Discworld Monthly - August 2022 - Issue 291

1. Editorial
Welcome to issue 291. Rob Wilkins' long awaited biography Terry Pratchett: A Life With Footnotes* will be released in September. We were lucky to get an advanced copy and I have been busy reading through it. Read all about what I thought of it later in this issue.
Rachel and I are currently getting ready for the International Discworld Convention 2022 that will be held in Birmingham from 19th - 22nd August. We're working out what parts of Llamedos Holiday Camp to bring with us and what I should include in my talk about 25 years of Discworld Monthly.
We are also running the auction. Viewing will be available from 10am Sunday morning with the auction starting at 10:30am as always this promises to be "lots of fun" (sorry auction joke there).
Other than a few other items on the schedule we will mostly be found in the bar area if you want to pop by and say hello.
(Please support Jason by attending his talk. Having been around for 25 years, he has become part of the furniture and often gets overlooked at events. - Rachel.)
Due to the eBook versions of the newsletter not being read we've decided to save ourselves some work each month and no longer produce them.
Hi all, Rachel here.
First up, on a personal note, thank you to everyone who sent me birthday wishes. It was very much appreciated for lots of reasons. Secondly, to those who knew, we had an amazing time on our road trip to Scotland, taking in such wonders as the Angel of the North, Tantallon Castle, Pandas at Edinburgh Zoo, a roller coaster in Aberdeen, Loch Ness, The Kelpies, the pencil museum (highlight of my trip) and we saw a huge amount of friends along the way.
We must say a huge CONGRATULATIONS to Kerry-Ann and Ken for inviting us to their wedding all the way up in Avoch so we could have an excuse to do this trip. Thank you for inviting us !
Discworld Monthly is becoming more and more like Discworld Quarterly. This is due to a number of reasons, mainly the lack of any real news - we are not back to pre-covid times on stage plays and events just yet. After damaging my leg and now still suffering with low post-covid energy levels, it takes a lot for me to sit and produce the various links and short articles for DWM.
I have been considering going to a social media only format which would restrict what we inform the community about, but we know that many of you still love receiving a full readable newsletter in your inboxes so we are very reluctant to go this route.
I've even contemplated creating an actual full online magazine format, which would be available for free 6 times a year with adverts for Pratchett plays and other events and such because I am far happier producing graphical content than the written word alone.
Whichever way we look at the future of Discworld Monthly, we need you, our readers, to help us out with articles like many of you have done over the last 25 years.
So stop thinking about writing something and just do it !!!
2. News
2.1 The Amazing Maurice Merchandise - Jigsaw and Card Game

The Amazing Maurice 200 piece Jigsaw
Laurence King Publishing will be producing a beautiful 200 piece jigsaw featuring characters from the new movie The Amazing Maurice. The jigsaw will include a pull-out poster identifying all the characters and telling their tales. The finished size of the puzzle will be 36cm x 49.5 cm Whilst it is aimed at the same market as the film, adult fans of the book and movie will equally love assembling this wonderful piece of merchandise.
Priced at 14.99GBP, it will be available at all good book and toy shops from the 27th October but you can pre-order yourself or your loved one a copy now from our affiliate link page.

The Amazing Maurice Catch That Rat Memory card game.
Laurence King Publishing is releasing a card game featuring 25 of your favourite character images from the film. This will be a memory game where you have to find and match a pair of matching cards. The game will also include a booklet identifying all the characters and telling their tales from the movie.
A wonderful gift for the youngsters in your family or for the young at heart,
Price at 12.99GBP, it will be available at all good book and toy shops from the 27th October but you can pre-order yourself or your loved one a copy now from our affiliate link page.
2.2 The Amazing Maurice Film release dates
WE HAVE SOME RELEASE DATES !!!!!!!!! * runs around the room like a springer spaniel who accidentally heard the word "walk"
UK Release Date - 9th December 2022 US Release Date - 6th January 2023 Australia Cinema Release Date - 12th January 2023 New Zealand Release Date - 12th January 2023 Turkey Release Date - 20th January 2023 Germany Release date - Feb 2023
This means that a world premiere will probably happen in the first week of December. Keep your ears to the ground for news on the chance to get tickets for that.
2.3 Terry Pratchett: A Life With Footnotes by Rob Wilkins - EVENT NEWS
Transworld will be holding an event on Thurs 29th September at St James Church, Piccadilly, London to celebrate the book Terry Pratchett: A Life With Footnotes.
When we find out details of how to obtain tickets, we will send a newsletter out immediately as well as shout about it on our social media channels.
2.4 Terry Pratchett: A Life With Footnotes by Rob Wilkins

Talking of the book. Don't forget you can order yourself a copy via our affiliate page.
The Deluxe special edition from Waterstones has sold out (the 80 GBP version) and the Forbidden Planet special limited edition has also sold out.
The book is due to be released on the 29th September in the UK.
2.5 Book Releases - New News and Updates
New paperbacks will be released by Penguin books over the next two years with amazing cover illustrations by Leo Nickolls.
The first titles to be released were The Witches series of books and the stand alone Small Gods. Covers. These were followed by the Rincewind books back in July.
We already have release dates for some of the other titles. Pre-order links for these will appear in our next issue.
The next set to be released in this format will be Mort, Reaper Man, Soul Music, Hogfather and Thief of Time on the 27th October.
The Amazing Maurice still has 2 new editions to come out this year.

The first will be the Special Edition paperback. This special edition paperback will include an exclusive look at how Terry first imagined the Amazing Maurice!
Due for release on 1st September 2022 R.R.P. 7.99 GBP

Lastly The Film tie in paperback edition - The book that inspired the big-hit new film. Read before you see it! With amazing extra content, from scripts to film art.
This edition will also be released on the 29thSeptember and will also have a R.R.P. 7.99 GBP
You can pre-order this via our affiliate links page.

The Amazing Maurice: The Art of the Film By Ramin Zahed
Hardback - Due for release 20th December 2022
R.R.P. 34.99GBP
Publisher: Titan Books Ltd
ISBN: 9781803361536
Number of pages: 192
Dimensions: 273 x 302 mm
The official art book for the animated movie The Amazing Maurice, based on the Carnegie Medal-winning Discworld novel by Terry Pratchett Maurice is a streetwise talking tomcat who comes up with a money-making scam by befriending a group of talking rats and finding a dumb-looking kid who plays a pipe. When Maurice and company reach the stricken town of Bad Blintz, they meet a bookworm called Malicia and their scheme soon goes down the drain.
The Art of the Film is a coffee table hardback celebration of the creative process of bringing The Amazing Maurice to life, including exclusive concept designs, character sketches, storyboards and production art, alongside insight from the artists, filmmakers and directors.
You can pre-order yourself a copy through any of our affiliate links on our affiliate page.
Purchasing through them helps us keep Discworld Monthly free to our readers as it helps pay some of our costs.
2.5.1 AudioBook Release Schedule - No new news
Here is the official release schedule for the new Discworld Audiobooks.
When we get news of who is reading the Watch books, we will let you all know via our usual channels.
9th December 2021
- Hogfather - Read by Sian Clifford
28th April 2022
- Equal Rites - Read by Indira Varma
- Wyrd Sisters - Read by Indira Varma
- Witches Abroad - Read by Indira Varma
- Lords and Ladies - Read by Indira Varma
- Carpe Jugulum - Read by Indira Varma
- Maskerade - Read by Indira Varma
- Small Gods - Read by Andy Serkis
7th July 2022
- The Colour of Magic - Read by Colin Morgan
- The Light Fantastic - Read by Colin Morgan
- Sourcery - Read by Colin Morgan
- Eric - Read by Colin Morgan
- The Last Continent - Read by Colin Morgan
- Interesting Times - Read by Colin Morgan
- Unseen Academicals - Read by Colin Morgan
6th October 2022
- The Amazing Maurice - Read by TBA
27th October 2022
- Mort - Read by Sian Clifford
- Reaper Man - Read by Sian Clifford
- Soul Music- Read by Sian Clifford
- Thief of Time - Read by Sian Clifford
23rd February 2023
- Pyramids - Read by TBA
- Moving Pictures- Read by TBA
- The Truth - Read by TBA
- Monstrous Regiment - Read by TBA
- Going Postal - Read by TBA
- Making Money - Read by TBA
- Raising Steam - Read by TBA
27th April 2023
- Guards! Guards! - Read by TBA
- Men At Arms - Read by TBA
- Feet of Clay - Read by TBA
- Jingo - Read by TBA
- The Fifth Elephant - Read by TBA
- Thud! - Read by TBA
- Night Watch - Read by TBA
- Snuff - Read by TBA
- The Wee Free Men - Read by TBA
- A Hat Full of Sky - Read by TBA
- Wintersmith - Read by TBA
- I Shall Wear Midnight - Read by TBA
- The Shepherd's Crown - Read by TBA
You can read our review [finally - Ed] later in this issue. We'd love you hear your views on this new audiobook, email us at info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
2.6 Discworld Convention News - Worldwide
After a couple of years filling our screens with online Discworld events, things are getting back to in-person events all around the world.
Later in 2022
Cabbagecon in the wonderful Netherlands will be holding their gathering over the weekend of 29th and 30th October 2022.
Cabbagecon is possibly the smallest of the Discworld events and is welcoming to all. Check out their website over at www.dutchdwcon.nl/
In 2023
Scheibenwelt Convention will be happening over the weekend of Terry's birthday, 28th April until 1st May in 2023. This convention is always rather magical in that it is held in a German Castle, Castle Ludwigstein surrounded by beautiful scenery of the woodlands and the river Werra, this German convention welcomes all to its festivities. www.scheibenwelt-convention.de/
The Irish Discworld Convention is back in Cork 8-10th October 2023.
They have just announced some of their guests which includes most of the usual suspects.
In 2024
Llamedos Holiday Camp will be turning its camp into the Llamedos Holiday Camp Scout Jamboree. The madness that is Llamedos will be occurring over the weekend of the 1st - 3rd March 2024. Tickets will go on sale on the 1st June 2023. llamedosholidaycamp.com/
Nullus Anxietas has announced they will be gathering the fans in Australia in 2024, but haven't released a solid date as yet. To find out more. 2022.ausdwcon.org/
3. Discworld Monthly at The UK Discworld Convention 2022
Our editor Jason will be our performing mon..I mean ape at the Discworld Convention in Birmingham later this month.
Currently he is scheduled to be in Lancre Gorge on Saturday at 2pm.
He will be talking about how Discworld Monthly was formed, how it has changed over the last 25 years and what the future holds for us.
There may also be some bits you don't know about and an exclusive free gift for those who attend.
4. DiscTrivia
This month Jason has written five more trivia questions - all the questions were based on The (almost) Ultimate Discworld Companion. We only have the standard edition so no Science of Discworld entries. :(
Q1. What is an Avery's Epolette?
Q2. What title belonged to Webblethorpe the Unconscious?
Q3. Who is the president of the Plumbers' Guild?
Q4. What is famous about Owen Mwnyy's harp?
Q5. During the events of Moving Pictures, how old was Ruby?
The answers can be found at the end of this issue.
5. Birthdays
Everyone has a birthday. If you know someone who would like a mention or if you would like your birthday included in the listings, send us an email the month before your birthday and we will add it to the list! Email rachel@discworldmonthly.co.uk Subject: Birthday
Happy Birthday to everyone who has a birthday in August especially: Brex, Joel Franklin, Mark Elliott, Tony Perkins, AJ Tucker, Stephen Caldecott, David Washbrook, Kitty Jones, Jon-Paul Jones, Pam Hicks, Sarah Jane Taylor, David Zabiela, Kielan Donahue, Catrine Smith, Phil Chadwck, Andrea Richardson, Harrie Cater-Pugh, Mark Elliott, Christine Hendzlik, and big birthday wishes to Jason's dad David.
Happy September Birthday greetings to: Amy Louise, Colin Hicks, Keith Barrett, David Trace, Anna Huber, Vida Guildford, Katy Board, Nancy O'Shea, Beau Chalmers, Andy Hancock, Leanne Karfut, Alan Pendry, Bernard "The Cunning Artificer" Pearson, Ian Mitchell, Katrina Rose, Nic Jansen, Ray Friesen, Diane James, Roisin Loughran, Tiko Ten Brink, Rebecca Kaos Brown, Roger Denne, Beth Cox, Alex Stanton, Joanne Johnson, Kev Clarke, Taz Sahanahan. And of course, man of the hour, Mr Rob Wilkins.
6. Readers' Letters
If you have any letters or comments, please email them to info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
We assume any correspondence is eligible for use in the newsletter unless otherwise stated, including the sender's email address. Your letters may have extra characters added for reasons beyond human comprehension or maybe not.
It is vitally important that you don't pass off other people's work as your own. If you use information from other resources please let us know so we can give proper credit.
We make an editorial decision on what letters to include. Sometimes the opinions expressed in a letter are not the same as our own but we reserve the right to publish them nevertheless. You might not like the content of the letters we publish and we encourage you to write in your own constructive letters explaining your points of view. We will not shy away from including letters that question our views and expect our readers to be able to accept that not everyone has the same point of view on all subjects.
* From: "John Morris" patandjohnmorris@gmail.com
I am looking for a slipcased edition of Sir Terry's Father Christmas. Any advice or where I could look? Amazon, Abebooks, Biblio all no luck, including the Discworld Emporium.
Jason replies: I've performed a quick search and it appears that it has long sold out. Maybe one of our subscribers has a copy they would be willing to part with?
* From: "Dan Smythe" dmsmythe@gmail.com
Reading through the Witches books lately.
In Witches Abroad, had a tough time initially pinning down where Genua was based upon. It bugged me enough to Google it (it became more obvious later in the book).
But then I noticed about two thirds of the way through (page 204 in my Harper US edition Paperback) a reference to German cooks and I wondered how that could exist... a mistake?
It seems obvious that it should have been "The point was that a good Genua cook could more or less take the squeezings of a handful of mud, a few dead leaves... "
Rather than a German cook as it says in my copy.
It would seem rare that a mistake could make it to the paperback edition after the proof editions and the hardback. I wondered if anyone had ever compiled a list of mistakes?
Love the newsletter.
Jason replies: I've taken a look at my UK hardback edition and it definitely says Genua on that line. Rachel's just looked in our ROC US hardback edition and it says Genua in that copy. So the mistake appears to be made when HarperCollins re-type set the paperback edition.
* From: "Laura Sprake" laura_sprake@hotmail.com
I have to say thanks for still taking the time to produce the newsletter, it does make me smile every time I receive it. I was just wondering why you never seem to have The Discworld Emporium in any of the affiliate links for any of the books or anything.
It's not a hugely important question and I have no idea how the whole thing works on your end, so I'm assuming you have a reason, like I said, I was just wondering.
Jason replies: We don't have affiliate links with the Emporium simply because they don't have an affiliate program. We often recommend the Emporium as they are good friends of ours and they make nice items.
* From: "Colin Smythe" cpsmythe@aol.com
I noticed that one of your correspondents was worried about the age of the rescued son of the king [in Wyrd Sisters - Jason]. He thought there was a typo in the pbk, when it stated it looked two years old. He thought it should have been much younger. Yet the Gollancz first edition and the original typescript indicated that it was years - this from the typescript
"Granny shook her head. She sat down on a rock and looked at the child in her arms. It was a boy, no more than two years old, and quite naked under the blanket. She rocked him vaguely and stared at nothing."
Maybe Terry got the child's age wrong, but that's what he typed
Best wishes
Jason replies: Thanks for clearing that up Colin.
* From: "Liam Kemble-Young" liamkembleyoung@googlemail.com
This is my first letter into the magazine as thanks to a friend I've only recently discovered this newsletter. So shout out to the resident fat man and all round decent chap and co-host of the podcast that we are part of Legeon.
We do discuss Pratchett there when time allows and we end up on tangents :)
Thanks for letting me join and be part of this group and fandom. I've been a pratchett fan for longer than I can remember and grew up on the Tony Robbinson audiobooks. I personally always thought it was a shame that he couldn't have narrated the unabridged versions of the Discworld. Anyway I'm very happy that the audiobooks are finally being redone and are completely unabridged with footnotes as intended.
Being blind myself, I love the medium of audio and am an avid reader. This is probably complete heresy to admit but I haven't actually read that many of Sir Terry's books unabridged. So I am greatly looking forward to re-reading them finally in stereo glory.
I was wondering however if anyone knew why the Last Hero has not been given the unabridged remake treatment?
If anyone knows the reason then please feel free to get in touch.
Just wanted to give a shout out to Rachel and Jason for doing a cracking job in regards editing the news letter each month. Keep up the good work and it's probably only a small thing, however I love the fact that each section has its own link within the email and heading. It makes it infinitely easier to navigate with a screen reader.
So thanks for that chaps. Anyway that's all for now i'm off to go bury my ears into the Witches series. Toodles!
* From: "Ronnie Beck" steelchecker@aol.com
I recently shared the Tiffany Aching series with my 12 year old grandniece. She's reading the second book now and loves it. Another fan is growing.
Ronnie Beck, NFE
Jason replies: Thank you for introducing new readers to the fold.
7. Productions
We know it's been a while but we've started to see productions pop back up on the schedule (It's a slow process - but it's a sign that productions are coming back).
7.1 Current and Upcoming Productions
For more details of these current and upcoming productions visit: Pratchett Stage Productions
- Wyrd Sisters in Somerset, UK, UK (2nd - 3rd September 2022)
7.2 New and Updated Productions
These productions are new this month or have been updated. For our full list visit: Pratchett Stage Productions
[New: UK] Merlin Theatre Productions presents Wyrd Sisters as adapted by Stephen Briggs
Location: The Ecos Stage, Merlin Theatre, Frome, Somerset BA11 2HG
Dates: 2nd - 3rd September 2022
Times: 7pm
Tickets: 12 GBP
Box office: www.merlintheatre.co.uk/
8. Review: Terry Pratchett: A Life With Footnotes*
Written by Rob Wilkins
Review by Jason Anthony-Rowlands
Since it was first announced a few years ago that Rob Wilkins would be writing the official biography of Terry Pratchett, we've been waiting impatiently to read it. In the meantime we've had Marc Burrows' unofficial biography, the Magic of Terry Pratchett. Inevitably people will compare the two biographies but for now I am going to concentrate on A Life With Footnotes in isolation.
Before I opened the book I realised that it might be a difficult read. Purely because I knew there would be bits in it that I didn't want to live through again. What I wasn't expecting was to be hit with the onion fairies in the introduction. Terry wrote a number of letters to various people of importance to him and had them sealed and locked in the safe (not to be opened until after his death). In the introduction Rob includes Terry's letter to him in full. This hit me hard; this was Terry in the raw; effectively talking from beyond the grave. It was a beautifully written and caring letter from Terry written just a few months before he died. This is a powerful way to start.
The book intermixes between later events after Terry's passing and the story of Terry's progress through life. It was fun to read about the opening of the blue plaque at Beaconsfield Library and the mention of fans that came from as far as Leeds and Swansea (That'll be Pat Harkin from Leeds and Rachel and I from Swansea).
I guess I've picked up a lot of Terry's history through talking with Rob and other people in the know over the years and from some of the information that Marc managed to research, so was pleasantly surprised to find much which I hadn't heard before or more detail added to events that I knew a little about.
This is a deeply personal book. You can feel the love that Rob has included in every page. And when we get to the inevitable diagnoses of Terry's PCA and the progression of the disease it makes very harrowing reading. There are of course many moments of levity in there but they only highlight the pain that not only Terry was feeling but that of his family and close friends, and the community as a whole. To hear Rob describing Terry crying because he was unable to make the 2014 Convention is absolutely heartbreaking.
This is a beautiful book and I defy anyone that even remotely knew Terry not to be emotionally moved by it all. I read the latter 30-40 pages through tears, and not just the "I've got something in my eye" type. These were big ugly, salty, globs of tears. Tear for the loss and pain we all felt when Terry passed in 2015 and of empathy for Rob having to put down those feelings into words.
I said I wouldn't be comparing the two biographies but I think having read both I can recommend both of them. Marc's is a really good read, written with a level of separation by a journalist. This book however is written beautifully from the heart. Bless you Rob and thank you for bringing Terry back to life for a little while through your words.
If you have any interest in Terry the person, not the personality, then you must read this biography.
Terry Pratchett: A Life With Footnotes* will be released in the UK on 29th September 2022.
See our Affiliates page to pre-order your copy.
9. Review: Ronald Hutton's talk about Terry at Witchfest
Review by: Steve Mitchell
At the 2022 Witchfest Midlands in Stoke, May 28th, in a change from his advertised 'Historic Perspective on the History of Witchcraft', Professor Ronald Hutton presented a talk on the life and times of Sir Terry Pratchett, augmenting his research into Terry's life, with Terry's unofficial biography and personal anecdotes of Ronald's own meetings with Terry.
He charted Terry's humble beginnings in Beaconsfield as the only child of a mechanic and secretary, through his various jobs in journalism and then the Central Electricity Generating Board to becoming the highest earning UK author by the early age of 48!
In fact, as Ronald told us, Terry had begun writing short stories for the school magazine from the age of 11, got his first story commercially published by the age of 15 and by the age of 17 was writing childrens' stories for The Bucks Free Press and the rest was, as they say, history.
What was of particular interest was Professor Hutton's personal recollections of Sir Terry. It was, for example, well known that Terry could fall out with people at the drop of a hat. Ronald emphasised this with his own story of how he was first contacted by Terry to vouch for a group of pagans who were setting up a trust to look after the Rollright Stones and wanted Terry to be involved. Ronald, knowing of one or two of them, suggested they would be above board and the project would be a good one to champion.
A little while later Ronald was again contacted by Terry, and hoping for the 'friendship' to maybe advance or cement a little further was somewhat dismayed to get an earful from Terry on how wrong he had been about the dynamics and trustworthiness of the group. To top it all Terry vowed never to speak to Ronald again and slammed down the phone.
There it might have ended but on a much later occasion their paths were to cross at a conference at which they were both speaking. Both sharing the same dressing room, Ronald recalled that Terry was an intensely private person. He would often resort to seemingly standard preset answers to hide the truth of matters.
Whether this had, at this moment, anything to do with Ronald's previous encounter with Terry or not, Ronald managed to catch him out. Terry would often discount any connection between himself and pagans or witches, coming up with a standard ruse to say he must have read it somewhere. However, on this occasion as they left for the stage, Ronald subtly dropped into conversation a couple of craft names linked to Terry's supposedly very brief flurry into witchcraft. There was a pause, then a give and finally a twinkle in his eye, letting Ronald know that he'd broken Terry's cover, and then of course, back to normal.
In the course of a tight hour of speaking, Ronald delivered a concise but informative précis of Terry's life and times angled at an audience whose interests not only included paganism and witchcraft but also sci fi and fantasy. It was more than well received and should you get an opportunity on his next outing give Professor Ronald Hutton and his Life and Times of Terry Pratchett some attention.
10. The End
This month's issue is brought to you by chocolate, Vecna (#SupportUkraine) and an old copy of No Doubt: The singles 1992-2003 album.
The deadline for submissions to issue 292 of Discworld Monthly is 17th October 2022.
10.1 Supporting Discworld Monthly
Discworld Monthly was created as a totally free newsletter and will continue to remain so for as long as it continues. However, the costs of maintaining the website, postage, travel etc. add up. If you feel you would like to make a small contribution towards these costs please consider doing so via: PayPal
Our account for Paypal is info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
You can also purchase items from our range of licensed Discworld Monthly products from: Discworld Monthly Shop
10.2 Contact Information
We prefer information to be sent via email info@discworldmonthly.co.uk or rachel@discworldmonthly.co.uk but can also accept information via post at the following address: Discworld Monthly, 20 Cambrian Place, Pontarddulais, Swansea, SA4 8RG, United Kingdom
10.3 Latest Book Information
There is a list of books on our website with the cover blurb and direct links to UK, US and Canadian Amazon websites. Terry Pratchett books at Discworld Monthly
You can also find a list of our affiliates at: Discworld Monthly Affiliate Links
We have an extensive Terry Pratchett biography with a tick list you can print out at: Terry Pratchett Biography
10.4 DiscTrivia Answers
Q1. What is an Avery's Epolette?
A1. A miniature shoulder swamp dragon.
Q2. What title belonged to Webblethorpe the Unconscious?
A2. King of Lancre (Men At Arms)
Q3. Who is the president of the Plumbers' Guild?
A3. Sir Charles Lavatory (Soul Music)
Q4. What is famous about Owen Mwnyy's harp?
A4. It sang when danger was present. (Soul Music)
Q5. During the events of Moving Pictures, how old was Ruby?
A5. Nearly 140 (Moving Pictures)
10.5 Subscription Information
To subscribe to Discworld Monthly simply enter your email address in the form on the Discworld Monthly web page. Our web site contains all back issues and links to other Pratchett sites. discworldmonthly.co.uk
To unsubscribe please follow the instructions at the end of this email.
10.6 Small Print
We make every effort we can to ensure the information in this newsletter is accurate and legal. All trademarks are recognized as the property of their respective owners, whoever they may be. Discworld (R) is a registered trademark of the Estate of Sir Terry Pratchett used under licence.
10.7 Thanks
Thanks for reading this issue of 'Discworld Monthly'. We hope you enjoyed it. If you have any comments, complaints or suggestions for the future of this newsletter please email the editor : info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
Thank you Terry Pratchett
10.8 The Final Word
Rachel here: We may not be perfect designers, or award winning journalists but we do our best to keep you all entertained and informed about all things Terry. We do have some ethics though.
We like our news to be current, up to date and factual with a solid source. We don't like posting rumours but occasionally the source it comes from is 98 percent solid so we will tell you it's a rumour and confirm it when we have a 100 percent confirmation.
Our own articles are written by us for us only. You won't find articles from other publications here unless it's a formal press release about an adaptation, book release or event or something we actually wrote for someone else unless they begged us to publish it (OK not begged but some of our lovely friends do ask us occasionally to boost something).
[NB I say we are not award winning but Discworld Monthly did win Website of the Month for Issue 3 back in a different century. It would be nice to win something much more recent, or even just get acknowledged #justsaying]
Whilst you keep reading it, we'll keep on writing it because we love Terry's books just as much as you do.
Keep smiling, Keep washing those hands but most of all, Keep breathing.
See you soon!
GNU Terry Pratchett...
Table of Contents:
2. News
2.1 The Amazing Maurice Merchandise - Jigsaw and Card Game
2.2 The Amazing Maurice Film release dates
2.3 Terry Pratchett: A Life With Footnotes by Rob Wilkins - EVENT NEWS
2.4 Terry Pratchett: A Life With Footnotes by Rob Wilkins
2.5 Book Releases - New News and Updates
2.5.1 AudioBook Release Schedule - No new news
2.6 Discworld Convention News - Worldwide
3. Discworld Monthly at The UK Discworld Convention 2022
4. DiscTrivia
5. Birthdays
6. Readers' Letters
7. Productions
7.1 Current and Upcoming Productions
7.2 New and Updated Productions
8. Review: Terry Pratchett: A Life With Footnotes*
9. Review: Ronald Hutton's talk about Terry at Witchfest
10. The End
10.1 Supporting Discworld Monthly
10.2 Contact Information
10.3 Latest Book Information
10.4 DiscTrivia Answers
10.5 Subscription Information
10.6 Small Print
10.7 Thanks
10.8 The Final Word