Discworld Monthly - Issue 284 - February 2021

↑≡1. Editorial
Welcome to issue 284 and the first issue of 2021. This month I have the extremely sad duty to inform you, our readers of the sad death of one of our own. The lovely Larry Hart, co-founder of the London Broken Drummers, a key member of the Stamps Forums, expert in origami and all round lovely, lovely man sadly succumbed to Covid-19 in January. Rachel and I last spoke to Larry and his wonderful wife Judy a few months ago via a group zoom call with the Broken Drummers and, of course, at the time none of us on the call had any idea it would be out last time to talk to him.
Larry had a larger than life personality and will be sorely missed by the Discworld Community. We extend our heartfelt condolences to Judy and the rest of Larry's family. We hope with time and when circumstances allow Judy will be able to come back to the Broken Drummers and to the wider Discworld community.
Please, please, remember that until everyone has been vaccinated to stay safe, wear a mask and keep socially distant from people. But also remember to pick up the phone or use one of the amazing video conferencing programs and let your friends know you love and care for them. You really never know when that conversation might be the last or if that call might just save a life.
Discworld has an amazing fan community. We all need to work together to keep each other safe and to ensure those on the edges are kept within the fold. There is light at the end of the tunnel but it appears that the end might be a good few months away yet.
Hang in there, stay safe and we'll talk again next time.
GNU Larry Hart.
If you are wondering what happened to our monthly quizzes, well they've had to take a bit of a back seat while Rachel and I (and the help of many others) are organizing an online Discworld event called Llamedos On the Clacks. Once Llamedos is finished with we will move back to running monthly quizzes again.
Stephen Briggs is having three new script books published on 11th March 2021

The new script books by Stephen Briggs are:
- Hogfather - The Play Script
- Lords and Ladies - The Play Script
- The Shakespeare Codex - The Play Script
(a combined edition titled "All the Discworld's a Stage VolumeTwo" will appear later in the year)
Pre-order The new playscripts now
If you have something you'd like to chat with other fans about, why not send us a readers' letter, to info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
Jason Rincewind Anthony-Rowlands (Editor and Wizzard) info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
Rachel Anthony-Rowlands (Don't forget to adopt a chimp for christmas at Wales Ape and Monkey Sanctuary
) rachel@discworldmonthly.co.uk
Richard Massey (Vice President of Pencil Shavings in South-East England and surrounds)
If you want to make a small, purely optional, financial donation to the upkeep of the newsletter please use our Paypal account info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
We'd like to thank all those that have already helped, you really do make a difference.
↑≡1.1 Important Information
We have several places where you can get up to the minute news and information about all things Discworld from Discworld Monthly.
Facebook: Discworld Monthly Facebook Page
Twitter: @dwmoook
Instagram: Discworld Monthly on Instagram
And our website, discworldmonthly.co.uk which contains loads of information about the books, stage productions around the world, interesting articles, back issues and our merchandise shop.
↑≡1.2 Submissions
Want to make your opinions about the Discworld known to the world?
Have you been to see a play or a Discworld related event and want to write a review about it?
Then get writing! We are always on the lookout for exclusive articles and reviews to share with our readers so don't hesitate, email us today with the subject Article/Review at rachel@discworldmonthly.co.uk
If you are putting on a stage production or know of a stage production near you, please email us and let us know about that too.
We happily advertise all stage productions for free and we can help in other ways too. Email rachel@discworldmonthly.co.uk with the Subject line "Stage Production".
The deadline for submissions to issue 285 of Discworld Monthly is the 10th March 2021.
↑≡1.3 Merchandise
We're past the posting date for Hogswatch sorry... Also our mug printer has become rather poorly of late and has been put out to pastures new [or the dump - Ed] so we are currently unable to produce mugs until we can source a replacement.
Discworld Monthly has an amazing (if we say so ourselves) range of badges , fridge magnets , keyrings , and window stickers for sales worldwide.
↑≡2. News
2.1 Llamedos On the Clacks 2021

Llamedos On the Clacks takes place from Friday 5th - Sunday 7th March 2021
The event will start at 7.30pm on the Friday with an opening ceremony and close at about 7+2pm on the Sunday.
Saturday and Sunday will start at about 9.30am and all 3 nights close at about 9pm UK time.
On the Clacks is a UK event running to UK timings, so if you are buying a ticket from elsewhere in the world, please be aware they run to GMT.
Remember there are only 25 days until the event takes place. This is a fan run event for fans.
Tickets cost 20 GBP. If you are watching the event with the rest of the family on just one device, you only need one ticket.
If you cannot afford a ticket but would like to attend, please look at their BeMoreNanny Scheme
Tickets are available now via the Llamedos On the Clacks website
On the Clacks is a charity fundraising event which raises funds for their chosen charities through ticket sales and auction items.
Their chosen charities are the Wales Ape and Monkey Sanctuary and R.I.C.E.
To find our more, sign up to their newsletter and to get prepped for the activities, head over to any of the following.
Llamedos On the Clacks website
↑≡2.2 Australian Discworld Convention News
The Lost Con
As you all know (1) we have postponed the Australian Discworld Convention until 8th - 10th April 2022. However, we plan to celebrate the original dates with a virtual event on Saturday 3rd July 2021, tentatively from 6pm to 12am AEDT (Sydney time) . This will be a chance for us all to catch up and have some fun. This will be open to all convention members, attending and supporting.
We are thinking of:
- A fiendish (2) Discworld quiz
- A costume event
- A radio play
- Maybe a couple of special guests for a virtual Klatch
-And perhaps a visit to the Ankh Morpork palace dungeon? It's easy to enter, not so easy to escape (3)
-And a bedtime story to finish
(1) Because we have done our best to let you know - although if you live far away the Pointless Albatross may not have arrived yet.
(2) Fiends not guaranteed - unless they escape from the Dungeon Dimensions again.
(3) As I have said before, "never build a dungeon that you would not be happy to be thrown in yourself."
↑≡2.3 Book Releases 2021
Publishing dates have been screwed around by COVID-19, but if you have already pre-ordered, your order should still stand.
We now have a few new affiliates in our programme so you have more choice as to where to buy things from. We gained Book Depository, Blackwells and Forbidden Planet in the last couple of months.
If you want to buy Discworld books, but don't want to use Amazon within the UK, we now have an affiliate bookshop at uk.bookshop.org
Bookshop.org helps independent bookshops all over the UK when you purchase from them. We are currently populating our shopfront there with all of Terry's books, a portion of the profits go to independent bookshops in the UK. - If we don't have a book you want in our store front, just ask and I'll pop it in there for you!
Due for publication in March 2021
The latest three playscripts adapted by Stephen Briggs finally have a release date.
Hogfather, Lords and Ladies and The Shakespeare Codex will make their way to book shops on 11th March 2021.
Priced at 10.99 GBP each, currently they are only available to pre-order at Waterstones uk although we are sure that will change shortly.
They will come out as an omnibus later in the year under the name "All the Discworld's a Stage - Volume Two"
Hogfather Playscript by Stephen Briggs
View our affiliate links to order Hogfather adapted by Stephen Briggs Play ScriptThe Shakespeare Codex Playscript by Stephen Briggs
View our affiliate links to order The Shakespeare Codex adapted by Stephen Briggs Play ScriptLords and Ladies Playscript by Stephen Briggs
View our affiliate links to order Lords and Ladies adapted by Stephen Briggs Play Script---
Due for publication in April 2021
A new collection of short stories by various authors will be published by Puffin books.
The Puffin Book of Funny Stories has stories and extracts from best-loved classic authors Joan Aiken, Terry Pratchett, Dick King-Smith, Rebecca Elliott, Humza Arshad, Henry White, Julian Clary, Sam Copeland and other contemporary writers.
ISBN-13: 978-0241434734
Price 7.99GBP in the UK in paperback, 3.99GBP on kindle
View our affiliate links to order Puffin Book of Funny StoriesAnd just in case you didn't get it for Christmas,
Illustrated Guards! Guards!
With each of the editions containing 10 full page colour illustrations and series of pencil drawings, these editions of Guards! Guards! follow the format of the illustrated Good Omens that were released last year.
View our affiliate links to order Illustrated Guards! Guards! - Standard Edition View our affiliate links to order Illustrated Guards! Guards! - Slipcase EditionThe Dunmanifestin edition will be published 25th March 2021 at a cost of 195GBP and they are a limited edition of just 1000 copies.
Currently you can pre-order a copy from shop.paulkidby.com
↑≡3. DiscTrivia
This month I've included some questions previously asked in one of our online quizzes. These questions all relate to the novel Hogfather.
Q1. | Who is the head of the Guild of Assassins? |
Q2. | What are the names of the two children Susan is governess for? |
Q3. | How many arms did the monster have according to the little girl? |
Q4. | What was the payment to the Assassins' guild for bringing the Hogfather to an end? |
Q5. | What kind of drink do you get from a bottle marked Trop? |
The answers as usual can be found at the end of this issue.
↑≡4. Birthdays
Everyone has a birthday. If you know someone who would like a mention or if you would like your birthday included in the listings, send us an email the month before your birthday and we will add it to the list! Email rachel@discworldmonthly.co.uk Subject: Birthday
Happy belated January and February Greetings to: Carolanne Ellis-Brewer, Chris Pendry, Bev Greenhalgh, Nicole Henderson, Hannah Wright, Polly Bartlett, Anita Carr, Steven Dean,Dawn Tazare, Gemma P, Stella Carter, Adam Barker, Heather Wallace, Andrew Nevill, Megan Lewis, Andrew Norman, John Quilty, Elaine Boot, Lucie Zeale, Margaret Butler, Emma Spruce-Smith, Bambanella Brunigioni, Mitch Benn, Tim Williams, Keith Stewart, Muriel Lavender Vicky SugarBean Lear, Wendy Green, Elizabeth Navi, Catherine Homer Marti Sterin, Garry Oxley, Rob Liano, Jane Deal, Andrew Raby, Iain Campbell, Sara-Jane Ray, Christian Almgren, Charles Braham, Richie Watkins, Jen Austen, SteelJam, Astrid Stratton, Abbie Walton, Andrea Potts-Pointer, Naomi Webb, Nigel Uzzell, Jeff Rupp, Martin Glauner, Kimberley Chandler, Joe Pattison, Thomas Rowlands, Jerry Elsmore, Beth Murray, Helen Cordingley and Tom Foolery.
↑≡5. Readers' Letters
If you have any letters or comments, please email them to info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
We assume any correspondence is eligible for use in the newsletter unless otherwise stated, including the sender's email address. We may edit your letters to make them inspired by the letters sent to us... does that even make sense?
It is vitally important that you don't pass off other people's work as your own. If you use information from other resources please let us know so we can give proper credit.
We make an editorial decision on what letters to include. Sometimes the opinions expressed in a letter are not the same as our own but we reserve the right to publish them nevertheless. You might not like the content of the letters we publish and we encourage you to write in your own constructive letters explaining your points of view. We will not shy away from you including letters that question our views and expect our readers to be able to accept that not everyone has the same point of view on all subjects.
Please bear in mind that the Discworld Universe does NOT include The Watch TV series and thus if we read deeply between the lines, it looks like we will only get the one season of it anyway whether you love it or hate it - Rachel
* From: "Rattus Mortus" deathofrats@hotmail.com
Thank you - Discworld Monthly is a regular light in the vale of sorrow that is life ! :)
Jason replies: Thank you for reading.
* From: "Gerry Harris" runescope@shaw.ca
I have been a big fan of the Discworld for the greater part of my life and from the very start of the books. I have also been a big fan of Lego products for just a little longer.
About a year ago I designed a Lego version of The Luggage and have just recently decided to submit it to the Lego Ideas page in the hopes of it becoming an official set. It needs considerable support, but I think it would be worth it. I might be biased in that opinion, but there you have it.
Here is a link to the Lego Ideas page:

Thank you for your time and attention. May you always have bananas for your librarians.
↑≡6. Review: The Watch TV Series - Episode 1
Review by Graham O'Mara
Inspired. This word can mean many things. For the Olympic games, 2012 was to inspire a generation.
For The Watch.... Well, I watched the episode with my mind definitely thinking, "this is not Sir Terry Pratchett" but, definitely something from a very odd trouser leg of time.
So. I sat down to watch this, saying to myself, this is not Discworld.
This might be an alternative Roundworld, where people we know, are not as they are familiar and loved.
And, to be honest. I fully expected to hate it. I didn't.
(to be fair, I hate that this is not an adaptation, that they seem to forget who created the characters, and how they are perceived. I'm not fond of some of the casting, but that's not the fault of the actors)
As a stand alone sci-fi television programme, this, for me, worked. I enjoyed it. I want to know what happens next.
And yes I said sci-fi. This definitely feels more cyberpunk than fantasy. The world seems like a cross between Blade Runner, and, perhaps, The Fifth Element.
Obviously, the actors can only work from the script they were given, and I feel they did very well.
They have cast a good cross section of race and genders. However, at times, I did feel as if they were casting people because they wanted to tick a box. (did CMOT need to be a woman in a wheelchair for example? Again, good to see someone being paid to be in a major show.... But....)
But, they worked well together.
However, the one glaring failure in casting, for me, was Carcer. Made in the year of a strong black lives matter protest, why make the baddy black? Make him white, and Vimes black would have been more powerful, in my mind.
Is it good?
As a stand alone show, yes, I enjoyed it, and I'll watch the rest.
Is it "our" show, No. We have been spoiled by Good Omens. Which definitely was "ours".
It was inspired. Yes. But as Discworld? It might be insipid.
Jason replies: If you have watched some of the Watch and want to tell us what you think of it why not write us a review or readers' letters. As long as you are fair with your opinions as Graham was here we are more than happy to hear from you.
↑≡7. Stage Productions
Of course, most if not all of the productions that would normally appear here have been cancelled or postponed due to COVID-19. We really hope that once the current situation has resolved itself the productions will be rescheduled and we can get our regular dose of Pratchett performances.
Whilst we would love to get to every event and play to write reviews and articles about them, we just don't have enough time, petrol and a wide enough spread of friends to borrow the couch for the night. But you, our wonderful readers do have the time, petrol and often don't need the couches as the event or play is on your doorstep!
We don't have English degrees here and you don't need one either to write something for Discworld Monthly!
PS. If you know of a play or event that we don't know about (shock horror) , email us. We like the surprise!
All submissions should be emailed to rachel@discworldmonthly.co.uk or info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
Don't forget to visit Pratchett Stage Productions for our most up-to-date list of stage productions.
↑≡8. Discworld Conventions and other Events
The UK Discworld Convention has been postponed until 2022.
CabbageCon 2020 has been Cancelled and the next one will happen in 2022.
Australia's Nullus Anxietas 7a has been postponed until 2022
Scheibenwelt Convention 2021 has been cancelled. The next one will happen in 2023 BUT they will be holding an online event over the 8th and 9th May 2021.
Online events are happening - see our index for details.
Llamedos On the Clacks will happen 5th-7th March 2021
↑≡9. Recurring Fan Meetings
By their very nature the listing of recurring fan meetings remains static. So we've moved the full listings to our website at Recurring Fan Meetings
The newsletter will only include any listings that are new or have changed within the last 30 days.
↑≡10. The End
This month's issue is brought to you by stress, loss, hope and toy librarians.
The deadline for submissions to issue 285 of Discworld Monthly is the 10th March 2021.
↑≡10.1 Supporting Discworld Monthly
Discworld Monthly was created as a totally free newsletter and will continue to remain so for as long as it continues. However, the costs of maintaining the website, postage, travel etc. add up. If you feel you would like to make a small contribution towards these costs please consider doing so via: PayPal
Our account for Paypal is info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
You can also purchase items from our range of licensed Discworld Monthly products from: Discworld Monthly Shop
↑≡10.2 eBook Editions
Since issue 166 we have produced a version of Discworld Monthly that is formatted better for the Amazon Kindle eBook reader and since issue 186 we also produce an ePub version for other eBook readers such as the Kobo, Nook and Sony readers.
You can download either version from Discworld Monthly eBooks
Please do let us know if you use them!
↑≡10.3 Contact Information
We prefer information to be sent via email info@discworldmonthly.co.uk or rachel@discworldmonthly.co.uk but can also accept information via post at the following addresses: Discworld Monthly, 20 Cambrian Place, Pontarddulais, Swansea, SA4 8RG, United Kingdom
↑≡10.4 Latest Book Information
There is a list of books on our website with the cover blurb and direct links to UK, US and Canadian Amazon websites.
Terry Pratchett books at Discworld Monthly
You can also find a list of our affiliates at:
Discworld Monthly Affiliate Links
We have an extensive Terry Pratchett biography with a tick list you can print out at:
↑≡10.5 Subscription Information
To subscribe to Discworld Monthly simply enter your email address in the form on the Discworld Monthly web page. Our web site contains all back issues and links to other Pratchett sites.
To unsubscribe please follow the instructions at the end of this email.
↑≡10.6 Trivia Answers
Q1. | Who is the head of the Guild of Assassins? |
A1. | Lord Downey |
Q2. | What are the names of the two children Susan is governess for? |
A2. | Twyla and Gawain |
Q3. | How many arms did the monster have according to the little girl? |
A3. | It's the big hairy one wif - with eight arms... |
Q4. | What was the payment to the Assassins' guild for bringing the Hogfather to an end? |
A4. | Three million dollars. |
Q5. | What kind of drink do you get from a bottle marked Trop? |
A5. | Port |
10.7 Small Print
We make every effort we can to ensure the information in this newsletter is accurate and legal. All trademarks are recognized as the property of their respective owners, whoever they may be. Discworld (R) is a registered trademark of the Estate of Sir Terry Pratchett used under licence.
↑≡10.8 Thanks
Thanks for reading this issue of 'Discworld Monthly'. We hope you enjoyed it. If you have any comments, complaints or suggestions for the future of this newsletter please email the editor : info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
Thank you Terry Pratchett
↑≡10.9 The Final Word...
*Rachel here*
We may not be perfect designers, or award winning journalists but we do our best to keep you all entertained and informed about all things Terry. We do have some ethics though. We like our news to be current, up to date and factual with a solid source. We don't like posting rumours but occasionally the source it comes from is 98 percent solid so we will tell you it's a rumour and confirm it when we have a 100 percent confirmation. Our own articles are written by us for us only. You won't find articles from other publications here unless it's a formal press release about an adaptation, book release or event or something we actually wrote for someone else unless they begged us to publish it (OK not begged but some of our lovely friends do ask us occasionally to boost something) . [NB I say we are not award winning but Discworld Monthly did win Website of the Month for Issue 3 back in a different century. It would be nice to win something much more recent, or even just get acknowledged #justsaying]
Whilst you keep reading it, we'll keep on writing it because we love Terry's books just as much as you do.
Keep smiling, Keep washing those hands but most of all, Keep breathing.
We will all get to hug again !
GNU Terry Pratchett...
Affiliate Links
- Hogfather adapted by Stephen Briggs Play Script
- The Shakespeare Codex adapted by Stephen Briggs Play Script
- Lords and Ladies adapted by Stephen Briggs Play Script
- Puffin Book of Funny Stories
- Illustrated Guards! Guards! - Standard Edition
- Illustrated Guards! Guards! - Slipcase Edition