Discworld Monthly - Update Issue 286 - April 2021

↑≡1. Editorial
Welcome to issue 286. This is a short update to issue 285 with just a couple of quick announcements.
Don't forget to raise a glass to Terry on the 28th April on what should have been his 73rd birthday. Six years on and we all still miss him terribly.
Jason Rincewind Anthony-Rowlands (Editor and Wizzard) info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
Rachel Anthony-Rowlands (Newshound) rachel@discworldmonthly.co.uk
Richard Massey (Searcher of the bits that come out of the middle of polos)
↑≡1.1 Mailing List Update
The mailing list software that we've been using since PixelFairy set us up with over a decade ago has been upgraded, kicking and screaming from version 2 to the very latest version (eleven) of DADA mail. So this issue will be a test run of the new software (fingers crossed it will work without any problems) .
This really won't make a lot of difference to you the reader but should make the software more robust when handling new email domains.
The new software should allow you to unsubscribe easier as well - should you wish to do so. We know some people had issues with the older software which meant I had to manually remove them from the list.
↑≡1.2 Discworld Monthly Quiz
Don't forget the Discworld Monthly quiz will be back on Wednesday 28th April - have a bit of Discworld fun on what should have been Terry's 73rd birthday.
Rachel told me off last time for making the questions too hard - so this time round she has written some of the questions. You'll have to take part to see if she writes easier questions than me!Don't forget to get your free ticket over at
Discworld Monthly Quiz Ticket - 28th April 2021
↑≡1.3 The Carpet People - 50th Anniversary Edition
The audiobook and paperback versions of the 50th Anniversary edition of The Carpet People was released on 22nd April 2021. Though we've still not found anywhere that has the paperback available. We've contacted the publishers but haven't got an update yet.
If you've managed to find a purple cover version please let us know where you managed to get it from. Please send us a photo and ISBN if possible as the ISBN in the press release may be incorrect..
The audiobook read by David Tennant can be found on Audible.
↑≡1.4 Important Information
We have several places where you can get up to the minute news and information about all things Discworld from Discworld Monthly.
Facebook: Discworld Monthly Facebook Page
Twitter: @dwmoook
Instagram: Discworld Monthly on Instagram
And our website, discworldmonthly.co.uk which contains loads of information about the books, stage productions around the world, interesting articles, back issues and our merchandise shop.
If you want to make a small, purely optional, financial donation to the upkeep of the newsletter please use our Paypal account info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
We'd like to thank all those that have already helped, you really do make a difference.
↑≡1.5 Submissions
Want to make your opinions about the Discworld known to the world?
Have you been to see a play or a Discworld related event and want to write a review about it?
Then get writing! We are always on the lookout for exclusive articles and reviews to share with our readers so don't hesitate, email us today with the subject Article/Review at rachel@discworldmonthly.co.uk
If you are putting on a stage production or know of a stage production near you, please email us and let us know about that too.
We happily advertise all stage productions for free and we can help in other ways too. Email rachel@discworldmonthly.co.uk with the Subject line "Stage Production".
The deadline for submissions to issue 287 of Discworld Monthly is the 5th May 2021.
↑≡1.6 Merchandise
Discworld Monthly has an amazing (if we say so ourselves) range of badges , fridge magnets , keyrings , and window stickers for sales worldwide.
We hope to source a new printer as soon as it is safe for us to travel to pick it up. Once we have the new printer, our mugs will become available again.
↑≡1.7 Subscription Information
To subscribe to Discworld Monthly simply enter your email address in the form on the Discworld Monthly web page. Our web site contains all back issues and links to other Pratchett sites.
To unsubscribe please follow the instructions at the end of this email.
↑≡1.8 Small Print
We make every effort we can to ensure the information in this newsletter is accurate and legal. All trademarks are recognized as the property of their respective owners, whoever they may be. Discworld (R) is a registered trademark of the Estate of Sir Terry Pratchett used under licence.
↑≡1.9 Thanks
Thanks for reading this issue of 'Discworld Monthly'. We hope you enjoyed it. If you have any comments, complaints or suggestions for the future of this newsletter please email the editor : info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
↑≡1.10 The Final Word...
*Rachel here*
We may not be perfect designers, or award winning journalists but we do our best to keep you all entertained and informed about all things Terry. We do have some ethics though. We like our news to be current, up to date and factual with a solid source. We don't like posting rumours but occasionally the source it comes from is 98 percent solid so we will tell you it's a rumour and confirm it when we have a 100 percent confirmation. Our own articles are written by us for us only. You won't find articles from other publications here unless it's a formal press release about an adaptation, book release or event or something we actually wrote for someone else unless they begged us to publish it (OK not begged but some of our lovely friends do ask us occasionally to boost something) . [NB I say we are not award winning but Discworld Monthly did win Website of the Month for Issue 3 back in a different century. It would be nice to win something much more recent, or even just get acknowledged #justsaying]
Whilst you keep reading it, we'll keep on writing it because we love Terry's books just as much as you do.
Keep smiling, Keep washing those hands but most of all, Keep breathing.
We will all get to hug again!
GNU Terry Pratchett...