Alex Higgins in Hurricane in 2003. So presumably an accent may be apparent. No problem.
Marama Corlett - Angua. Marama Corlett is a Maltese actress and dancer, best known for her role as Aki in Blood Drive. Should be OK as a Werewolf.
Sam Adewunmi - Carcer. An out-and-out down-and-dirty [nasty git - Ed] , a thief and a murderer, Carcer Dun found himself catapulted back in time because of an unusual combination of the weather, ambient magic, and his own inability to be civil and allow himself to be arrested. Another close association with Dragons (see Lady Sybil) , but will he be nasty enough?
Now the real problems.
Jo Eaton-Kent - Cheery. Cheery is quite clearly a female dwarf according to TP, renamed Cherie. The skirt, earrings, makeup, and high heel boots are a dead give away. So why not cast a bloke in the role. Oh, they have. Jo is an actor.
Adam Hugill - Carrot. An alleged dwarf. Should be built like a brick out house. Adam, judging by his photos, needs to be sent off to the gym. Get on the weights Adam. Looking forward to the announcement of a body double, James Haskell comes to mind, or Martin Bayfield.
Lara Rossi - Lady Sybil Ramkin. A lifelong close association with flaming swamp dragons could mean a darker complexion, so a casting success if you like, but a fat suit is going to be needed by Lara if sticking with the TP concept of her as a plus-sized woman with a strong build. See above for body double ideas.
Hakeem Kae-Kazim - John Keel. The identity assumed by Samuel Vimes in Night Watch. Might manage an Irish accent, but no resemblance to Richard Dormer. Might have stood too close to swamp dragons. Kae-Kazim is an appointed global ambassador for Africa 2.0, a civil society organisation providing a platform for emerging and established African leaders to drive forward the transformation of Africa.
Anna Chancellor - Lord Vetinari, presumably another trans casting.
Anna will play the Lord and ruler of Ankh Morpork.
James Fleet - The Archchancellor, presumably the Ankh Morpork version. Please note that Wizards in DiscWorld are all male. He is most famous for his roles as the bumbling and well-meaning Tom in the 1994 British romantic comedy film Four Weddings and a Funeral and the dim-witted but kind Hugo Horton in the BBC sitcom television series The Vicar of Dibley. Not certain how he will become the hunting and fishing all action wizard, Ridcully, but will probably be a dim witted male to help the woke concept.
Ingrid Oliver - Doctor Cruces. Head of the Assassins Guild. She is a British-German actress and comedian. She is known for playing Petronella Osgood, a supporting character in the BBC television series Doctor Who. Not enough women so far.
Ruth Madeley - Throat. Presumably a reference to Cut Me Own Throat (CMOT) Dibbler, a male in the books who sells sausages in a bun as a last resort, when other businesses fail. Has various other versions around Discworld, but I can't remember the female version. Ruth Madeley is an actress.
Bianca Simone Mannie - Wonse. A wizard. Remember the no female wizards rule. Bianca Simone Mannie is an actress.
If the BBC gets their way, the Discworld may well be round, the four huge elephants will have been freed, and the giant turtle, Great A'Tuin is currently on a tour about climate change. Bilious, the Oh God of Hangovers, will be the new Director General. #Metoo are looking to form a guild. Hope you all had a happy hogswatch.
↑≡9. Stage Productions
Whilst we would love to get to every event and play to write reviews and articles about them, we just don't have enough time, petrol and a wide enough spread of friends to borrow the couch for the night. But you, our wonderful readers do have the time, petrol and often don't need the couches as the event or play is on your doorstep!
We don't have English degrees here and you don't need one either to write something for Discworld Monthly!
PS. If you know of a play or event that we don't know about (shock horror) , email us. We like the surprise!
All submissions should be emailed to rachel@discworldmonthly.co.uk or info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
Don't forget to visit Pratchett Stage Productions for our most up-to-date list of stage productions.
↑≡9.1 Current and Upcoming Productions
For more details of these current and upcoming productions visit: Pratchett Stage Productions
- Going Postal in Durham, Durham, UK (20th-22nd February 2020)
- Guards! Guards! in Corbvallis, Oregon, USA (31st Jan - 9th February 2020 (Fri, Sat, Sundays only) )
↑≡9.2 New and Updated Productions
These productions are new this month or have been updated. For our full list visit: Pratchett Stage Productions
[New: UK] Ooook! Productions presents Going Postal as adapted by Stephen Briggs
Location: | The Assembly Rooms Theatre,40 N Bailey, Durham DH1 3ET |
Dates: | 20th-22nd February 2020 |
Times: | Curtain up at 7.30pm - Sat Matinee Curtain up at 2.30pm |
Tickets: | Standard 7.50GBP |
Box office: | durhamstudenttheatre.savoysystems.co.uk |
Website: | Ooook! Productions |
[New: USA] The Majestic Community Theatre presents Guards! Guards! as adapted by Stephen Briggs
Location: | Majestic Theatre, 115 SW 2nd St, Corvallis, Oregon 97333 |
Dates: | 31st Jan - 9th February 2020 (Fri, Sat, Sundays only) |
Times: | Curtain up at 7.30pm - Sat Matinee Curtain up at 2.30pm |
Tickets: | 14-16USD |
Box office: | app.arts-people.com |
[New: UK] Peculiar Productions presents The Fifth Elephant as adapted by Stephen Briggs
Location: | Cardiff |
Dates: | August 2020 |
Website: | Peculiar Productions |
[New: UK] Studio Theatre Club presents Terry Pratchett:Murder in Ankh-Morpork as adapted by Stephen Briggs
Location: | Unicorn Theatre, Medieval Abbey Buildings, Checker Walk, Abingdon OX14 3JB |
Dates: | 18th - 21st November 2020 - Box office opens on 1st September at 0900 |
Website: | Studio Theatre Club |
↑≡10. Discworld Conventions and other Events
10.1 Current and Upcoming Events
For more details of these events visit: Conventions and Other Events
- Llamedos Holiday Camp in llanelli, South Wales, UK (6th March - 8th March 2020)
↑≡10.2 New and Updated Events
These events are new or have recently been updated. For our full list visit: Conventions and Other Events
[New: UK] Discworld & Beyond by Pual Kidby
Location: | Hereford Museum and Art Gallery, Broad Street, Hereford, HR49AU UK |
Dates: | 4th July - 22nd August 2020 |
Tickets: | Free |
Website: | herefordshire.gov.uk |
The beautifully realised paintings and drawings feature many of Paul's favourite characters including Rincewind, the Wee Free Men and, of course, Death along with a host of witches, wizards, dragons and trolls. It also reveals some of Paul's own work from his Charmed Realm collection, a book created by Paul and his wife Vanessa of myth and faerie influenced by British folklore and landscapes.
↑≡11. Recurring Fan Meetings
By their very nature the listing of recurring fan meeting remains static. So we've moved the full listings to our website at Recurring Fan Meetings
The newsletter will only include any listings that are new or have changed within the last 30 days.
↑≡12. Small Ads
If you want to try to sell your unwanted / duplicate Discworld items to other fans (and its legal for you to do so) email us at info@discworldmonthly.co.uk with the subject "Ads" and a short description of what you have and how fans can contact you. Discworld Monthly only lists the ads and is not responsible for the contents, validity or reliability of the ads or the buyers and sellers.
↑≡13. The End
This month's issue is brought to you by Flags, Banners, Rosettes, Certificates and a whole load of other stuff!
The deadline for submissions to issue 276 of Discworld Monthly is Wednesday 26th February 2020 and it is likely the next issue will be late due to a Holiday Camp in Llamedos.
↑≡13.1 Supporting Discworld Monthly
Discworld Monthly was created as a totally free newsletter and will continue to remain so for as long as it continues. However, the costs of maintaining the website, postage, travel etc. add up. If you feel you would like to make a small contribution towards these costs please consider doing so via: PayPal
Our account for Paypal is info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
You can also purchase items from our range of licensed Discworld Monthly products from: Discworld Monthly Shop
↑≡13.2 eBook Editions
Since issue 166 we have produced a version of Discworld Monthly that is formatted better for the Amazon Kindle eBook reader and since issue 186 we also produce an ePub version for other eBook readers such as the Kobo, Nook and Sony readers.
You can download either version from Discworld Monthly eBooks
↑≡13.3 Contact Information
We prefer information to be sent via email info@discworldmonthly.co.uk or rachel@discworldmonthly.co.uk but can also accept information via post at the following addresses: Discworld Monthly, 20 Cambrian Place, Pontarddulais, Swansea, SA4 8RG, United Kingdom
↑≡13.4 Latest Book Information
This Discworld Monthly website a list of books on our website with the cover blurb and direct links to UK, US and Canadian Amazon websites.
Terry Pratchett books at Discworld Monthly
You can also find a list of our affiliates at:
Discworld Monthly Affiliate Links
We have an extensive Terry Pratchett biography with a tick list you can print out at:
↑≡13.5 Subscription Information
To subscribe to Discworld Monthly simply enter your email address in the form on the Discworld Monthly web page. Our web site contains all back issues and links to other Pratchett sites.
To unsubscribe please follow the instructions at the end of this email.
↑≡13.6 Trivia Answers
Q1. | Fill in the missing words. A good bookshop is just a _______ _______ _____ that knows how to read. |
A1. | A good bookshop is just a genteel Black Hole that knows how to read. |
Q2. | What was the not so secret name of the Secret Society that Brother Fingers is looking for? |
A2. | Elucidated Brethren of the Ebon Night. |
Q3. | What makes Carrot's sword, presented to him in mysterious circumstances, practically unique? |
A3. | Carrot's sword is a just non-magical, sharp piece of metal. That's more likely to give you blisters than a feeling of power. |
Q4. | Who was the first person to very briefly meet the newly summoned Dragon? |
A4. | Zebbo Mooty was the unfortunate first victim of the Dragon |
Q5. | Which swamp dragon does Vimes use, Dirty Harry style, to ward off a gang of rioters? |
A5. | "Lord Mountjoy Quickfang Winterforth IV", who is not to be confused with Errol. |
13.7 Small Print
We make every effort we can to ensure the information in this newsletter is accurate and legal. All trademarks are recognized as the property of their respective owners, whoever they may be. Discworld (R) is a registered trademark of the Estate of Sir Terry Pratchett used under licence.
↑≡13.8 Thanks
Thanks for reading this issue of 'Discworld Monthly'. We hope you enjoyed it. If you have any comments, complaints or suggestions for the future of this newsletter please email the editor : info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
↑≡13.9 The Final Word...
*Rachel here*
We may not be perfect designers, or award winning journalists but we do our best to keep you all entertained and informed about all things Terry. We do have some ethics though. We like our news to be current, up to date and factual with a solid source. We don't like posting rumours but occasionally the source it comes from is 98 percent solid so we will tell you it's a rumour and confirm it when we have a 100 percent confirmation. Our own articles are written by us for us only. You won't find articles from other publications here unless it's a formal press release about an adaptation, book release or event or something we actually wrote for someone else unless they begged us to publish it (OK not begged but some of our lovely friends do ask us occasionally to boost something) . [NB I say we are not award winning but Discworld Monthly did win Website of the Month for Issue 3 back in a different century. It would be nice to win something much more recent, or even just get acknowledged #justsaying]
Whilst you keep reading it, we'll keep on writing it because we love Terry's books just as much as you do.
GNU Terry Pratchett...