Discworld Monthly Issue 251 - February 2018

- 1. Editorial
- 2. News
- 3. DiscTrivia
- 4. Review: Maskerade at Progress Theatre, Reading
- 5. Review of Men at Arms at CADOS
- 6. Birthdays
- 7. Only You Can Save Mankind Competition
- 8. The "Totally NOT Discworld but a Terry related Doctor Who prize" Competition Result
- 9. Readers' Letters
- 10. Book Release News
- 11. Stage Productions
- 12. Discworld Conventions and other Events
- 13. Recurring Monthly Fan Meetings
- 14. The End
1. Editorial
A new paperback edition of Only You Can Save Mankind came out this week, Good Omens has almost wrapped up filming, there seemed to be at least 5 different productions on at various places around the world, and little pockets of Discworld fans met up all over the UK for various reasons. And we got name checked in an article by Tor.com. (see if you can spot us at tor.com) What more do we need to tell you in an editorial?
Jason Rincewind Anthony-Rowlands (Editor and Wizzard) info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
Rachel Anthony-Rowlands (Annoyed in a rubbing corset) rachel@discworldmonthly.co.uk
William Barnett (Elite Harmless?!?!?!?!?!)
Richard Massey (Eating an apple not looking at one)
1.1 Important Information
We have several places where you can get up to the minute news and information about all things Discworld from Discworld Monthly.
Facebook : Discworld Monthly Facebook Page
Instagram: Discworld Monthly on Instagram
And our website, discworldmonthly.co.uk which contains loads of information about the books, stage productions around the world, interesting articles, back issues and our merchandise shop.
1.2 Submissions
Want to make your opinions about the Discworld known to the world?
Been to see a play or a Discworld related event and want to write a review about it?
Then get writing! We are always on the lookout for exclusive articles and reviews to share with our readers so don't hesitate, email us today with the subject Article/Review at info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
If you are putting on a stage production or know of a stage production near you, please email us and let us know about it.
We happily advertise all stage productions for free and we can help in other ways too. Email rachel@discworldmonthly.co.uk with the Subject line "Stage Production".
The deadline for submissions to issue 252 of Discworld Monthly is Wednesday 21st March 2018.
2. News
2.1 New Look Newsletter
This month we are a few days late getting the newsletter sent out, but we have a good reason.
After 250 issues, we have upgraded the email newsletter to use HTML format instead of the old plain text. Actually we send both versions in the email if you feel nostalgic and your email software allows it.
Hoorah !!
We are now nice and shiney in your inbox as well as on the website!
It meant a few changes to our conversion programmes (we write this in Google docs and then have to convert it to the differing formats for ebooks, website and email) and testing it a few times to make sure it worked as intended before we sent it out to you, our wonderful readers.
We hope you like the change and would love to hear your thoughts on our new look.
Email us at rachel@discworldmonthly.co.uk
2.2 Good Omens TV Series
Good Omens has been filming in South Africa and will be on their last couple of days until the series filming is all wrapped up.
A few new faces have been added to the cast including Mark Gatiss and Steve Pemberton.
It seems such a long time ago when we were first told that a TV series of Good Omens was finally going to happen, but in reality it was only 2 years ago at Terry's memorial in 2016 at The Barbican.
We would love to hear from you about what your expectations are of the series. (email rachel@discworldmonthly.co.uk Subject Good Omens)
We have seen so many images come out from the filming over the last few months via Neil Gaiman's twitter feed, and from what we have seen, it looks amazing. We really can't wait until 2019 to see the end result!
To trawl the images head over to Neil's Twitter and Instagram accounts: (@neilhimself and instagram.com)
2.3 The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents - ReIssue
The Amazing Maurice has had its new cover revealed. The cover illustration by Laura Ellis Anderson matches in with the Tiffany Aching series that was re-issued last year.
We love Laura's vision our second favourite cat. Let us know what you think!

The new paperback edition will be released on the 26th April in the UK and on the 25th September in the USA and Canada
To pre order yours:
Amazon UK
Book Depository
Book Depository Affiliate Link
Amazon US
Amazon Canada
2.4 SFX Issue 297 (March 2018)
The latest issue of SFX with "The Book Issue" emblazoned on the cover, features interviews with several authors. One of them, Patrick Ness (page 61) says that his Desert Island book would be The Discworld Series by Terry Pratchett.
The rest of the magazine features an eclectic mix of science fiction, tv, film and book news.
2.5 Troll Bridge News - Get your Pre-order in NOW!
Shhhhh ...... It's coming....................
Troll bridge's contract states that they can continue raising money while they are still in a position to spend money. Once the film has been completed and outstanding expenses covered, SnowGum Films may need to close off DVD availability.
So if you want it on DVD or Blu-ray, pre-order it now as you may not be able to get it later!
To get yours -
2.6 Charity Auction News - Appeal
As we stated last month, there will be a charity auction at the 2018 Discworld Convention in Chesford Grange. They are literally begging for AMAZING items to auction off for charity.
So if you have something that you think other Discworld fans will want, email the team at auction@dwcon.org with full details and a photograph of your item.
The closing date for registration is 20th April 2018. This is to allow the auction team time to produce a catalogue for all you prospective buyers out there.
The auction team will make a decision about your item and if it is accepted they will send you an email with instructions for getting your item to the auction.
The auction will have approximately 60 lots. The team require all items to be pre-registered so they may keep the auction varied with items for every pocket. Unfortunately, this does mean that they may have to turn down some offered items.
Any questions?
The email address for all enquiries regarding the auction, and to register is: auction@dwcon.org
3. DiscTrivia
This month I have decided to base our trivia questions on The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents. Good luck, Jason
Q1. | When Olly the Snake played a trick with the road sign where was Mr Bunnsy redirected towards? |
Q2. | What are 'keekees'? |
Q3. | What does the first rat get? |
Q4. | What does the second rat get? |
Q5. | As resident rat piper what special allowance did Keith ask for? |
The answers as always appear at the end of this issue.
4. Review: Maskerade at Progress Theatre, Reading
By Rachel Anthony-Rowlands
We headed to the closing night of the run with our friends in tow to the Progress Theatre. The theatre is very intimate seating less than 100 people. The stage was wonderfully set up so that it was effectively six separate spaces despite the fact it was smaller than your average front room. It had a Main stage area at the front with 5 smaller very versatile areas to the rear of the stage. I want to congratulate the crew who built the set as it was a beauty to behold. It made scene changes part of the opera with its ability to create whole new areas in split seconds. It allowed the production to seamlessly move the cast around the various locations.
Maskerade is a parody of The Phantom of the Opera and the company had gone all out to make you feel like you were in an opera house. The flickering candles (led ones I might add) around the seating area were a stroke of genius and the ever present chandelier was a sight to behold swinging ominously above the stage.
I am now going to say something I never thought I would say. We met a real Nanny Ogg at the Progress Theatre. Her presence on the stage set every scene she was in on fire. I doubt Terry ever met Liz Carroll in real life but she embodied the very essence of the type of woman Nanny was based on.
And now some words about the rest of the cast: (which may seem like a bit of a come down after the praise I've heaped on Liz)
Agnes was perfect, the condescending looks she threw at Christine were a masterclass in concealed eye rolling. Christine was as annoying as a wannabe should be (Shrill, highly strung and deluded). Walter had the downtrodden version of himself with comedic falls nailed.
Walter's mum was exactly how I see her in my head when I read the book. Mr Salzella was very distinguishable, he reminded me of Greg Davies. *spoiler alert* His death on stage was one of the best we've seen. Greebo was dripping with hormones and feline charm and I was disappointed he didn't come out of his crate "eu natural" and I am sure I wasn't the only lady in the audience to think that. (All credit to Dan, playing 3 characters was a feat as we didn't realise you did all three until later - Dr Undershaft and Tommy Cripps as well as Greebo)
Detritius' arms alone had me giggling beyond all known reason.
The remainder of the cast had obviously read the books and understood their characters well, credit to the director for making sure they did. No one put a foot wrong and they were all enjoying performing and it showed.
Now I am going to have a moan and it is just be a complaint at the script rather than the guys here. The issue - The Opera Ghost. Maskerade is essentially a whodunnit, we are meant to spend most of our time trying to work out who the opera ghost actually is alongside Granny and Nanny. Even when we know the story well, on stage we shouldn't be able to tell who the opera ghost is at any moment other than at the grand reveal. Here at the Progress Theatre though, it was obvious who it was early on. Unfortunately Trevor's (aka Mr Salzella) build and profile gave it away the second he set foot on the stage as the Ghost, not his fault by any means. [Note to future directors of Maskerade, keep the reveal for the end sequence. Use someone else as the ghost for the majority of the show. Keep the audience guessing!!]
Personal moan pushed aside, we loved it. The cast and crew put their heart and soul into the production and it oozed out into the audience at every turn. Would we go and see more by the Progress Theatre? Would we recommend that you book tickets for their next Pratchett Production? Will you love it as much as us? YES YES and YES. Do you hear me Christine? :)
5. Review of Men at Arms at CADOS
By Lawny Eastwood
On Saturday 17th February myself and a few others (Colin, Paul, Nick) attended a matinee performance of Men at Arms in Cranbourne, put on by their dramatics group.
The venue was a church hall which on first appearances didn't look big enough to hold a production but like the tardis was bigger on the inside.
The whole performance was exceptionally well done and very enjoyable.
The characters though not how I had imagined them, had the essence of the character perfectly portrayed by each actor.
I was amused by the number of different uses a box could have on stage and watching the scene changes became a guess the use for the box which I didn't always get right (played in my head not out loud in case you were wondering).
Samuel Vimes was played as the surly no nonsense man of the law he is portrayed as in the book. Lady Sybil Ramkin was as forthright, no nonsense and aristocratic as in the book. Nobby Nobbs was as much a of a street urchin trying to fit in with 'normal' society as I envisaged him.
Detritus and Cuddy were a perfect matched pair of friends that don't see eye to eye on everything. Fred Colon was as gruff, weathered and partner in crime to Nobby as envisaged.
Havelock Vetinari for me was not quite on the mark but was played well nonetheless.
Carrot Ironfoundersson was well played and his interactions with Angua were wonderfully done and almost off the page from the book.
The visualisation of the footnotes was both unusual and a bit annoying at times but didn't fully distract from the main action on the stage.
The lesser characters were also well done with some of the actors doing multiple parts.
The stage scenery was kept to a minimum but that didn't detract anything from the production if anything it kept you focused on the actors and not the background.
For a group that doesn't normally do this genre they did a fantastic production and I hope they do more from the discworld in the future.
All in all I enjoyed what was my first performance of a Discworld book and hope to see many more in the future.
6. Birthdays
Everyone has a birthday. If you know someone who would like a mention or if you would like your birthday included in the listings, send us an email the month before your birthday and we will add it to the list! Email rachel@discworldmonthly.co.uk Subject: Birthday
We would like to wish a very Happy Birthday to everyone who has a birthday this month but special Discworld Monthly birthday wishes go to: Joe Pattison, Helen Cordingley, Edward Duke, Tom Foolery, Emma Berry, Gwendolyne Wood, Emily W, Krystal Rose Hewett, Damian Tonkin, Mel Wallage, Loz Green, Elaine Rose Mein, Simon Evans, Graeme Sheridan, Andy Paysinger, Helen Hill, Tammy Lane, Peter Elliot, Per Stalby,Susanne Vanden Bosch, Bobbee Lyn Gerson, Xander King, Ellen Van Leuven, Alan Webb, Vicky Parsons, Mari Ulisa Fletcher, Dennis Pelton, Chris Tarttlein, Laura Smith, Sophie Marshall, Peter Kinsley, Lydia Hoefter
7. Only You Can Save Mankind Competition
This month we have a copy of Only You Can Save Mankind with the new Mark Beech cover to give away.
In order to win this prize, send us the answer to the following question:
Q1. | What are the names of the other two books in the series? |
Send your answer and your full postal address to competitions@discworldmonthly.co.uk by Wednesday 21st March 2018.
Your address will only be used for sending out your prize should you be the lucky winner. Once prizes are sent out all address details will be destroyed. Entries received after the closing date or sent to any other address will be ignored. No more than one entry per person will be accepted - multiple entries will result in a ban from the competition. Failure to answer the questions or provide your postal address will prevent you from being entered into the competition. Answers to the questions must not be posted to any websites before the competition ends. The judges' decision is final. The competition is open to all readers.
8. The "Totally NOT Discworld but a Terry related Doctor Who prize" Competition Result
Last month's competition had a wonderful prize package which included: a reading journal and a copy of Behind the Sofa - Celebrity memories of Doctor Who featuring a foreword by Terry.
Q1. | What hat is Terry wearing in the infamous picture of him trying to get into a Tardis? |
The answer we were looking for was a top hat.
The randomly selected winner of the competition is: Janet Empson from Ashby, Scunthorpe.
We'll get your prize in the post as soon as possible.
9. Readers' Letters
If you have any letters or comments, please email them to info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
We assume any correspondence is eligible for use in the newsletter unless otherwise stated, including the sender's email address. We may edit your letters using a 1934 Victory H. It is vitally important that you don't pass off other people's work as your own. If you use information from other resources please let us know so we can give proper credit.
We love repeat interaction from our readers. We got this email this month.
* From: "Thomas Brummel" schlumpf@mac.com
First up, congrats on the 250th issue of Discworld Monthly!
It's been a while and maybe you remember my mail from nearly two years ago. For your reference, see down below :-)
So, I finally got my hands on the 2008 Yearbook! But, no dice. The monk on December 6h indeed looks rather surprised but that's not the one I was looking for. Seeing as I couldn't find it in Paul Kidby's Discworld Imaginarium either, I thought I'll just repeat my plea for help. So, I'm still looking for a picture of Wen the Eternally Surprised from Thief of Time. I think it was done in pencil and if it wasn't done by Paul Kidby it was certainly done in his kind of style. Any pointers to books, almanacs or calendars would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks again!
[I spoke to Paul Kidby about this, the only drawing he's produced of Wen The Eternally Surprised is the one in the Lu Tze yearbook on the 7th-8th Dec pages. It's a pity there isn't a print of it available anywhere as I really like it. Maybe there is some fan-art out there but I have failed to find any - Rachel]
(Original request and response)
Subject: picture of Wen
Date: Sat, 20 Feb 2016 09:01:33 +0100
Maybe you can help me out. I faintly remember having once seen a picture of Wen the eternally surprised which cracked me up no end. I think it may have been in an almanach or a calendar or something, but I can't be sure. It was done in pencil, I think and I'm kind of sure it was done by Paul Kidby. But for the life of me I can't find this picture on the internet. Maybe you know the one I'm talking about? If you happen to know which book or calendar to find this in I'd be very grateful if you could point me there. I'm sure I could then find it on ebay or amazon.
PS: keep up the good work on the mailing list :-)
Jason wrote: Hi Thomas, I don't remember the image you are talking about.
Wen is mentioned in two places The Thief Of Time and Lu-Tze's Yearbook of Enlightenment 2008. Thief of Time was pre Paul Kidby doing Discworld covers.
The 2008 diary has a picture of a rather surprised looking monk on December 6th and 7th...
Not sure any of that helps?
* From: "Linda Kirkland" lskirkland@outlook.com
1. Love to see this coming in.
2. Thank you both for your devotion and commitment!
Linda Kirkland
Atlanta, Georgia USA
* From "David J Gay" dave.gay@blueyonder.co.uk
With reference to Ian Jopson's enquiry (last month), could it be that he is thinking of Hodgesaargh reading the huge ledger entitled "Burds" in Carpe Jugulum?
In the edition which I have, the passage can be found on page 99.
* From: "Julie Naylor" juliekparry@hotmail.com
Hi, I love this newsletter, but this is my favourite so far. What a beautiful article on the exhibition at Salisbury. I went just before the Lego had been done, but your description took me around like I was visiting again. I do hope they bring it back. It was a lovely thing for the family to do, and such a great attraction for the museum
Thank you for the fab newsletters every month, they are great. #speakhisname
* From: "Malinda Mayer" malinda@capecodmanualtherapy.com
Thank you so much for your guided tour of the Salisbury exhibit. For those of us who could never get there, it was a lively recreation. Bless you.
* From: "Tracy Fisher" fatbooslim@gmail.com
I've been reading DWM for a while now but this is my first time writing in.
I've recently converted our son Ben (12) to the world of Sir Terry via Tiffany Aching and he's now a firm fan. (He does a great impression of Rob Anybody!)
He's come up with this groaner of a joke:
What's The Librarian's favourite song?
Don't Ook Back In Anger!
Thanks for the great work in the newsletter.
GNU Terry
* From: "Dave Hough" davehough831@yahoo.co.uk
Could anyone please tell me how i can obtain a complete list with dates of all of Terry Pratchett's Short stories, including Bucks free press etc.
Jason replies: The most complete source of this information is Colin Smythe's [Terry's agent for several decades] very detailed website at: colinsmythe.co.uk
* From: "Randy Brown" kelly57green@gmail.com
Thanks, Jason and everyone else.
You do great work also; loved the photos you shared of wedding (and etc.)
* From: "Catrine Smith" smithn_09719@yahoo.co.uk
Awesome Discworld Monthly Just in awe.
Thanks guys X
* From: "Mari Turner" mturner56@gmail.com
Back in 1997, I was an American expat living in Hong Kong. I had never heard of Terry Pratchett, but found his books at a local English bookstore. I was hooked with the first reading, and soon so was my 12-year-old son. We wanted more information about Discworld and soon found a copy of the first Discworld Monthly in the hands of a new English friend. We read it with relish and continue to enjoy it to this day. Here in the US, we moved to a small city without access to Terry Pratchett books. Thank goodness for the internet and Amazon. We have an extensive collection of the Discworld books and hope to someday make the trip "across the pond" to some of the events held there.
Keep up the tremendously terrific publication! We'll keep reading!
* From: "Steven Dean" thewizardsknob@icloud.com
I have been a book dealer at every UK DWCon since 1998 but have decided not to attend any future ones. To that end I have a large stock of UK. Hardbacks that I'd like to sell cheap to clear my stock. They will be priced from 3GBP plus postage. If anyone would like a list of what's available please drop me a message at thewizardsknob@icloud.com
10. Book Release News
10.1 English Language Releases
Only You can save Mankind - Mark Beech Cover/Paperback
Only You Can Save Mankind was published on the 22nd February 2018 by Corgi in the UK and will be published in the USA and Canada on the 25th September.
To Order:
Amazon UK
Book Depository
Book Depository Affiliate Link
Amazon CA
Amazon US
Discworld Imaginarium USA and Canada
The Discworld Imaginarium standard edition will be available to buy in the USA and Canada from the 24th April 2018.
Amazon CA
Amazon US
The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents - New Cover
The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents will be re-released on the 26th April 2018 by Corgi in the UK.
Amazon UK
Book Depository
Book Depository Affiliate Link
In the USA and Canada it will be available from the 25th September 2018
Amazon CA
Amazon US
Johnny and the Dead - Mark Beech Cover - Paperback
Johnny and the Dead will be published on the 28th June 2018 by Corgi in the UK
Amazon UK
Book Depository
Book Depository Affiliate Link
In the USA and Canada it will be available from the 24th July 2018
Amazon CA
Amazon US
Terry Pratchett's Discworld Diary 2019
A ping on our radar has shown us that there will be a 2019 Diary. Currently called "Terry Pratchett's Discworld Diary 2019" it will be a hardcover book with 128 pages and currently the date of publication is the 9th August 2018 in the UK (subject to change)
ISBN-10: 1473223105
ISBN-13: 978-1473223103
Publisher: Orion/Gollancz
RRP 16.99 GBP
Pre-order from Amazon UK
Pre-order from Book Depository
Book Depository Affiliate Link
Amazon CA
Amazon US
Johnny and The Bomb - Mark Beech Cover - Paperback
Currently it looks like Johnny and the Bomb will be published on the 23rd August 2018 by Corgi in the UK
Amazon UK
Book Depository
Book Depository Affiliate Link
In the USA and Canada it will be available from the 25th September 2018
Amazon CA
Amazon US
Father Christmases Fake Beard Slipcase Edition - USA and Canada
The Slipcased deluxe version of Father Christmases Fake Beard and other stories will be available in the USA and Canada from the 25th September 2018.
Amazon CA
Amazon US
Father Christmases Fake Beard - UK Paperback
The paperback version of Father Christmases Fake beard is scheduled for release on the 4th October 2018 by Corgi in the UK
R.R.P. 6.99GBP
Publisher : Corgi
ISBN-10: 0552576662
ISBN-13: 978-0552576666
Pre-order links
Amazon UK
Book Depository
Book Depository Affiliate Link
10.2 Translated releases
10.2.1 French Translations
Coup de tabac - Snuff
Coup de Tabac is due out on the 8th Feb 2018, Published by Pocket its has 528 pages.
ISBN-10: 2266277146
ISBN-13: 978-2266277143
[Literal Translation of Coup de Tabac is Blow of Tobacco -RAR]
To preorder - Amazon.fr
La Longue Mars - The Long Mars
La Longue Mars is also due out on the 8th Feb 2018. Published by Pocket it has 512 pages
ISBN-10: 2266266292
ISBN-13: 978-2266266291
To preorder - Amazon.fr
Chapeau de Ciel - Hat Full of Sky
Chapeau de Ciel is due out on the 21st June 2018, published by l'Atalante.
ISBN-10: 2841728676
ISBN-13: 978-2841728671
[Literal Translation of Chapeau de Ciel is Hat of Heaven -RAR]
To preorder - Amazon.fr
Regiment Monstrueux - Monstrous Regiment
Regiment Monstrueux is due out on the 21st June 2018 Published by L'Atalante.
ISBN-10: 2841728668
ISBN-13: 978-2841728664
To preorder - Amazon.fr
Ronde de Nuit - Night Watch
Ronde de Nuit is another one due out on the 21st June 2018 published by l'Atalante.
ISBN-10: 2841728641
ISBN-13: 978-2841728640
To preorder - Amazon.fr
L'Aspirateur de la Sorciere - The Witch's Vacuum Cleaner
L'Aspirateur de la Sorciere is also due out on the 21st June 2018 published by L'Atalante
ISBN-10: 2841728633
ISBN-13: 978-2841728633
To preorder - Amazon.fr
Ch'Tits Hommes Libres - The Wee Free Men
Ch'Tits Hommes Libres is the last one to be published on the 21st June 2018 by L'Atalante
ISBN-10: 2841727718
ISBN-13: 978-2841727711
To preorder - Amazon.fr
10.2.2 German Translations
Der Lange Mars
Der Lange Mars will be published on the 19th March 2018 in paperback by Goldmann Verleg .
ISBN-10: 3442487463
ISBN-13: 978-3442487462
To preorder - Amazon.de
Book Depository
Book Depository Affiliate Link
Die Nomen: Die komplette Saga - The Bromeliad Trilogy
Die Nomen: Die komplette Saga will be published in hardback on the 3rd April 2018 by ivi
ISBN-10: 3492704867
ISBN-13: 978-3492704861
To preorder - Amazon.de
Book Depository
Book Depository Affiliate Link
Ein gutes Omen - Good Omens
Ein gutes Omen in paperback will be published on the 2nd May 2018 by Piper with the glorious Josh Kirby artwork on the cover.
ISBN-10: 3492281664
ISBN-13: 978-3492281669
To preorder - Amazon.de
Book Depository
Book Depository Affiliate Link
Die staubsaugende Schreckschraube: und andere Storys vom Schopfer der Scheibenwelt - The Witches Vacuum Cleaner and other stories
Die staubsaugende Schreckschraube: und andere Storys vom Schopfer der Scheibenwelt will be published on the 3rd July 2018 in paperback by Piper
ISBN-10: 3492281575
ISBN-13: 978-3492281577
To preorder - Amazon.de
Book Depository
Book Depository Affiliate Link
Hohle Kopfe - Feet of Clay
Hohle Kopfe will be available in paperback on the 16th July 2018 by Goldmann Verleg
ISBN-10: 3442487412
ISBN-13: 978-3442487417
[Literal Translation of Hohle Kopfe is Hollow Heads - RAR]
To preorder - Amazon.de
Book Depository
Book Depository Affiliate Link
Aus der Tastatur gefallen: Gedanken uber das Leben, den Tod und schwarze Hute - A Slip of the Keyboard
Aus der Tastatur gefallen: Gedanken uber das Leben, den Tod und schwarze Hute will be published on the 17th September 2018 by Goldmann Verleg in Germany
ISBN-10: 3442487293
ISBN-13: 978-3442487295
To preorder - Amazon.de
Book Depository
Book Depository Affiliate Link
11. Stage Productions
Whilst we would love to get to every event and play to write reviews and articles about them, we just don't have enough time, petrol and a wide enough spread of friends to borrow the couch for the night. But you, our wonderful readers do have the time, petrol and often don't need the couches as the event or play is on your doorstep!
We don't have English degrees here and you don't need one either to write something for Discworld Monthly!
PS. If you know of a play or event that we don't know about (shock horror), email us. We like the surprise!
All submissions should be emailed to info@discworldmonthly.co.uk or rachel@discworldmonthly.co.uk
Don't forget to visit Pratchett Stage Productions for our most up-to-date list of stage productions.
11.1 March 2018
[NEW: UK] Ifield Barn Arts Centre presents Wyrd Sisters as adapted by Stephen Briggs
Location: Ifield Barn Theatre, Ifield Street, Ifield, Crawley West Sussex. RH11 0NN
Dates: Wed 7th March - Sat 10th March 2018
Times: 8pm, on Sat 10th March Matinee at 3pm,
Website: ifieldbarn.co.uk
Box Office: 0333 666 4466
[NEW: Austria] Theatergruppe Soliarts presents Gevatter Tod (Mort) as adapted by Stephen Briggs
Location: BogenTheater, Viaduktbogen 32, Ing.-EtzelstraBe,6020 Innsbruck, AUSTRIA
Dates: Thursday 8th March, Sat 10th March, Wed 14th March, Fri 16th March and Sat 16th March 2018
Times: Curtains up at 8pm
Tickets: Adults 14Euros, Concess 10 Euros
Website: bogentheater.at
Box Office: bogentheater.at
[UK] We are Theatre presents Maskerade as adapted by Stephen Briggs.
Location: The Black Swan, Peasholme Green, York, YO1 7PR
Dates: Mon 26th Feb - Wed 28th Feb 2018
Times: 7:30pm
Tickets: 10GBP
Website: wearetheatre.co.uk
Box Office: 07521364107
11.2 April 2018
[Australia] Tribe Youth Theatre presents Wyrd Sisters as adapted by Stephen Briggs
Location: BTC Arts Shed, 15-17 Allingham Street, Golden Square VICTORIA 3555 Australia
Date: Thurs 5th April 2018 - Sat 8th April
Time: 7pm
Tickets: Adult - 22AUD, Conc - 20AUD, Student - 17AUD, Child under 12 - 14AUD. Family (2+") 57AUD
Box Office: boxoffice.gotix.com.au
Website: bendigotheatrecompany.org
[NEW: Germany] Die Dramateure presents Mummenschanz as adapted by Stephen Briggs
Locations : GroBer Saal des Riesen, Sackgasse 14, 63500 Seligenstadt, Germany (7th, 8th April) and Burgerhaus Bischofsheim, Dornigheimer Weg 21, 63477 Maintal, Germany (21st April)
Dates: Saturday 7th April- Sunday 8th April in Seligenstadt and Saturday 21st April in Maintal-Bischofsheim
Times: 7th April at 7pm, 8th april at 5pm and the 21st April at 7pm
Tickets: 15.05 Euros for 7th-8th April. 12 Euros for the 21st April
Box Office: 7th-8th April frankfurtticket.de
21st April: frankfurtticket.de
Website: dramateure.com
[USA] GreenMan Theatre Troupe presents Monstrous Regiment as adapted by Chris Hainsworth.
Location: First United Methodist Church, 232 S.York Street, Elmhurst, IL, USA
Date: 13th April - 29th April 2018 (Fri, Sat and Sundays only)
Time: Fri and Sat at 730pm, Sun at 2pm
Tickets: Adults 17USD, Students/Seniors 15 USD
Box Office: 630-464-2646
Website: greenmantheatre.org
[NEW: UK] Skipton Players Presents MORT as adapted by Stephen Briggs
Location: Skipton Little Theatre, Clifford Street, Skipton, North Yorkshire BD23 2AD
Dates: Tuesday 17th April - Sat 21st April 2018
Times: Curtains up at 7:30pm
Tickets:10 GBP, Concessions 5 GBP
Website: skiptonlittletheatre.org.uk
Box Office: 07527 141176
Box Office: skiptonlittletheatre.org.uk
[NEW: Switzerland] Theatre de la Cite de Fribourg present Trois soercieres (Wyrd Sisters) adapted by Stephen Briggs
French translation of the novel: Patrick Couton, for Librairie L'Atalante
Location: [CH] Theatre de la Cite de Fribourg, Grandes-Rames 36, 1700 Fribourg (Switzerland)
Dates: Thu 19th April - Sat 12th May 2018
Precise dates and times (will also be on our website):
Thu 19th, Fri 20th, Sat 21st April; Fri 27th, Sat 28th April; Fri 4th, Sat 5th May; Thu 10th, Fri 11th and Sat 12th May : 8pm (doors open 30 minutes beforehand)
Matinees: Sun 29th April and Sun 6th May: 5:30pm (doors open 30 minutes beforehand)
The 28th of April representation will be followed by a small celebration for Terry Pratchett's 70th birthday, and the public is of course invited
Tickets: CHF 18.- Adults, CHF 13.- Seniors and Students (no cards accepted); on Thursdays, a special price for students is applied: CHF 10.-
Website: tcf.ch (in French, but you can contact me at serkel@gmail.com for information in English)
Reservations (recommended) by phone, from mid-January, at Fribourg Tourisme: +41 26 350 11 00 (tickets can be collected and paid for at the theatre)
[UK] The Chorley Little Theatre presents Guards! Guards! as adapted by Stephen Briggs
Location: Chorley Little Theatre, Dole Lane, Chorley, Lancashire, PR7 2RL
Dates: Monday 23rd April - Saturday 28th April 2018
Times: 7:30pm
Tickets: Mon-Wed 8GBP, Thu-Sat 10GBP
Website: chorleylittletheatre.com
Box Office: 01257 264362
[UK] The Carlton Players presents Mort as adapted by Stephen Briggs
Location: The Little Theatre, Grange Road West, Birkenhead, United Kingdom, CH41 4BY
Dates: Tues 24th April 2018 - Saturday 28th April 2018
Time: Doors Open at 7pm. Show Starts at 7.30pm
Tickets: 8GBP Adults, U16's/Students 6GBP
Website: carltonlittletheatre.co.uk
Box Office: 0151 647 6593
Box Office Website: ticketsource.co.uk
Facebook Event: Facebook Event Page
[NEW: UK] Chelmsford Theatre Workshop presents The Fifth Elephant as adapted by Stephen Briggs
Location: The Old Court Theatre 233 Springfield Road, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 6JT, UK
Dates: Wed 25th April - Sat 28th April 2018, Wed 2nd May - Sat 5th May 2018
Times: Curtains Up at 7.45pm
Tickets: 10GBP, Concessions 9GBP
Website: ctw.org.uk
Box Office: 01245 606505
Box Office: purchase.tickets.com
[NEW: UK] Castle Players presents Jingo as adapted by Stephen Briggs
Location: The Village Hall, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6DD
Dates: Thursday 26th April - Sat 28th April 2018
Times: Curtains up at 7:45pm, Sat Matinee at 2.30pm
Tickets: 10 GBP Concessions 9 GBP
Website: castleplayers.com
Box Office: 07938 965434
11.3 May 2018
[UPDATED, UK] Tilt Theatre - City College Plymouth Performing Arts presents Guards! Guards!
Location: Tilt Theatre, City College Plymouth, PL1 5QG
Dates: Wed 16th- Thurs 17th May 2018
Time: 7pm
Facebook Event: Facebook Event Page
BoxOffice: onlinestore.cityplym.ac.uk
11.4 Timey Wimey Stage Productions
These Stage Productions are at least a few months away on the calendar, but if you have a pair of the trousers of time you may be able to slide into the future and bring back a review for us now! If you don't have access to either then you should be able to purchase tickets and travel forward in time the old fashioned way - one day at a time.
[Australia] The Brisbane Arts Centre presents Men At Arms as adapted by Stephen Briggs
Location: Brisbane Arts Centre, 210 Petrie Terrace, Petrie Terrace QLD 4000
Dates: Thursday-Sundays from the 6th October - 3rd November 2018
Times: Thursdays 7.30pm, Fridays and Saturdays 8pm, Sundays 6.30pm
Tickets: 21 - 34 AUD
Box Office: sa2.seatadvisor.com
Website: artstheatre.com.au
[UK] Kelvin Players presents Going Postal as adapted by Stephen Briggs
Dates: 5th - 8th December and 12th - 15th December 2018
Time: 7.30pm
Website: kelvinplayers.co.uk
12. Discworld Conventions and other Events
Join in a celebration of life on Sir Terry Pratchett's Birthday (28 April) by honoring his legacy and experiencing his Discworld.
Discover the streets of Ankh-Morpork, the greatest city of the Discworld. A folklorique network of old lanes, squares and alleys for your walking pleasure. Where excitement and trolls lurks around every corner and much may be heard the traditional street cries of old time also the laughing visages of the denizens as they go about their business private.
LIMITED NO OF TICKETS available from Quicket - quicket.co.za
Online: R70.00
At the gate/on the day: R90.00
PARKING: R10 per car
Kids under 12 FREE
Dogs and unruly luggages to be kept on leashes at all times.
MAP TO VENUE: goo.gl
Please note - there is a 1km dirt road to the venue but it is suitable for most cars.
- An Ankh-Morpork Adventure: Seek! Hustle! Build! Conjur!
Enter as a single person or with a team of wizzards, complete the tasks as laid out for you by the Patrician.
R20.00 per person (R10 discount for entering online and bringing your own entry sheet!)
- Fabricati diem, pvnc: test your mettle and train with the City Watch, they are recruiting!
- The presence of beer always greases the rungs of the evolutionary ladder so make sure your Inn-sewer-ants-polly-seas are up to date and join us in The Mended Drum.
Expect a test of wits, much revelry and many barbarians.
- The Discworld Dress Up. Embody your favourite character and be victorious. Win Thynngs.
- Burnt crunchy bits, dwarf bread, rat onna stick and other local delicacies can be found between Harga's House of Ribs and the Curry Gardens, so weary travellers and brave explorers will not have holes in their tummies. Keep an eye out for Cut-me-own-Throat Dibbler.
All guilds are welcome, so if you fancy yourself as an artificer, a seamstress, an assassin or a clown, you'll be sure to be in good company along The Street of Cunning Artificers.
Facebook Event: Facebook Event Page
[UK Discworld Convention]
The location and date of 2018 Discworld Convention in the UK has been announced.
It will be at the Chesford Grange Hotel on the weekend of 3rd - 6th August 2018.
Memberships have been released and have SOLD OUT.
Don't fret though, ConCom are now operating a waiting list for those who wish to have a chance of attending.
To find out more visit 2018.dwcon.org
[Dutch Discworld Convention]
CABBAGECON 5 - Be a Barbarian hero !
Dates 20th - 21st October 2018
Location: Carlton President Hotel, Floraweg 28, 3542 DX Utrecht
Tickets: Weekend - Adult 65 Euros Child 35 Euros Student 50 Euros.
Single day tickets are available on their website.
To buy tickets and for more information head over to dutchdwcon.nl
Facebook event page: Facebook Event Page
[Australian Convention] Nullus Anxietas VII in Melbourne 2019
Will be held from the 12th to 14th April 2019 and is authorised by Ankh Morpork Post Office.
Currently you can guarantee your place by purchasing a supporting membership now at 40AUD from: Australian Convention 2019 Booking
[Scheibenwelt Convention]
Scheibenwelt Convention have announced that the next German Discworld Convention will take place from the 3rd to the 6th of October 2019 at Castle Ludwigstein.
The theme will be Hogswatch.
Tickets are not on sale as yet but do visit their website to find out more information .
[IDWCon] The Irish committee has confirmed that the next Irish Discworld Convention will happen in 2019!
More info will come soonish.
It's happening in 2019. That's all we know. We'll update this when we get more news.
13. Recurring Monthly Fan Meetings
[UK] The Broken Drummers meet at The Monkey Puzzle, Paddington, London, W2 1JQ, England at 7pm. For more information contact Helen Nicholls on helelnicholls@gmail.com
Unless otherwise stated the Drummers meet on the first Monday of each month.
The Drummers are now holding irregular weekend meet-ups in addition to their regular Mondays. Dates are posted on their Facebook page and sent out via their mailing list.
The Drummers are always happy to welcome new visitors. You can find out more at: brokendrummers.org or Broken Dummers Facebook Page
[Adelaide, Australia] The City of Small Gods is a group for fans in Adelaide and South Australia.
They have regular monthly dinner and games nights, longer games days, plus play outings, craft-y workshops, and fun social activities throughout the year. For more info and to join their mailing list, visit: cityofsmallgods.org.au
[Brisbane, Australia] The Pratchett Partisans meet monthly at either Brisbane or Indooroopilly to eat, drink and chat about all things Pratchett. For more info about their next meetup, check out: The Pratchett Partisans Facebook Group
[Melbourne, Australia] The Victorian Discworld Klatch is a social group for fans of Discworld and Terry Pratchett. We meet monthly for fun activities and to talk all things Pratchetty. Information on our current event can be found on Victorian Discworld Klatch Facebook Group or email victoriandiscworldklatch@gmail.com
[Perth, Australia] The Treacle Mining Corporation meetup to celebrate the works of Sir Terry Pratchett, and welcome any fans of science fiction and fantasy.
Join them for their monthly discussion of Discworld, Terry Pratchett and all things sci-fi and fantasy. They meet the first Monday of each month, subject to holidays, and all are welcome.
The group meets up at Carpe Cafe, 526 Murray Street, Perth, WA. Meeting at a cafe means they are under-18 friendly!
For details follow them on Twitter @TreacleMiningCo, Instagram treacle_mining_corporation, and Facebook Treacle Mining Corporation Facebook Group
Otherwise message Alexandra Ware directly at alexandra.ware@gmail.com
Unless otherwise stated the group meets up on the first Monday of each month.
[Sydney, Australia] Sydney Drummers normally meet on the first Monday of every month.
Meeting location: 3 Wise Monkeys, 555 George Street, Sydney, 2000 from 6:30pm
For more information contact Sue (AKA Granny Weatherwax) on kenworthys@yahoo.co.uk
[Sydney, Australia] Western Drummers (western suburbs of Sydney NSW Australia) meet 6pm on the third Tuesday of the month at the Nepean Rowing Club for dinner chat and games.
Western Drummers Facebook Group
* Calling USA / Canadian Fans *
Appreciate Discworld and Sir Terry Pratchett? Want to chat and gather with other Discworld fans in the US and Canada? Regional Discworld fan Facebook groups are linked below!
Holy Wood Dreams (covers WA, OR, CA, NV, AZ, NM, and HI):
Holy Wood Dreams Facebook Page
Central US Discworld Fans (covers ID, MT, WY, ND, SD, NE, UT, CO, KS, OK, and TX):
Central US Discworld Fans Facebook Group
Midwest Discworld Fans (covers IL, IN, WI, MI, KY, MN, IA, and MO):
Midwest Discworld Fans Facebook Group
Southeast US Pratchett Fans (covers AR, LA, TN, MS, AL, GA, NC, SC, and FL):
Southeast US Pratchett Fans Facebook Group
Mid-Atlantic Discworld Fans (covers PA, OH, WV, VA, Washington DC, and MD):
Mid-Atlantic Discworld Fans Facebook Group
New England Discworld Fans (covers DE, NJ, NY, CT, RI, MA, VT, NH, and ME):
New England Discworld Fans Facebook Group
Canadian Discworld Fans (covers Canada and Alaska):
Canadian Discworld Fans Facebook Group
If you are in a border state or a province between two groups, feel free to join both groups.
[Australia] Drumknott's Irregulars is a newly established Terry Pratchett social group based in Canberra. The group is open to anyone and their events are not heavily themed.
Facebook: Drumknott's Irregulars Facebook Group
Google Groups: Drumknott's Irregulars Google Group
14. The End
This month's issue is brought to you by the screams of a mandrake as it's being repotted. Please let us have any submissions for issue 252 of Discworld Monthly by Wednesday 21st March 2018.
14.1 Supporting Discworld Monthly
Discworld Monthly was created as a totally free newsletter and will continue to remain so for as long as it continues. However, the costs of maintaining the website, postage, travel etc. add up. If you feel you would like to make a small contribution towards these costs please consider doing so via: paypal.com
Our account for Paypal is info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
You can also purchase items from our range of licensed Discworld Monthly products from Discworld Monthly Shop
14.2 Mailing List Hosting
Discworld Monthly would like to thank the Pixel Fairy for hosting our mailing list for us free of charge. For more information about the Pixel Fairy visit her website at thepixelfairy.uk
14.3 eBook Editions
Since issue 166 we have produced a version of Discworld Monthly that is formatted better for the Amazon Kindle eBook reader and since issue 186 we also produce an ePub version for other eBook readers such as the Kobo, Nook and Sony readers.
You can download either version from Discworld Monthly eBooks
14.4 Contact Information
We prefer information to be sent via email info@discworldmonthly.co.uk or rachel@discworldmonthly.co.uk but can also accept information via post at the following addresses: Discworld Monthly, 20 Cambrian Place, Pontarddulais, Swansea, SA4 8RG, United Kingdom
14.5 Latest Book Information
This Discworld Monthly website a list of books on our website with the cover blurb and direct links to UK, US and Canadian Amazon websites.
You can also find a list of our affiliates at:
We have an extensive Terry Pratchett biography with a tick list you can print out at:
14.6 Subscription Information
To subscribe to Discworld Monthly simply enter your email address in the form on the Discworld Monthly web page. Our web site contains all back issues and links to other Pratchett sites.
To unsubscribe please follow the instructions at the end of this email.
If you have any problems un-subscribing visit our removal help page.14.7 Trivia Answers
Q1. | When Olly the Snake played a trick with the road sign where was Mr Bunnsy redirected towards? |
A1. | He was heading into the Dark Wood. |
Q2. | What are 'keekees'? |
A2. | Rats that have not changed. |
Q3. | What does the first rat get? |
A3. | The first rat gets the trap. |
Q4. | What does the second rat get? |
A4. | The food. |
Q5. | As resident rat piper what special allowance did Keith ask for? |
A5. | Keith asked for a pipe allowance. |
14.8 Small Print
We make every effort we can to ensure the information in this newsletter is accurate and legal. All trademarks are recognized as the property of their respective owners, whoever they may be. Discworld (R) is a registered trade mark of the Estate of Sir Terry Pratchett used under licence.
14.9 Thanks
Thanks for reading this issue of 'Discworld Monthly'. We hope you enjoyed it. If you have any comments, complaints or suggestions for the future of this newsletter please email the editor : info@discworldmonthly.co.uk
*Rachel here*
We may not be perfect designers, or award winning journalists but we do our best to keep you all entertained and informed about all things Terry. We do have some ethics though. We like our news to be current, up to date and factual with a solid source. We don't like posting rumours but occasionally the source it comes from is 98 percent solid so we will tell you it's a rumour and confirm it when we have a 100 percent confirmation. Our own articles are written by us for us only. You won't find articles from other publications here unless it's a formal press release about an adaptation, book release or event or something we actually wrote for someone else unless they begged us to publish it (OK not begged but some of our lovely friends do ask us occasionally to boost something)
Whilst you keep reading it, we'll keep on writing it because we love Terry's books just as much as you do.
GNU Terry Pratchett...